The Reluctant Savior. Krystan. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Krystan
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Религия: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781646542048
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the meantime was enough to motivate some of the more adventuresome spiritual beings to add their energy to the evolutionary progression there on Earth, in hopes of reducing some of the hallmark anguish that distinguished Earth’s reputation within the cosmos. This was no easy task, however, as the limitations of the human body on Earth all but completely eliminated any recall they might have had of their “heavenly” existence, and lowered their consciousness for the most part to that commonly associated with life there. The desire for a higher consciousness and the innate longing for union with the creative energy of the universe (commonly referred to as God), which was an integral part of all creation, would continue to be present, as that was an essential aspect of life in general. The real challenge, however, was that, aside from the aforementioned evolutionary impulse toward God, all that remained of their higher consciousness would be what was referred to on Earth as intuition, or inner voice, and the occasional but relatively rare moments of awakening from “slumber,” as it were, to receive glimpses of the energy and power flowing through all of life. Earthly conceptions and definitions of this power were usually more of an obstacle that any assistance, and seemed to vary from culture to culture and age to age, extending from such primitive human characterizations of the God energy as jealous, angry, vindictive, and judgmental to an embodiment of the higher human virtues of love, mercy, compassion, wisdom, and creativity. Very few, however, were actually able to rest comfortably in the ultimate mystery of this force and seemed compelled to define it in terms of their limited senses, awareness, and human experiences. Worse yet, a variety of “religious” institutions had emerged, offering solace to select groups of individuals who adhered to their tenets, and guaranteeing safe passage to the “world beyond” to those following their direction. The ensuing exclusivity emerging from these sectarian organizations, regardless of their intended purpose, had further served to segregate and polarize their constituents, often resulting in divisiveness at best, and outright war at worst. Aside from isolated reports from those labeled as “mystics,” suggesting blissful unions with a power best described as “brilliant light” or “the purest form of unconditional love,” or those returning from what were called “near-death experiences,” describing a similar experience of unity, absolute love, and unparalleled joy, most earthly inhabitants were left with precious little motivation to move beyond the prevailing cultural norms of the day. On the bright side, as technology continued to swiftly advance, the planet as a whole was becoming increasingly interconnected, offering the unparalleled opportunity for a quantum global leap in spiritual awareness, if only a suitable catalyst capable of igniting the holographic spark of divinity within each person would appear. Thus, the stage was set for someone with suitable motivation to make an indelible mark on the planet.

      Deuce actually was fairly typical of the lower end of the heavenly spectrum. Spiritual advancement seemingly had been largely overlooked in his last incarnation, with his focus primarily falling upon scientific discoveries in the more physical realm. His parents, Karl and Gretchen, had brought some degree of love to his existence, but he had largely failed to nourish it, opting instead to pursue his intellectual curiosities. The boating accident had ended his opportunity on Earth before any of his goals had been fully accomplished, whether intellectual or spiritual. He had, however, as a result of his studies, developed considerable empathy for the citizens of that planet, particularly in light of their inevitable suffering on the physical plane—suffering that he deemed to be largely due to uninformed lifestyle choices, ignorance of basic nutritional needs, and rampant pollution of the planet. Hence, Deuce was definitely frustrated upon his initial transition to the higher heavenly frequency. The dismay of an incarnation that he perceived at that time to have been wasted, weighed heavily upon him initially, and dampened his enthusiasm for his new environment. Inevitably, however, the bliss and peacefulness of the heavenly harmonies soothed his soul and brought about a new wholeness and healing. Now that he had experienced just how remarkable life could be at this higher frequency, he truly reveled in the creative opportunities it afforded him.

      Pushing his chair back from the “breakfast” table on the terrace, Deuce’s brief life review had, once again, left him with a cup of cold coffee and some sense of regret. “You know, old boy,” he mumbled, “you really could have done a lot more there. Your poor family…they were such loving people, and you basically just ignored them. And yourself, too, for that matter. All that research—what did it really accomplish? You never even got to finish it! Even if you had, how important would optimal health have been without love in your life? Why can’t you ever get your priorities straight?”

      “All that’s for another time,” Deuce characteristically concluded. “This moment is magnificent, and I’m going to enjoy it to the fullest!” With that, he stood up and gazed over the rolling hills of his newly created estate. “Just couldn’t be more beautiful!” he exclaimed as he pondered his schedule for the day. “I do like my idea of a good horseback ride—need to shake loose all that negativity from Earth and move on with my life here!” With that, Deuce closed his eyes, imagined a beautiful black stallion, all saddled up and ready to ride. As he opened them, there it was—a gorgeous, handsome animal, snorting and pawing in the dirt, as if anxious for an opportunity to gallop off through the countryside. Deuce shook his head in amazement, as he still was incredulous at this whole imago process. There was nothing that he could imagine that would not be his in a moment’s time to enjoy. This level of consciousness was such an advancement from the often-fruitless daydreaming process he often engaged in on Earth. It was a real effort to implement those dreams there, but here, not even the sky was the limit; opportunities were boundless, and he loved every moment. And to think…there was never an end to the pleasure unless he chose for it to end—that was the best part!

      He remembered countless times on Earth when he had been saddened when something he enjoyed was over—a vacation, a visit with a loved one, an exciting dream, a sporting event, a special relationship, on and on. But here, he called the shots. He created his world, chose when it would change, and what it would become. This was sheer pleasure in its purest form, and it was endless, except at his own discretion. Pure ecstasy! Creativity and joy seemed to multiply exponentially as his own spirit synched with the God consciousness within him.

      As he slipped his foot into the stirrup, swinging his right leg over the horse’s back, his heart was flooded with gratitude for the creative force behind all these seemingly limitless experiences. “Eternity!” he screamed with total delight as he nudged the beautiful black stallion beneath him into a gallop. “Let’s ride!” he shouted to his new companion as he bolted forward, effortlessly clearing a three-foot split rail fence, literally thundering through hill and dale with a swiftness that soon had them both breathless. The time was theirs for as long as they chose to enjoy it, and for now…enjoy it they would!

      chapter 7

      Risky Business

      Dallas, Texas

      August 2002

      Carmella knocked softly on Mr. Franklin’s door and whispered quietly, “You in ’dare, Mr. Gabe?”

      Gabriel opened the door, quickly let her in, and promptly closed it behind her. “Hello, Carmella,” he replied softly. “I’ve been waiting for you.”

      “I know dat,” she smiled. “Sorry I’m a little late. It was real busy in the dinin’ room tonight, and don’t you know that Mr. Wiggins was trouble again, just like that first night you spoke to me about…well, you know. Anyway, Margaret told him he ate like a pig and really should have betta manners at tha table. He told her to shut up and mind her own business, an’ den she done got up, went ova to where he was sittin’, picked up his banana cream pie, and smushed it right on topa his head! Lordy, can you imagin’ how funny he looked with that meringue and all slidin’ down his forehead onto his glasses an’ all! I about split my pants laughin’ so hard, but Mr. Sam, he didn’ think it was funny at all. He started cussin’ at Margaret, an’ she told him to hush up ’fore she slapped that pie right off his face. That Margaret…she sure is a feisty little woman for 98 years old—she don’t take nothin’ off nobody! Anyway, by the time I got Sam cleaned up and the two of them settled down a bit, I realized I was already late for our meetin’, so I grabbed my bag here and headed fo’ yo’ doe!”
