A Place to Heal. CA J.D. Bodiford. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: CA J.D. Bodiford
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Эротическая литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456607326
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him again.

      “First virgin, huh?” she asked.

      Blake laughed softly.

      “Yeah,” he said, pushing her hair back from her forehead, wet from his sweat. “Everything okay?”

      She hugged him tightly, nearly making him come when her inner muscles clenched him as well.

      “Everything’s just peachy,” she said breathlessly. She ran her hands down over his firm buttocks and squeezed. “Now how about you teach me what you promised?”

      Blake needed no further encouragement, beginning to move cautiously. Each stroke pushed him closer to the edge and he was taking Emma with him. When he was sure she could take all of him without pain, he began to move faster, holding her close. Emma was clinging to him, running her hands over his back, caressing the deep furrow and meeting his every thrust. She was almost there and Blake was coming apart with the effort of trying to wait for her. Suddenly, she was hurtled over the precipice, her swollen flesh gripping him like a velvet fist as she cried his name. He plunged deep one last time and followed her, hard tremors shaking his powerful body as he emptied himself. When he felt the wave finally beginning to recede he was lightheaded, drained from head to toe, unfamiliar with this feeling of completion that he had found within Emma. He tried to roll to the side, taking his heavy weight from her but she held him tightly, pulling him back down and gently wiping the sweat from his forehead. Her hands roamed over his back, lightly running her nails lazily over him. He closed his eyes, collapsing onto her and fell fast asleep.

      CHAPTER 6

      Emma was flushed from excitement and maybe just a little from the champagne that was flowing so freely. Jessica had insisted on making the release of the issue of American Design the social event of the season and the grand house was filled to overflowing with the cream of Houston society. She was walking around like a proud parent, gladly telling anyone and everyone who would listen how lucky she had been to find Emma. In true Texas fashion, the liquor was plentiful and the barbeque was the food of champions cooked by the best that could be found. It was all a dream come true for Emma. If only Blake could have been standing by her side. She had called him as soon as Jessica had told her about her plans but once again, he was out of the country. Her disappointment had hit hard and she had taken it out on him, making several sarcastic comments about how convenient it was for him that a business matter had come up when he had made no effort to hide his distaste for social gatherings. The catty remarks were met with total silence and she was immediately sorry, ashamed for acting like a petulant, spoiled child. He accepted her tearful apology but had quickly ended the conversation. Emma spent the rest of the day crying, afraid she had driven a wedge between them. While it was true that their relationship had changed dramatically when they became intimate, no solid commitment had been made by either of them. Yes, he had whispered words of love to her during the long hours of the night, but he had not actually told her that he loved her. Her fears were laid to rest the next day when she opened the door to her office and found it filled with the rich scent of roses from the huge bouquet on her desk. Her purse fell to the floor in her haste to reach the card, crying even more in relief when she read the simple message. “I’m sorry” was all it said but that was all she needed to once again feel secure, sure that it was only a matter of time before he would tell her he loved her.

      Several hours later Emma kicked her shoes off with a huge sigh of relief and fell back onto the sofa where Jessica was sprawled in triumphant exhaustion. All but three of Jessica’s closest friends and Alicia had finally left. When the door to the study opened, the women looked up, afraid someone had been overlooked when they said their goodbyes but instead it was Scott bringing in a tray loaded with shot glasses and an unopened bottle of Southern Comfort. Jessica smiled broadly as she took it from him and before he could reach the door again; she had the bottle open and was pouring a round. Taking a glass in her delicate hand, she held the rich amber liquid up.

      “Ladies, a toast to the most successful damn barbeque Houston has ever seen,” she said proudly. Calls of agreement echoed around as they lifted their glasses and tossed back the shots quickly, none of them coughing or choking from the burn as it hit the back of their throats. None except Emma. Jessica slapped her on the back several times, laughing, until Emma was able to hold up her hand and wheeze that she was all right.

      Jessica was still laughing as she poured them all another round then she turned to Emma.

      “And now, a toast to the newest shining star of the design world. May all your dreams come true and everything you touch turn to money!” She looked around at her friends and grinned. “’cause God knows that’s what makes it all worth it!”

      She was answered with shouts of “Amen, sister!” as they drank again. Emma eyed her full glass with some trepidation but taking a deep breath, she bravely drank it down. She managed to move out of Jessica’s reach this time and recovered without anyone’s assistance but she begged out of the next round, still wiping the tears from her watering eyes and watching in amazement as these sophisticated women who were the pillars of society polished the entire bottle off.

      Jessica rose slowly to her feet when the last glass was emptied.

      “Ladies, Emma and I thank you for your support and now I bid you all goodnight. You all know the way to the door and the gentlemen will be more than happy to assist you in getting home. I trust none of you are driving. We shall be gone soon enough without any help from our own stupidity.” She turned elegantly, pausing to pick up her discarded high heels and walked very carefully out the door.

      The women stood, still laughing and reliving the finer moments of the party and sharing tidbits of gossip like a bunch of schoolgirls leaving the prom. Emma followed, envious of their ability to walk straight and still act as if they had all been drinking the blandest tea. After only two shots, she was as wobbly as a first timer. Her head cleared somewhat as they stood on the wide porch waiting for the cars to be brought round. Emma laughed as she watched them climb into their vehicles, waving and calling out their delight to each other when they realized Jessica had provided them all with a driver. Another man followed the last car, his assignment to pick them up at their various destinations and bring them back. Left alone, Emma hesitated. Jessica must have assumed she would be spending the night. She actually felt good enough to drive now that she had gotten some fresh air. The staff had not yet finished clearing the last of the food so she decided to go back in and fix herself a small sandwich before she left, sure that would be enough to make it safe for her to drive. She had just reached the door when she heard the sound of a car pulling up. Turning around to see who had left something, she gave a squeal of pure joy and rushed down the steps. It was Blake getting out of the car. He barely had time to look up before she threw her arms around his neck, hugging him tightly.

      “Oh Blake, you made it!” she cried happily. “I was just about to leave. I can’t believe you’re here! When did you get back?” Before he could answer, she pulled his head down and kissed him.

      Blake responded immediately, pulling her close and wrapping his arms around her. Her gown was cut very low in the back and the feel of her silky skin against his hands brought his body to full attention. He slid one hand up to cup the back of her head and the other down to grasp her behind, kneading the firm flesh, completely forgetting where they were at when he discovered she didn’t have on any panties. Both were breathing heavily when they ended the kiss and Emma leaned her forehead against his chest trying to compose herself.

      He tilted her chin up and smiled. “Young lady, you’ve been drinking.”

      She blushed deeply. “How do you know, smarty?”

      He ran his tongue across her lips, tasting her. Her knees weakened, making her grasp his strong arms for support. She watched as he licked his own lips slowly, feeling the heat beginning to rise inside her again.

      “I’d know the taste of Southern Comfort anywhere,” he answered in a husky voice. “Let me guess. Jessica was celebrating the success of yet another fabulous party?”

      Her eyes were sparkling as she giggled. “Oh Blake, you should’ve seen her! It was wonderful!” she said in a rush of words.