The royal daughters [Aleaha included] were subjected to endless stories about how Nesslun protected the Emperor and the men with him on that long walk out of the mine. How Nesslun would confront one of the snarling monsters, tap it a few times, and the monster would fall down. Then Nesslun would run through the group to confront one on the other side and in spite of all the constant fighting, he still kept the little group moving toward the surface.
It was no surprise when the Emperor said he was going to give an Emperor’s Commendation to Nesslun. No one had been given an Emperor’s Commendation since the Barony wars. Aleaha agreed it was an appropriate reward. After the presentation ceremony there would be parties, festivals, picnics, and socials of all kinds. There would be many chances for royals and nobles to meet this man, to thank him, and in the case of the younger females, a chance to get Nesslun between their legs. All the young female Royals and most of the young female Royals by marriage or position, expected to have a sexual encounter with him, Princess Lindwella especially. Lindwella was actually on Lindle 4 with the Emperor and expected to thank Nesslun sexually within minutes of him leaving the mine.
When it was learned that Nesslun was to immediately board a luxury star transport to take him back to the planet of Market, everyone was shocked. Then everyone was told that they were not to book passage on that star transport. Nesslun was to be left alone.
The Emperor had forgotten that Aleaha already had a cabin on that luxury star transport. Her diplomatic mission to the planet Kaska had been planned and the reservations on the same luxury star transport made while the Lindle 4 expedition was still being considered. Aleaha loved the green eyed stares when everyone (but the Emperor) found out she would have Nesslun all to herself. Aleaha had to call in a good many favors, but she arranged to have Mr. Nesslun's troupe of highly skilled courtesan's miss their connection. They would not get to the star transport in time for departure. She made certain the star transport would leave on time.
Aleaha didn't feel bad about this. After she had...made his day...she would have half her maids move into Nesslun’s cabin. He would be happy. Aleaha's maids were acknowledged to be among the most beautiful women in the Empire. What they might be lacking in sexual skills they would more than make up for with their beauty and charm.
Most of the Royals preferred maids who were slightly less attractive than they were. To be the bright star surrounded by slightly lesser magnitude stars. Aleaha on the other hand would always pick the most beautiful women for her maids. She did not mind being a bright star surrounded by stars as bright or brighter. She was the star that was circled. Aleaha was the eldest daughter of the Emperor. If you want to spend time with one of Aleaha's stars you should expect to be given a hands on royal physical.
Aleaha loved men. She loved how they look. She loved how they feel. She loved how they smell. She loved to play with men. Aleaha especially loved to watch that spark that shoots through a man’s eyes as he ejaculates. Orgasms of her own, there were drugs for that.
Aleaha knew Nesslun was alone in his cabin. Aleaha knew she was looking her best. All of the royal women were large breasted. Men love large breasted women, especially when they are slender and fit. Physical training was a large part of each of her days. Aleaha's hair was full and sleek and she was horny. Aleaha had been celibate for almost two days.
Aleaha knew Nesslun had seen her on the balcony at the Royal Court, but had he noticed her face? Would Nesslun recognize her as a Royal? Aleaha loved unknowns, going into situations which were not totally under her control, but not totally out of her control either. Aleaha put on an appropriate smile and knocked on his door.
Nesslun opened the door and said hello. His face opened into the smile a man almost automatically gives a woman he finds attractive. Aleaha could tell he didn't recognize her as a Royal. This was going to be fun.
“Mr. Nesslun, I am a fellow passenger on this star transport and I want to thank you for saving the Emperor's life. If there is anything I can do to make your trip more pleasant, anything at all, I hope you won't hesitate to ask.”
“That is very kind of you. I'm new to the Empire and I… You were at the Royal Court the day I received my Commendation.”
“Mr. Nesslun, you weren't supposed to look.”
“But you are so beautiful I couldn't take my eyes off you. I meant no offense. Could you have a drink with me in the lounge? To spend some time with a beautiful woman would be good for my soul.”
“I'd be happy to. I'll just go back to my cabin to change. I'll meet you in the lounge in a few minutes.” Nesslun grabbed Aleaha's hand.
“Couldn't you just go now? You look absolutely fabulous and I…please,” He said as he continued holding her hand.
“Mr. Nesslun, the lounge is designed to have people sit while they have their drinks. The coat I am wearing makes it very difficult to sit and as I am wearing absolutely nothing on underneath, I can't take my coat off in public.”
Nesslun said nothing, but he gave her a questioning stare.
“I knew that you were looking at me on the balcony, but I didn't know if you had noticed my face. If you didn't recognize me from the neck up, I thought I would drop my coat and see if you recognized me from the neck down.”
Aleaha could feel the excitement rising in him. Nesslun spoke his words very carefully.
“Would you come into my cabin for a drink?” he said.
Aleaha smiled the smile of a woman who in spite of herself was mirroring the man's excitement.
“I would be delighted” she replied.
Aleaha hoped he would not rip the coat off her. The destruction of the coat did not matter. Such things are easily replaced. It was just that she enjoyed stripping for a man, especially the first time. Besides, a girl could get hurt.
“Mr. Nesslun, you have a wild look in your eyes that I find...”
“Frightening,” He said with a devilish smile.
“No, exciting, and if we were both naked I think this could be a lot of fun. However, if I am standing here naked and we begin while you are completely or partly dressed, I could get hurt. Will you give me your word that you will not start anything until I have removed all of your clothing?”
His face broke into a bigger smile than she thought it was capable of. “You have my word,” Nesslun said.
Aleaha undressed him slowly. Never would she let her face show it, but she was disappointed. Nesslun hadn't appeared unusually muscular. Aleaha had attributed that to poor clothing choices. How could this man who killed ghouls with a few blows not have a massively muscled upper body? He had the upper body of a professional dancer. His legs were muscular. Not the way a dancer's legs are muscular, but the way a runner's legs are muscular, a runner who neglected his upper body. Nesslun’s fully erect penis was the bright spot. It was a bit longer than most and definitely thicker than most. It would fit perfectly.
After Aleaha had finished undressing Nesslun, she told him to lie back and let her do everything. His face was not classically handsome. He had a face that inspired trust, not lust. Aleaha let her fingers explore Nesslun's naked body. She had barely begun when he flipped her over and was on top. This was not pleasant. He had Aleaha's body bent at an odd angle and one arm twisted behind her. “Please Mr. Nesslun ...”
“Call me Bob.”
“Please Bob...”
“I don't know your name.”
“Call me Aleaha,” Without thinking she almost said Princess Aleaha, but she didn't want him to know. Not yet. “Please Bob, let me finish what I was doing, I know you will enjoy it.”