Understanding Surgery. Dr. Joel Psy.D. Berman. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Dr. Joel Psy.D. Berman
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Медицина
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780828322829
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      Understanding Surgery

      A Comprehensive Guide for Every Family


      Dr. Joel Berman, M.D., F.A.C.S

      Copyright 2011 Dr. Joel Berman,

      All rights reserved.

      Published in eBook format by Branden Books

      Converted by http://www.eBookIt.com

      ISBN-13: 978-0-8283-2282-9

      No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.

      Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

      Berman, Joel A.

      Understanding surgery: a comprehensive guide for every family / by Joel A. Berman.


      Includes bibliographical references and index.

      ISBN 0-8283-2061-6

      1. Surgery—Popular works.

      2. Surgery—History—Popular works.

      I. Title.

      RD31.3.B47 2001




      Division of Branden Publishing Co.

      PO Box 812094

      Wellesley MA 02482

      To My Wife Andrea


      To the Memory of My Father

      Leon G. Berman, M.D., F.A.C.S.

      A Skillful Surgeon, Compassionate Physician,

      Teacher, Writer, Scholar,


      Eternal Student

      Also By Joel Berman


      Circle in the Water

      The Girl with Emerald Eyes


      The Cloak of Hippocrates

      A Few Loose Screws


      Comprehensive Breast Care

      And Surviving Breast Cancer

      Slave Labor

      A Floating World


      I deeply appreciate the efforts of Adolfo Caso of Branden Books for his belief in my ability to write this book as well as my first book, Comprehensive Breast Care and Surviving Breast Cancer; in today's publishing world, “It Ain't Easy To Get A Book Into Print!”

      Although the writing of this book has been solely my effort, I have valued the comments and reviews of the following chapters by their respective specialists:

      “Orthopedics” by Dr. Kenneth Kengla,

      “Urology” by Dr. Melvin Novegrod,

      “Gynecology” by Dr. Charles Moniak,

      “Neurosurgery” by Dr. Abraham Rayhaun,

      “Thoracic Surgery” by Dr. Santosh Mohanty,

      “Cardiac Surgery” by Dr. Himmet Dajee,

      “Plastic Surgery” by Dr. Malcolm Paul,

      “Ophthalmic Surgery” by Dr. Mark Bronstein,

      “Ear, Nose and Throat Surgery” by Dr. Douglas Tran,

      “Pediatric Surgery” by Dr. Ali Kaviani.

      The illustrations have been masterfully done by Faith and Adrian Van DeRee, and I am indebted to them for their comments and reading of the manuscript. The cover design was done by Danny Berman.

      Wanda Atkinson and Lena Bodnar have extended themselves in the secretarial work needed for this project. I also would like to express my appreciation to Marissa Saplala for typing and proofing the manuscript, and Quan M. Nguyen for providing computer expertise.

      And finally, to my wife Andrea Berman, RN, OCN for her constant support and encouragement during the many months of writing this book, I am again eternally grateful.

      Joel A. Berman

      M.D., F.A.C.S.

      The purpose of human life is to serve and to show compassion and the will to help others.

      Albert Schweitzer

      PART I

      Chapter 1


      I sat one day in the library and looked at a surgical text,

      It weighed too much, had rarely been used,

      and left me quite perplexed.

      Now why in heaven would anyone want

      to wade through all those pages?

      It seemed so dull, though I must admit,

      it was written by dozens of sages.

      So I said to myself, I know what I'll do,

      I'll write a book just plain and simple

      Explaining to every man, woman and child

      the art of removing a pimple.

      Surely a book about cutting and sewing

      would be to the layman's liking,

      As long as the words were quite simple,

      and the subject and writing were striking.

      So here is the tome that I've written for you,

      it's been more than a minuscule chore.

      And if when you're through, you don't like it, don't tell me,

      or I will be hurt to the core.

      The major texts of surgery, written for students and physicians, are usually upwards of two thousand pages and filled with complex medical vocabulary, and this makes it all but impossible for the layman to understand the procedures and the bases for surgical practice. It is my intent to give a simplified but comprehensive presentation of surgery for the general populace.

      The objectives will be to offer information and guidance to patients and family about the most common surgical procedures, which physicians have often failed to make sufficiently clear to those whom they are treating.

      This is not a textbook for surgeons or students, but a guide for all individuals who want to understand the basics of surgery. While the focus will be primarily on what is called general surgery, I will also include sections on the most common sub-specialties, such as Vascular (dealing with blood vessels), Cardiac (heart surgery), Pediatrics, Orthopedics, Neurosurgery (Brain and spinal cord) and several others.

      I am not interested in giving you only a reference text, but in presenting you with a pleasant read about the past, present and future of surgery, hopefully in such a way that it is not just filed away on a shelf, only to be used when one has a surgical problem or question. A study of the human body,