If I'd Only Known I'd Live This Long. David Boone's Beard. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: David Boone's Beard
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Сделай Сам
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456608538
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you’ll never regret being fit and healthy. If you do nothing, you might live to regret it.

      “If I’d known I was going to live this long, I’d have taken better care of myself. “

      Eubie Blake (on his 100th birthday)

      Say “yes” to growing old

      Look around and you’ll see that nearly every other book these days has an anti-aging message; as do new make-up products and even exercise programs. What’s wrong with aging? Instead of being anti aging, be pro-aging. Be positive about growing old. After all, what’s the point of being ‘anti’ something that is a certainty?

      Don’t interpret this pro-aging attitude to mean that we should all expect to end up in a nursing home and dependent on others. In fact, a nursing home is reality for only a small percentage of people. We shouldn’t expect our health to deteriorate, nor to suffer debilitating conditions. These are not certainties either. Actually, barring misfortune or bad luck, most of us can expect to grow old.

      There appear to be two groups of older people: those who embrace growing old as just another stage in their lives, and those who seem to fight it every step of the way, resenting the changes and restrictions that come with aging.

      Those who embrace aging as a natural part of life are more likely to see each day as another adventure or challenge. These people look back with thanks and look forward with anticipation as they focus on what they can do and make the most of the options they have.

      Their glass is half-full, not half-empty; and they make the most of what’s in the glass. Developing this habit of looking for the positive is just as important as other lifestyle habits, so start looking for the positive in everything, even getting older.

      Getting old is the only way to have a long life

      Go to any retirement community or senior’s club and you will hear at least one person complaining about getting old.

      Invariably, it will be the same person who doesn’t accept responsibility for their own life, but wants to blame everyone else for everything that has come to pass in their life so far.

      The reality is, we can either accept what comes with the territory of growing old or we can be miserable. If we want to live for a long time, we have to accept getting old as the consequence. If we want a long life, why be miserable the entire time?

      Whenever I hear someone moaning about getting old, I suggest they tell their complaints to the people who died young and didn’t get their chance to grow old.

      The alternative to growing old is dying young.

      Plan to live forever

      Although the search is on for the ‘Fountain of Youth’ and the secret to immortality, it’s unrealistic to expect to live forever.

      Just because you don’t actually expect to live forever doesn’t mean you can’t plan your life as if you were going to.

      Planning to live forever means you expect to be able to do the things you want to until the end of your days.

      If you believe you’ll continue to enjoy an active and involved life regardless of the number of years that have passed, it means you won’t slow down, or plan to, even as you get older.

      For too many people, slowing down as they get older becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

      Instead, expect to keep doing the things you enjoy forever. If you can’t, for whatever reason, wait until something happens to deal with it and then adapt your lifestyle to suit the circumstances. Don’t go looking for limitations that aren’t there.

      Don’t expect to slow down; plan to live forever.

      Set a goal for your 100th birthday

      Goal setting is central to success; it focuses your energy and guides your behaviour as you work to achieve each goal.

      Setting a goal way in the distant future may seem futile, but by just knowing that the goal is up ahead, you are more likely to keep moving torward it.

      For example, if you set a goal to walk five kilometres or ride a bike up a mountain when you are 100, you have created needed motivation to keep you going. Don’t forget to write it down and tell someone about it, so that you make yourself accountable to yourself and someone else, which will greatly assist in your achieving it.

      One of my own life goals is to complete an Olympic distance triathlon (1.5 km swim, 40 km bike, 10 km run) when I am 75. I don’t run much anymore but I fully intend to complete that triathlon even if I have to walk the run section.

      My 100 year goal is to swim 500 metres in the ocean and walk two kilometres on the beach.

      What’s yours?

      Stop acting your age

      Research has shown that people who think of themselves as young are more likely to do the things that young people do.

      But what about the flipside? Some people let their age stop them from doing all sorts of things. With a bit of effort and self-belief they could actually do what they once imagined to be quite impossible.

      I believe that if researchers actually examined the people who think of themselves as young they would find that they lead active lives and have maintained reasonable levels of fitness. They would find people who just get out there and do the things they want to do.

      Don’t let the number of years you’ve been around dictate what you do or don’t do.

      People who ‘think’ young are more likely to ‘behave’ young.

      Look forward to growing old

Look forward.png

      Think about the last time you planned a holiday.

      Half the fun of a holiday or special event is the planning and anticipation. The anticipation creates excitement, which in turn leads to being motivated to get things done.

      Looking forward to something is one of the key enjoyments in life and is a great way to lift your mood.

      Plan events or activities well into the future. That way you can enjoy the entire process of getting ready and the anticipation that comes with it.

      Even if your life isn’t as full as it once was, find something to look forward to. As well as future events, cherish what you already have and what you can do. Those people who can find pleasure in everyday activities have days full of joy and fun.

      If you know you are going on a trip that involves activity, you will be motivated to get in shape. Not long ago I agreed to join my son’s Scout group on a hike. Just knowing that I had to walk 76 kilometres with a full pack made me look for ways to get ready. I increased my walking and scheduled some long walks with my pack loaded up.

      When you’ve got a reason, you’ll find a way.