While in high school and college, Mom and Dad supported my interests and activities rarely missing a musical performance, play, or basketball game. As my mind skipped from one memory to another, the hurt and rejection I’d felt from Mom and Dad so many years ago, melted away.
In those moments I accepted that they were human just like me and capable of making a much regretted choice. Accepting their humanity allowed me, also, to accept my own. In that moment, my memories filled me with warmth and seemed to magically erase the emptiness created at the time of my wedding. In place of the void I found a well of courage—something I needed to draw from frequently as our life together unfolded.
Reluctantly, I crawled out of my memory-cocoon to find reality waiting. In spite of trying not to… I remembered…
A decision must be made.
The mind is a busy thing! It thinks and processes information, all while recording ongoing events.
For a few minutes, take a look back into those mindful recordings and notice what you see as you skip from one picture to another. Some may be disconcerting, others hurtful, but I bet you will see some happy events unfold, too.
Do you remember watching a child discover something? Have you ever walked with a dog and observed its joy in every detail? What about sitting in your mom’s lap? Christmas morning chaos? Do you remember listening to someone read you a story? Going to camp? Learning a new skill? What about your first paycheck?
The point is that our minds are constantly recording. Select a couple of the happiest memories to think about when you find yourself engulfed by stress and difficult decision making. Going back to your chosen memory can take you on a brief vacation from the moment, bringing a smile to your heart. Take advantage of every break you can create, even if you only find it inside your own memory bank.
One other thing… Remember, even in the midst of all the current stress, you can record the good memories as you participate in them.
A good memory could be the very thing that sustains you.
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