Life's Interruptions. Dr. Ronald J.D. Thomas. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Dr. Ronald J.D. Thomas
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Религия: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456607180
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me when I was in distress; have mercy upon me, and hear my prayer. KJV

      God has heard the cry of the single mother who is struggling and is in desperate need of a financial blessing. He hears the cry of the prison inmate just found guilty of being a habitual criminal who will be serving 25 years to life. God hears the young person who was engaging in consensual sex acts and has now been convicted of rape.

      God hears the young lady convicted of a DUI with vehicular homicide, as well as the voice of the young man on trial for unlawful discharge of a firearm resulting in the death of a minor. God hears the middle-aged man indicted for corporate fraud, as well as the young lady’s cry for her father who’s been found guilty of the illegal sale of a controlled substance.

      God hears the cry of the sixteen-year-old father who’s in a gang and is struggling to become a man. He hears the cry of the young lady who’s just given herself to her boyfriend for the first time only to find out he’s had sex with men. He hears the cry of the middle-aged woman who’s alone after raising her children and now feels that life has passed her by. God also understands our feelings of despair and regret for not serving Him sooner and God sees the tears of the people who are wishing they would have made betters choices concerning their career, usage of drugs, and even spouses.

      As you read this, you may have a cry on the inside wishing you would have talked more to your children about life, sex, family, education or just talked in general to have a better relationship. God knows how you feel about the men in your life or your choice of a wife. He knows the disappointments you feel about the time, money and the energy that you have invested in the people in your life only to be left alone and have nothing to show for your labors.

      Ps 34:15

      5 The eyes of the LORD are on the righteous

      and his ears are attentive to their cry; NIV

      God hears the cry of the college student who happens to be thousands of miles away from home for the first time in his/her life and is now being tempted to compromise their principles just to fit in with the crowd, “Should I pledge and become a member of the fraternity or should I be ‘saved?’ ” The cry of these young people in college is “God do I try to fit in or do I try to stand out?” God hears the cry of the church-going couple who are finding out that encouraging their teenage daughter to have an abortion was not the answer for their daughter’s ‘unwanted’ pregnancy.

      Ps 34:19

      19 Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivereth him out of them all. KJV

      Can you hear the cry of the young man that wants to believe in God? The last person that told him about God took advantage of him. There is the cry of the businessman whose influence, popularity, nor money could keep his baby alive.Can you hear the cry of the children that are being violated in detention centers around the country and are about to become awarded to the state because both of their parents are drug addicts?

      Can your ears hear the cry of the young boy who has never met his father and will never have a chance to meet him because his mother was such a “free spirit” she doesn’t have any idea who the father could possibly be? Maybe you can hear the girl praying for her mother to come home and she doesn’t realize that this will never happen because mommy was one of the women in the homeless shelter that contracted hepatitis and died just days ago and is now a Jane Doe at the County Morgue.

      The thing that is even more troubling is Christian parents are not even sensitive to their own children’s and family’s needs. Their faith has been relegated to an emotional hype about a blessing to the point that we over look the suffering of our family, believing that all our problems will be solved if we had more money.

      Let’s cry out to God knowing that if our brother and sister, mothers and fathers can’t hear us nor understand us, we are sure that God can hear us. He understands us and He will save us.

      Ps 34:6

      6 I cried out to the LORD in my suffering, and he heard me.

      He set me free from all my fears. NLT

      God’s message to Moses when He manifested His presence to him was, “I have heard their cry and am coming down to deliver my people from the hands of their oppressors.” Someone has cried out to God until it produced this book and not only this book but your reading of the book, as well as the acceptance of your call to ministry. The unique ministry you have to bring deliverance to those in bondage has nothing to do with who you think you are and everything to do with who God has declared you to be before the foundation of the world. So thank God for the manifestation of His presence in your life that has seemingly interrupted some of your plans.

      God has taken you through or shall I say He has allowed you to go through HELL to refine you. God has allowed various situations to come into your life to remove all pride as well as any insecurity out of your life that would stop you from being available. People that are hurting and struggling need to know that God has brought someone like them out of the same afflictions that they are currently facing in their lives. Please remember and never forget that if you have ministry you are in service for God because some lost and troubled soul has been crying out to Him!

      We are blessed as last day ministers to have the scriptures as a guide to help us. The Bible was written for our instruction for the purpose of having fellowship with God and to give us direction concerning what we need to do as a people to get the God of Heaven to send deliverance to His people.

      2 Tim 1:8-10

      8 So do not be ashamed to testify about our Lord, or ashamed of me his prisoner. But join with me in suffering for the gospel, by the power of God, 9 who has saved us and called us to a holy life-not because of anything we have done but because of his own purpose and grace. This grace was given us in Christ Jesus before the beginning of time, NIV

      Judg 3:9

      9 And when the children of Israel cried unto the LORD, the LORD raised up a deliverer to the children of Israel, who delivered them, even Othniel the son of Kenaz, Caleb's younger brother. KJV

      Judg 3:15

      15 But when the children of Israel cried unto the LORD, the LORD raised them up a deliverer, Ehud the son of Gera, a Benjamite, a man lefthanded: and by him the children of Israel sent a present unto Eglon the king of Moab. KJV

      Your prophetic, pastoral, evangelistic, teaching or apostolic prayer ministry only exists because God says it’s time to send someone who represents His Kingdom to a people in bondage. The Kingdom Ministry of Jesus Christ is a result of prayer and for that reason you should never become rebellious or competitive in the house of the Lord. God is sovereign and no one can force himself or herself into ministry nor can anyone stop someone who has truly been empowered by the Spirit of Christ to serve.

      Ex 3:9-10

      9 Now therefore, behold, the cry of the children of Israel is come unto me: and I have also seen the oppression wherewith the Egyptians oppress them.

      10 Come now therefore, and I will send thee unto Pharaoh, that thou mayest bring forth my people the children of Israel out of Egypt. KJV

      Your assignment has a final destination; therefore, you must remember God is not calling you for your own prosperity but to ensure the prosperity of His people. God is telling you through these pages that He has called you and empowered you for the simple purpose of getting someone else free. His plan for your life will be the most appreciated interruption you have ever experienced if you become obedient and serve.

      Someone has reached God with tears and prayers to the point that God has altered the course of your life for them. That’s why you can’t afford to be distracted by worldly possessions, sexual desires or popularity, neither can you become confused or discouraged to the point you want to quit.

      God is expecting nothing less than