Peace Be Still.. David Jr. McDermott. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: David Jr. McDermott
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Религия: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456607616
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Holy Spirit can transform our selfish nature to be a partaker of the divine nature, bearing the fruit of the Holy Spirit in our temporal life. Through the fruit of the Holy Spirit God’s love can make us compassionate. But without that transforming power our own efforts are a futile presumption. Our soul can be windows to the three properties that he revealed to Mother Julian of Norwich, his light, love and life.

      I hope you will also find strength from reading the prayers that will give you direction on your path towards God. They could be used as a compliment to Bible study or before contemplative and petitioning prayer. The prayers are for anybody who wishes to deepen their spiritual life. They can be read in any order, perhaps for some area of individual need or urgent event.

      Through the reading of the prayers I hope that you will find the tranquillity and peace that can be given by God regardless of our temporal trials and tribulations. May they give you enlightenment in any darkness you are experiencing, giving you instead joy and comfort in your seeking a nearness to God.

      God speaks to us with the still small voice within us. May you hear that voice through the Holy Spirit, through contemplation and a reading of the Psalms.

      The Lord gives us the inborn desire to know him more perfectly, but we have to go to him, to seek him. God reveals himself to responsive hearts. Through the Holy Spirit he can awaken emotions of joy, hope, peace and confirmation of his love. We in turn can offer our praise and devotion to God, using our gifts in the building of his kingdom on earth.

      As God revealed to Mother Julian of Norwich that His love is within us He will never fail us. Julian wrote that we may be tempest tossed and turned, but we will never be overcome. Through your steadfast faith and union with God’s will may you become a branch in God’s vineyard.


      As I found my inspiration for “Peace be still” after a visit to Penmon Priory I thought I would include some of my experiences of the visit. It is situated in quite a remote and beautiful part of Anglesey. I hope that all who read “Peace be still” will be inspired to visit it, to experience its peace, beauty and take the “healing waters.”

      Penmon Priory was founded in the 6th Century by St. Seiriol. When I visited Penmon Priory I was pleased to see that the 12th Century church is still active and open daily to the public. When I entered the church I was struck by its peace and beauty. There is a room that houses some ancient Celtic crosses and a room where you can leave prayer requests and light candles. The stained glass windows are glorious; I thought they were the most striking feature of the church.

      The Holy Well named after St. Seiriol is situated not far from the grave yard, it is quite small but accessible with some seating and is enclosed. There is also the dovecote, still accessible and I found the inside fascinating. The ruins of the monastery are there with detailed information giving an illustrated insight into the monastic life. I came away from Penmon Priory feeling uplifted and inspired.

      After your visit if you have time go up the toll road toward the Point of Puffin Island where you will be close to a lighthouse. The views are magnificent.




      Hallowed Holy Spirit, you are the living third person of the Trinity, the telling companion of the vine of the love of God, indwelling in his Zion city my soul. You were promised and imparted by our Lord Jesus Christ to be a comforter to his disciples and followers.

      You have poured forth the first opening of God’s light through my faith and pierced my heart with the wound of longing for him, a wound that will not be fully healed by my spiritual life on earth.

      In the immense emptiness and blackness of my soul’s own striving and failing to overcome iniquity, you offer me hope. My hope lies in trusting you as a child for your transforming power. You can transform my darkness where there may not even be a shadow of Christ to reflect upon. If I was to look in a mirror it would be empty of the reflection of his glorious light.

      May I become a branch to that vine of light. May the eye of my soul be so turned to his will through your transforming power and guidance that the light of my body will be a window of his light. May my soul never dry up but quench the thirst of other souls that do not know of his love. Cut down the destructive poison ivy of self will and incarnate that love in the union of my will with his.

      As I surrender my will all the conflicts of my own will shall disappear and I shall have comfort in my trials and tribulations. In your transformation enlighten my mind and inflame my will. Holy Spirit, in your gift allow Christ to live his life through me as I am nourished by the vine in prayer, steadfast faith, mercy and grace.

      May I grow each day from a reflection of the defilement of the body to a reflection of the trusting child of the soul. Just as a light dispels the darkness in a room, so your gift of transformation can gradually dispel the darkness in my soul and a reflection of Christ can grow. You are the unseen power, but you can be seen in the faithful reflection of that light.

      Companion Holy Spirit; bear your fruit in me. Give me your love not hatred, give me your bliss not sadness, give me your peace not anger, give me your long suffering not impatience, give me your gentleness not harshness, give me your faith not fear, give me your goodness not evil, give me your humility not pride, give me your balance not confusion.

      In my spiritual life as I am the Lord’s servant may he walk beside me being a light to my footsteps, and may my knowledge of him grow. If I am blessed with the fruit of the Holy Spirit may I use it in the building of his kingdom on earth, finding my true rest and happiness. To serve him until I join him in heaven and see his smile filling all the heavens as he is the host of the heavenly banquet of love with all the companions through our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.


      Omnipotent, gracious Lord, you enfold me body and soul with all the blessings and fruit of your Holy Spirit through the imparting of your compassionate, infinite love. You revealed that love to us through our Saviour, Lord Jesus Christ.

      In the gift of the grace of the Holy Spirit in the present moment I can touch you through my soul in your eternity, through the union of our wills.

      My faith is your first chink of light that the soul and body has accepted from the Holy Spirit.

      May I not turn from your light in the weakness, emptiness and darkness of myself, but go to you as you desire, in the condition of a trusting child. May I continually discern that I cannot transform my selfish nature on my own, bringing the union of my body with my soul. In the condition of a child, in steadfast faith, it is the gift of the Holy Spirit that can transform me, flooding my soul with your light, love and life.

      May I listen for your first voice of silence in my soul through silent prayer, resting only in your goodness.

      If I, who am undeserving, receive this gift, may I give that light to all in my service to your glory. Amen.


      Holy Spirit, third person of the blessed Trinity, you are indwelling in the soul of humankind. Pour forth your created fruit of love in our hearts. This is the whole fruit to enfold us that we may be an outpouring of your love to all. In our own strength we cannot yield it in our hearts, it is your miraculous gift to abide in our hearts.

      Subdue our selfish nature that sin may no longer continue to control us, empowering us to allow our Lord Jesus Christ to live his love and light through the window of our soul.

      Immeasurable spirit in your earthly undertaking for God you are personified