MADE: Sex, Drugs and Murder, The Recipe for Success. ANT J.D. BANK$. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: ANT J.D. BANK$
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Эротическая литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780615591254
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it was time to add the shrimp. The aroma of the food filled the air as it slowly simmered in the pan as the veggies sauté, the shrimp cooked to a bright red. AC turned the eye down to a simmer and spoke out loud. OK now it's time to hit this spliff, get my mind right for tomorrow. He lit the joint, leaned against the counter and looks down at the duffle bag. Hmm, let's see what's in this damn bag. He slides it from under the table, unzips it, then yells out. Holy Shit! You got to be fucking kidding me! Where in the hell did all this money come from? It has to be at least 2 million dollars in here, man it turned out to be a damn good day! He takes another pull off the joint then paced back and forth in the kitchen for the next few minutes. Fuck I'm hungry! He says out loud. Coop fixed himself a plate of rice covered with the shrimp and veggies then opened a cold beer. Damn this is too good, a nice dinner, cold beer, some Mary Jane and a bag of money. It's going to be sweet dreams tonight! Hell yeah, a nigga rich now baby! He finished eating, rolled another joint and headed to bed.

      Meanwhile upstairs on the 45th floor, the girls are talking things through. Hey Ashley what's wrong girl? You look pissed as hell! Jewel this nigga AC is so damn nasty! What do you mean girl, Nasty? I was giving his ass head and he fucking pissed in my mouth! Wow! Are you serious; that's so gross, I wouldn't tell anybody else that shit bitch. Ha-ha. Did you swallow? Fuck you Jewel! I'm just saying, girlfriend that's something you might not want to repeat, A dude pissing in your mouth. Well, did you get the bag at least? Hell no, I was too busy getting my butt out of there after that damn episode. Ashley, you have to get that money bitch! Yeah I know. So what's the next move then? We will get it tomorrow morning, but you coming with me this time. That's cool, just don't try and include me in you guy’s kinky sex circle. Girl shut up! Do you think he knows about us though? No, not yet anyway, besides what's he going to do, tell the police. Yeah you have a point there; we rob banks, but these fools be straight 187 niggas. Hell, the worst thing that can happen is he will want to keep it, but we have some cold shit on him and his crew, so there's plenty room to negotiate. Damn girl, you got it all figured out don't you? Yep, Bitch you know how we pretty gangsters do it. All day baby, we in it to win it! Where's Lisa's ass at? Oh, she went to bed about an hour ago, drunk as hell. She killed a whole bottle of Jose' when we got back here, poor baby was scared as hell.

      Yeah that was some cold ass shit that went down. What did they do with the body? I have no idea, I just know AC's place was clean when I got there and the duffle bag was still under the kitchen table. What about Megan? She's friends with Manny, I'm sure he took care of that situation. OK that's a relief, that bitch seemed like a square, a fucking L7. I didn't think so, she seemed cool to me. Well anyway, I'm headed to bed girl; I will talk with you tomorrow. OK that's what's up. Good night Ashley. Good Night Jewel. Oh J, don't forget we have to case a bank in Bakersfield tomorrow, our ride will be here at noon. OK Ashe; got you, Good night girl.

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