Mr. Fish & Other Fantasy Tales. David Ph.D Dicaire. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: David Ph.D Dicaire
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Языкознание
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456606831
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out we’re going to be millionaires. Luther, you’re a genius.”

      Suddenly, the glowing lights stopped in mid-stream and pointed their anger at Desmond again before he could take one picture. They raced around the bewildered photographer and knocked him on the ground. He clutched onto the camera and found himself in a tug of war.

      “Luther, help me.”

      Luther looked up and realized that the glowing lights were not after him anymore. He jumped up and ran over to his friend and grabbed onto the camera with both hands.

      There was a tremendous tug of war. More glowing lights joined in the fight. Soon there were dozens of them flying toward the melee attacking both Luther and Desmond.

      “Don’t let go, Luther.”

      “Don’t worry about it, Desmond.”

      They pulled with all of their strength, but the fairies outnumbered them and found a fountain of power that was truly scary. With one giant tug, they pulled the camera from the investigator’s clutches and sailed off with it.

      “Get ‘em Luther.”

      They jumped up and chased after the dangling camera, but the two city boys who were out of shape were no matches for the speedy flyers.

      “Desmond, they’re going too fast.”

      And then just like that they were gone.

      Luther kept running, stumbled and fell down.

      Desmond stopped and tried to catch his breath.

      “They stole the camera.”

      “They did. Now what?”

      “We have to get that camera back.”

      “Let’s go back to the truck and get some more equipment.”

      “What about sleep?”

      “Luther how can you think about sleep when we are on the threshold of a major discovery?”

      “You’re right, Desmond.”

      As they walked back to their camp Desmond smiled at Luther.

      “So how did you ever get them to chase you?”

      “I heard something and when I looked up saw a glowing light poking around the truck. So I snuck out and followed it. I know where they live.”


      “Oh, yeah. It’s a big old oak tree.”

      “I can see that million dollar check.”

      “Yeah, a million dollar check.”

      They arrived at their truck and something or someone had ransacked all of their supplies. .

      “Luther you left the hatch open.”

      There was a strange noise coming from the back of the truck.

      “Whatever it is, it’s still there.”

      They snuck up to the back of the truck and Desmond slammed the hatch closed.

      The troll jumped against the window smacking into it with tremendous force. It looked ferocious and dangerous.

      “If we could get a picture of that then we would be rich and famous.”

      “Yeah, but how? The camera is in the back of the truck?”

      “We open the hatch real slow and you grab the troll then I take the picture.”

      “Why do I have to grab it?”

      “Because I’m a better photographer than you are.”

      Luther thought about it for a second.


      “On the count of three. One, two, and three.”

      Desmond opened the hatch and Luther grabbed the troll. They struggled but the investigator held on firmly even when the creature tried to bite him.

      “Hurry, Desmond, I can’t hang on much longer.”

      Desmond hurried trying to get the camera ready.

      Suddenly a fairy appeared and threw something into Luther’s eyes. He dropped the troll who escaped.

      Desmond turned around and the fairy threw some magic dust in his eyes. He dropped the camera and fell promptly to sleep next to his partner.


      The two investigators woke up the next morning. Desmond shook the cobwebs out of his head.

      “Luther are you awake?”

      Luther didn’t open his eyes. Desmond shook his partner and rattled him hard before the former started to stir.

      “I didn’t see no fairies, Desmond.”

      “Luther wake up.” Desmond smacked him hard. “Are you awake yet?”

      “I am now.” Luther groped around for something that wasn’t there.

      “Do you hear water?”

      “Yeah, I do. Maybe it’s raining.”

      Luther went to stand up and the truck creaked forward and then slowly regained its balance.

      “Desmond I think we got a real big problem.”

      Luther stood in one place his legs spread apart.

      “We aren’t on solid ground are we?”

      “No, we’re on a giant branch over rapids.”

      “That’s impossible.”

      Desmond looked out the window and could see only sky.

      “Whatever you do don’t make any sudden movements.”

      Luther sneezed and his weight shifted to one side. Suddenly, the truck leaned too far forward and slid off the branch plunging into the water. It stayed buoyed for about twenty seconds before it began to sink. All the while, it was being pushed along and bounced off one rock and then another.

      “Desmond, I’m too young to die.”

      “Hang on, Luther.”

      The truck smacked into a boulder and was still for a moment. But the rushing water was too powerful and soon they were racing even quicker down the river with the rapids approaching too quickly.

      “Luther, I just want to say that even though you really grate on my nerves that you’re the best partner ever.’

      “Desmond you don’t know how much that means to me. And if I am going to die this way then-

      The camper truck fell over the falls and they tumbled to a certain death. Suddenly, it started to float in the air and rose above the rapids.

      “We must be in heaven and angels are carrying us toward the pearly gates.” There was a child like look of wonder on Luther’s face.

      The camper truck was dropped from a good distance and the two investigators bounced around with stuff flying all over the place. They finally recovered and Luther looked out the window.

      “If this is heaven it sure looks a lot like earth.”

      “Come on, I want to kiss an angel.”

      They stepped out of the vehicle and a group of very angry creatures surrounded them. There were fairies, imps, trolls, elves, and other assorted fantasy characters.

      “Look its miniature angels.” Luther smiled and waved.

      “They’re not angels you dolt, they’re forest creatures.” Desmond smacked him one.

      “Who are you and what are you doing here?” Valonia, the queen of the fairies, spoke in a sharp tongue.

      “We’re just a