Together In Paradise. Travis Jr. Slone. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Travis Jr. Slone
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Контркультура
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456607944
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you kidding me?” he asked. “Of all the days, why today?”

      “I need to make sure everything is ok,” replied Sarah as she got up and started dressing in the dark. “I won’t be able to relax until I know everything is under control. Trust me, I’ll make it back before you leave.”

      “Fine, but hurry,” replied Thomas. Maybe you should try calling your office with my phone before you go. It’s on the charger in the kitchen.”

      Sarah moved quickly to the kitchen, and looked at her husband’s phone. Two missed calls, the screen read. Both unknown. She tried dialing the office, but got no answer. Something was going on, and she needed to find out before they left for their long awaited vacation.

      After grabbing the car keys and a breakfast bar, she poked her head into the bedroom, where little Janie had already gone back to sleep.

      “I tried your phone, but got no answer,” she whispered to Thomas. “I’ll be back in a few hours. Just have everything ready, and we’ll leave as soon as I return. I just want to make sure everything is ok.”

      “If you must,” Thomas replied, “but please be careful. I’ll call the police, and have them meet you there, just in case.”

      “Thank you sweetheart,” she replied. “That’s probably a good idea. See you soon.”

      And just like that, Sarah headed out into the misty English morning. Little did she know, that one decision would change her family’s life... forever.

      CHAPTER 4

      As Sarah ran to the garage outside, she saw lightning flash in the distance. A few seconds later, thunder slowly grumbled, and rain began to pour from the early morning sky. The sun had not yet risen, but the endless storm clouds overhead were clearly visible. It was 4:15 AM.

      She entered the outlying building, and started up her black BMW M6 with the push of a button. The garage door opened, and Sarah pulled out onto the eight kilometer drive way.

      Heavy rain pounded her windshield as she made the winding journey to the front gate. Upon approaching the guarded entry, she noticed a strange hooded person standing outside near the main road. After waiting anxiously for the gate to open, she pulled through slowly, and stopped to inquire of the young guard.

      “Who is that person near the road, and how long have they been standing in the rain?” she asked.

      “He arrived about an hour ago Ma’am. It’s just some homeless person looking for food and a place to stay. An older man in a pick-up truck dropped him off here before the storm began. He doesn’t speak English very well, so he’s probably not a local.”

      Sarah looked closely through the dark rainy night, and watched for a moment as the hunched over homeless man stood near the road just a few meters ahead. She considered letting him in, but decided against it. Time constraints, and a certain distrust of the mysterious stranger, caused her to justify the cautious inaction in her own mind.

      “Just make sure he doesn’t get inside,” she said to the guard. “My little girl’s in there, and he’s probably a criminal or a drunk. Is that understood?”

      “Yes Ma’am,” replied the guard. “I fully understand. Drive safe out there. The weather is supposed to be nasty all day.”

      “Thank you Sir,” Sarah replied. “I’ll be back in a few hours.”

      She pulled up to the main road, and stared once more at the stranger standing in the rain. He appeared to be watching for vehicles, probably searching for another ride to take him into the nearest town. He’ll find another way, Sarah thought to herself. Someone else will help him.

      As she pulled out onto the main road, and began to speed away, the homeless man stood straight up for the first time since arriving. He stretched his arms to the sky, apparently sore from the hunched way of walking. He watched as the black car disappeared into the hills, and kept his face hidden beneath the hooded sweater.

      Within seconds of Sarah’s departure, the old man in the pick-up truck returned, and stopped in front of the large gate. As the guard observed, the mysterious beggar exchanged words with the man in the truck. The conversation was brief, and too quiet for the guard to hear, though he did notice a peculiar glow to the driver’s mythical green eyes.

      A moment later, they appeared to shake hands, and the truck drove away, leaving the beggar behind. The soaking wet homeless man looked back at the gate, resumed his hunched back position, and then started to move on down the road. He walked toward the hills, just south of the estate.

      Strange, thought the guard. He jotted down a note to report the incident when Sarah returned. Until then, it was nothing worth worrying about. I need some sleep.

      CHAPTER 5

      Sarah pulled into her private underground parking space at the London office complex. Two police officers were patiently awaiting her arrival, and greeted her by name as soon as she exited the luxurious sports car.

      “Good morning Ma’am,” said the young female officer. “Your husband gave our station a call a few hours ago, and we’ve already been up to check things out. Everything is secure, and nothing looks out of place. The entire building was deserted when we arrived, and the security cameras show no signs of an intruder. We’d be happy to escort you to your office, but I assure you there is nothing to worry about. Perhaps there’s been some kind of mistake.”

      “Thank you both for your time and service,” Sarah replied, “but someone called from my office this morning, and I want to know who and why.”

      “We can look into it,” replied the other officer, a grey-haired male in his upper thirties. “But we won’t have a definitive answer any time soon, if ever. There’s a guard at the front doors, which was the only accessible entrance at the time you received the call. He swears nobody checked in, and like we said before, the cameras show nothing either. There must be some kind of mistake.”

      “OK, I get it,” she replied. “You think I’m crazy.”

      “No, no,” the officer assured her. “That’s not it at all.”

      Sarah reached into her leather purse and pulled out her cellular phone, which had been charging in the car during the entire drive in.

      “Look here,” she said as she pressed a button and brought up the call log. “Someone called me twice, once at …”

      She stopped mid-sentence, unable to understand what she saw. The log was empty, and not a single call had been recorded since the following evening.

      “That’s impossible,” Sarah explained to the confused police officers. “I swear someone called me this morning. Once from an unknown number, and once from inside my office. Something must have happened when the battery died, but you have to believe me.”

      “We do believe you Ma’am,” said the female officer. “But there’s nothing we can do at this time. We have no evidence at all to go on. Perhaps you should just go back home and enjoy your vacation. We’ll take care of everything here, and contact you if anything comes up.”

      “I guess that makes sense,” Sarah replied, unable to think of a better option herself. “I’ll just run up and check things out before I go back. You guys are free to go. I’m sure the office is crawling with people by now. Thanks for your help.”

      “No problem Ma’am,” replied the male officer. “Don’t hesitate to call if this happens again.”

      Sarah and the police officers parted ways in the underground garage, and she made her way inside. After riding the elevator up to the thirty third floor, she saw for herself that everything appeared to be in order. Perhaps the police are right, and this is all some kind of mistake, she thought.

      Her office was locked, just as she had left it. The papers on her desk were still neatly arranged, and the drawers