Live Life Beyond the Laundry. Christy Boone's Tryhus. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Christy Boone's Tryhus
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Поиск работы, карьера
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781936688302
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far from the truth. Busy does not equal productive. It makes you feel like you are productive but, at the end of the day, what have you really accomplished?

      So what are we so busy doing?



      •Social media

      •Solving problems and issues at work and home

      •Going to meetings

      •Playing taxi driver to kids

      •Picking up after the family

      •Watching TV

      •Consuming time with mommy guilt

      •Thinking about all the things we should have gotten done

      •And the list goes on and on, tumbling in the dryer

      Many of the items listed above include technology. Wasn’t technology meant to make our lives more efficient and productive? In many aspects, it has. However, it has also become a huge time drain. Don’t get me wrong; social media and more online shopping can be fun and both serve a purpose. Who doesn’t love catching up with your friends, finding good shopping deals, all while snuggling up on your sofa under a warm, fuzzy blanket and enjoying a great cup of coffee? Sounds fantastic but, before you know it, two hours have passed and you are suddenly aware of how much you could and should have gotten done in those two hours. Thus begins the chaos.

      Let’s take a different perspective to deepen our understanding of the overall effect technology has placed on our daily lives. Many of us were not born in the 1950s, but did you know that, in the 1950s, futurists predicted that by the year 2000 most people would only work 20 to 30 hours per week? This prediction was based on the evolution of machines and technology and how they would aid us both at work and at home. The futurists predicted people would have so much leisure time they would not know how to keep themselves busy. Boy, they really blew that one, didn’t they?

      We all know this wealth of free time is far from the truth. Little did the futurists know that the advances in machines and technology would speed life up. We have seen our leisure time shrink and our work week increase to over 40 hours per week, just to keep up with our over-flowing inboxes and flood of electronic communication. Computers and high-speed printers can create 70 letters in just minutes, a task that used to take a secretary a couple of days to complete. Technology did not free us as once predicted; it forced us to work at its speed.

      It’s time to slow down to move faster. Think about it. This is something I frequently tell myself when I start feeling a bit stressed or chaotic. This small statement, slow down to move faster, works every time.

      Remember, no one else can do this for you. The choice is yours. No action, no reward. I have refined the strategies and tools over time to create the best tools for busy women. I am sharing the results of my success. The key is that you cannot just read about the tools; you must put them into action. Begin now so you can start to Live Life Beyond the Laundry today.

      Experience how great life can be through the eyes of Elizabeth Tisdale. Elizabeth recently made changes in her life and she would like to share a glimpse of her crazy, busy life with you. When I first met Elizabeth, she lived a very stressful, busy life consumed with guilt, worry and chaos. She was not really enjoying her kids, job or significant other. She wanted to make some changes and live life to the fullest. She realized she had hit a point of extreme chaos and was completely overwhelmed. She needed to make some changes, and so began Elizabeth’s journey of transformation. Let’s meet Elizabeth.


      Meet Elizabeth

      I would like to take a few minutes to introduce myself. My name is Bizzy. Actually, my name is Elizabeth, but my friends and family call me Bizzy because it is the one word that describes my life. At first, I was annoyed by this nickname; however, I have now come to realize it fits. So I have just accepted the fate and deal with it.

      To set the scene for my life, let’s fill in the details. I am married with three kids, one dog, one cat, and four goldfish. We live in a comfortable home, big enough for the five of us. We have a great yard, neighborhood and town. Sounds perfect. That is the postcard version we sell every year in our Christmas card.

      Let’s rephrase and do a reality check. To set the scene for my life, let’s fill in the (non-Christmas card) details. I am the mother of three kids, four if you count my husband, and I can’t seem to quite catch up with things in life. Oh, and my kids actually have a cat, a dog and four goldfish as well, and we all know what that means—more responsibility for mom, yay!

      We have a comfortable home scattered with toys and stacks of paper. I figure if the paper sits there long enough, it will become garbage. We have a great yard, the one chore my husband actually assumes responsibility for. We have great neighbors, not that I am actually sure because I don’t have any time to spend with them. My husband assures me they are awesome!

      I never intended to have my life become this busy; it just happened. One day I woke up wishing I had 35 hours each day instead of 24. If I had 35 hours each day I would have time for my kids, my husband and myself. See, I just need more time, and then everything would be perfect. However, I always have this nagging feeling that I am a little behind or forgetting something.

      The other feeling I have from time to time is mommy guilt. I always have good intentions to spend more time with my kids but laundry, cleaning the kitchen, work emails and errands take longer than I plan, thus cutting into my time with the kids. They seem to be getting used to it, but I know in my heart it is wrong. One time I tried to play Monopoly while checking my emails. I thought it was working fine; however, my kids did not agree. Oh, the memories I create!

      I attempt to balance work and family with a really long—and I mean really long to-do list. But I still have a nagging, stressful feeling running through me. It just does not go away. I am crazy busy.

      Whenever I check one item off the infamous to-do list, three more items magically appear. My ultimate goal is to conquer the day in an orderly fashion. This does not always happen; quite often the day results in some form of chaos or drama. I need to make some changes in my life before it runs me over completely.


      If you think this story sounds familiar, or if you gave a little giggle inside as you read about Bizzy, you might just see a little of Bizzy in yourself. What does Bizzy do each day? Well, let’s just take a look at her typical morning and you will get the point.


      A Typical Bizzy Day

      5:45: Ugh, the alarm is going off already. (I am so tired… what day is it, anyway? Is it Thursday? No, it’s Tuesday.)

      5:49: Roll out of bed and take the dog outside. (No matter how cold or rainy. Oh, yay, snow.)

      5:58: Feed and water the dog. (I need to get one of those auto dispensers. I have to put that on my to-do list.)

      6:05: Shower time. (Have to beat my teenager to the shower before she uses all the hot water. I need to buy one of those shower timers. That will teach her to take a 26-minute shower! Put that on my to-do list.)

      6:12: Felt good to take a shower. Coffee time… (I love my coffee.)

      6:45: Wake up the kids. Let the chaos begin! (Seriously, did I just think that about my kids?)

      6:50: Make the kids breakfast. (Wish I could just throw some dry cereal on the plate. That would be just as easy as feeding the dog. Maybe they make automatic cereal feeders for kids.)

      6:55: Round up backpacks, coats, shoes. (Why is this my job???)
