WEAPONS OF MASS DISTRACTION, The Clockwise Cat, December 2007
WONDERS, Tiger’s Eye, Autumn 2007
I hope I’m not barking up the wrong tree,
but my family and my friends dogged me
to apply for a canine companion
with an eye to bridge the growing canyon
between me and things I’d do. So I asked
for a service dog. He’ll be multi-tasked;
he can bring me the phone, open a door,
pick up anything I drop on the floor,
tow my chair when we go out for a spin ––
these dogs enrich our lives. For this shut-in,
the pooch and I will make quite a team,
but what breed of dog will fulfill my dream?
A Lab? A retriever? A chow-chow? A
shot at the Iditarod with Team Chihuahua?
Four months late, and at the eleventh hour,
near the end of July, my new power
wheelchair finally arrived. In two days
I had to learn the chair’s intricate ways,
then try to steer this state-of-the-art rig
up the ramp into the van for our gig
at Medford*. Easier said than done,
and, later that week, in my one-on-one
with a live Lex, I still lacked full command
of the chair. His look said, “I understand,”
as I committed mistake on mistake ––
saying “Heel” for “Side” and then “Give” for “Shake.”
His next look said, “I’ll make you forget your troubles” ––
he nosed into the water bowl and blew some bubbles.
*Medford –– a Long Island, New York Canine Companions for
Independence training facility
I stand in front of the room. The hostile
crowd is arrayed like isle after small isle
of angry rock in a river –– blued bile
cataracts standing in my first wet mile
as a neophyte teacher. File on file
of flinty-faced sixth-graders, who revile
school, sit on my command. Inside I smile ––
I’ll survive the course down our ten-month Nile.
I sit in front of the room. The docile
creature stands before me. Almost servile
in his wish to please, Lex sits, stands, heels while
I give commands. That day, this versatile
dog, to this day, in his earned blue vest and collar,
listens as well as my best sixth-grade scholar.
Конец ознакомительного фрагмента.
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