The Reluctant Savior. Krystan. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Krystan
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Религия: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781646542048
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course not,” his wife continued, undaunted by his initial skepticism. “See, there are safety sensors that keep it from folding up with the baby in it,” she pointed out.

      Gabriel could already envision a massive product recall the first time that failed, but he kept that little tidbit to himself. “Very nice, honey. What else does it have?” he smiled, pretending to be as interested in her purchase as she obviously was, and hoping for some justification for the outrageous bill he envisioned on his upcoming credit card statement.

      “Oh, that’s just the beginning,” Tamika smiled proudly. “Daytime running lights, path lights under the stroller for nighttime visibility, a generator in the rear wheels to charge your cell phone, cupholders for four drinks, more than ample storage, an ergonomic seat with adjustable recline, AND an LCD dashboard that is easy to read! What do you think of that?”

      “Amazing!” Gabriel replied, this time truly impressed with how technology had advanced since his first stroller. “So Damarius can chat on his cell phone without fear of the battery running down?” he teased.

      “Oh don’t be silly, Gabriel! That’s for you or me so we can talk as much as we want while taking him on long strolls!”

      Gabriel could already envision his new workplace. “Does the dashboard have Wi-Fi and video games?” he asked, this time not so certain that it didn’t.

      “You’re such a tease!” Tamika laughed, walking over and giving him a kiss. “I am just so excited about today. “Has that nurse’s aide brought the baby yet?”

      “Carmella, you mean?”

      “Oh, whatever her name is. I’m just so excited about little Demarius—that’s a great name she gave him, don’t you think?”

      Gabriel smiled, secretly knowing that the name was really the one he and Carmella had picked out together. God, if she ever knew…he thought to himself as he nodded in agreement, “Sure do, honey.”

      Tamika and Gabriel had been married for some twelve years now, having tied the knot just after their graduation from the University of North Texas. Tamika has been quite the catch for him then—captain of the cheerleading squad, prom queen their junior year, and all-around social magnet at NTSU. Gabriel was no slouch either, as quarterback of the Mean Green—until his neck injury, that is. Even so, they had always made a handsome couple…his tall muscular physique coupled with her vivacious good looks. Tamika had put on a few pounds since then, even with no excuse from pregnancy, but all in all, she was still a very attractive and personable woman. Not the same sexual intensity as Carmella, Gabriel had come to realize, but he couldn’t really hold that against her. After all, their decade-long struggle with infertility had taken its toll seemingly on both her self-esteem and her libido. Today was a good day, though—hopefully one that would help turn all that around and provide them both with a bit of joy in their lives.

      “She said she would be here around one with Demarius,” Gabriel announced. “It’s just about that time now, so she should be here any minute.”

      “Good, I’m so excited to see our new baby!” Tamika beamed. Then her countenance changed slightly, as a new thought apparently entered her mind. “Are you sure she is ok with the adoption and giving up her baby?”

      “Well, she’s already signed all the papers,” Gabriel recounted. “It probably will be a hard thing for her to do, but I’m sure she realizes we can do a better job of raising him than she can—at least at this point in her life.”

      “Do you know her very well?” Tamika questioned, a little unnervingly.

      “Oh, I see her around the facility. She works evenings, so not all that much. Seems like a pleasant young lady, though.”

      “Who’s the father, do you know?”

      “No, I never asked. When it became obvious that she was pregnant, I told her of our circumstances, just in case she might be interested. It appeared that she was unmarried and trying her best to put herself through school, so I thought she could possibly be receptive. Turns out that she was, especially when I offered to assist with all the expenses of having the baby and her own care in the process.”

      “Yes, I remember you telling me all that. Well, I just hope she doesn’t change her mind…”

      A knock on the door interrupted Tamika’s concern, but as Gabriel opened it, all her doubts evaporated with her first vision of their new son in Carmella’s arms. “Oh, he’s so beautiful!” she exclaimed, looking past Carmella to the baby she held. “May I hold him, please?”

      “Sho can,” Carmella replied, holding the baby out into Tamika’s outstretched arms.

      “This is Carmella, by the way,” Gabriel interjected, a little affronted by his wife’s total disregard of the mother. “Carmella, this is Tamika,” he added, shrugging his shoulders slightly behind her back.

      “Pleased to meet you, Ms. Tamika,” Carmella replied, attempting a smile.

      “Thank you, Carmella,” Tamika replied, still not taking her eyes off the baby. “I’ve heard a lot about you from Gabriel.”

      “Good things, I hope.”

      “Yes, he seems happy to have been able to help you,” Tamika responded, pulling back the blanket to get a good look at little Demarius. “Oh, he is just so cute! And, Gabriel, my goodness, he looks so much like you…anyone who didn’t know would think you are the real father!”

      If Gabriel could have blushed, he certainly would have. “That is amazing,” he replied, somewhat cautiously, looking down at young Demarius. “What a blessing,” he added, hoping to change the subject quickly. “How have you been getting on with him, Carmella?”

      “Well, Mista Franklin, I does my best,” Carmella nodded. “You know, school an’ all. It’s tough losin’ sleep and havin’ to get to class the next mornin’. Summer’s finally here, though, so I can rest up a bit before fall. I’m glad you and Ms. Tamika can take over now.”

      “Really?” Tamika asked, somewhat skeptically. “I would think it would be really hard for you to give up a baby so beautiful.”

      “Handsome!” Gabriel corrected.

      “Yes, that too. Aren’t you upset about it, Carmella?”

      “Well, ma’am…yes and no. I know in my heart I jest cain’t raise him as well as you two can. He needs a daddy and a mama, and no matter how hard I tries, I jest cain’t be both. So yes, I’m sad ’bout dat, but glad he’ll be in such good hands. You and Mista Franklin will be as good a parents as any chil’ could want.”

      “Thank you, Carmella. You can rest assured that what you have said is true. We have wanted a child for a long time now, so today is very exciting for us, isn’t it Gabriel?”

      “Yes, we’re very excited,” Gabriel agreed, his eyes locking with Carmella’s as Tamika fondled the baby. He regretted, in a way, that their relationship would have to end—well, it didn’t HAVE to—but he certainly imagined that it would. Noble purposes were one thing, but just plain lust was another entirely. He had grown to love Carmella, though, or at least it felt like love. They had a certain connection now that would never be broken. Looking into her eyes, he knew that she felt the same. Sadly, though, it just wouldn’t be right for their relationship to continue. He knew that, and from the look she gave him, she must be feeling something similar.

      Carmella was indeed feeling sad, even though she tried her best to conceal it. Losing her baby was hard enough, but now Mr. Gabe too—that was even tougher. It had done her good to be desired by a man of his means—sort of elevated her own image of herself, which, in a way, was a good thing. She had gained confidence from Gabriel, confidence that she might not have come by any other way. He was a good man, well-educated, and a model for her to look up to. She hoped to be as successful in her own career as a nurse as he obviously was as the administrator there at Shadyside. It was still a painful time, though, and tears