Biblical References
Bronze is referred to as brass in the King James version of the Bible, yet in the New International Version, that word is sometimes replaced with bronze because the Bronze Age came before brass was discovered.
Cadmium Cd Atomic Number 48
Cadmium is a rare metal that is only obtained as a byproduct of refining copper, lead, and zinc. Cadmium is used in electroplating, photography, engraving, transistors, and yellow oil-based paint. It was discovered accidentally in 1817 by chemist Friedrich Strohmeyer when he noticed a peculiar yellow coloring in some zinc ore he was analyzing; he realized it was a new element. Cadmium gets its name from the Greek word kadmeira, which is “calamine,” a name referring to a skin lotion.
Cadmium is a very scarce element that cannot be found as a mineral in nature. It is found in a mineral called Otavite (CdCO3), and Greenockite (CdS), which is the only real ore of cadmium. Cadmium usually comes from the processing of lead and zinc ore because it is found as a trace element within them.
Cayce Uses
The cadmium in the readings is an ingredient in an oil Cayce prescribed for a three-year-old girl who fell and suffered a head injury.
Sample Cadmium Readings 3375-1 Reports
[Q] What is the calamus (or cadmus, as pronounced in the reading) oil? Where may it be obtained? . . .
Is it a solution of cadmium salts?
[Note by Gladys Davis: I find this definition under the word cadmium: “calamine, a bluish white metal resembling zinc in its general properties. In its physiological action it is escharotic and astringent; internally, in large doses, it produces emesia and violent gastritis. Calmium iodide, used as an ointment, 1 to 8 of lard—calmium salicylate, white needles, soluble in water and alcohol—is said to be a more antiseptic activity than other cadmium salts—cadmium sulphate, an astringent in gonorrhea and in corneal opacities; used as a lotion in strength of H gr. or 4 to 1 ozs. of water, or as an ointment in 1:40 of fresh lard.]
[A] While the cadmium indicated would be the salts mixed with lard, we will change these; so these may be the administrations!
Calcium Ca Atomic Number 20
Sir Humphrey Davy discovered calcium, the fifth most abundant element, in 1808. Several minerals include calcium including limestone, gypsum, calcite, and marble. The walls of caverns and caves are all made from calcium deposits. It is the building block of our bones and will help you stand strong in any situation. Obviously, minerals with calcium help prevent osteoporosis and bone disorders.
Apatite Ca5(PO4)3(F,OH,Cl)
Apatite, as the name suggests, is used to curb the appetite. There are many varieties and colors ranging from blue to green. It can help you lose weight, or if that is not what is needed, it can help you feel okay with the way things are going for you. It brings a sense of gratitude and inner peace.
Gypsum/Selenite CaSO4*2H2O
Selenite, as I like to call it, is one of the most powerful stones of the New Age. It brings light into the energetic bodies and instantly clears all chakras. It is one of the few stones that does not ever need to be cleansed. It can be used to cleanse other stones as well. There are some great wands from Morocco that are very powerful healing tools. Wands can be used to direct energy and act as an extension of your energy and intent.
Limestone makes up so much of our planet and is an important geological part of the earth. It is like the bones of the planet that carry the weight of us all and hold everything together. So many tremendous mineral deposits are found among limestone. It is as if the bones hold the entire being of the planet in place so the gems can exist peacefully, each gem representing an organ of the body—so precious and rare and vital to the whole, yet it could not exist without the structural support of limestone. Limestone is excellent in healing any bone ailments from cancers to bone density issues, such as osteoporosis, to scoliosis. It can also be used to bring balance to areas where too much calcium has built up causing painful over-calcified joints by assisting the excess to spread more evenly around the body.
Limestone Readings
Limestone is mentioned in the readings primarily in regards to the location of oil deposits:
(Q) Would the well be drilled with Standard or Rotary tools?
(A) Should be begun with Rotary tools; through the second and third with Standard. The Hartselle Limestone will be too hard to drill with Rotary.
There are also references to the bone-building properties of limestone, and Cayce confirms it can be used to build teeth, gums, and soft tissue:
(Q) . . . could limestone in solution be added to this combination? And would it be beneficial as a cleanser of the teeth? Would it be good as a commercial dentifrice in this form?
(A) Not adding to the abilities of a cleansing agent, but adding to the soft tissue for a builder-upper, as might be called, to the gums and soft tissue of mouth and throat, it would be well.
Although the days of blackboards and chalk are well over in the schools across the country, it is too bad. Chalk is a wonderful calcium based substance that held a nurturing energy that is now missing in most schools with the advent of the dry erase board and the chemical markers. Chalk is a wonderful tool for little children to use to draw with on sidewalks. It allows them to tap into their soul roots in other lifetimes and remember the days of cliff drawings and hieroglyphics. As they access these dormant memories of the soul, hidden talents are released and it becomes easier for them to wake up and realize soul purpose, so they may complete it in this lifetime. Many special children are being born now to come in and assist us with vibrational and frequency shifts on the planet. The sooner these special earth angels wake up and remember their missions, the better off we will all be. Chalk provides the creative outlet and the nurturing energy so that children feel safe and secure while bringing in this information.
Chalk Readings
Chalk was frequently prescribed by Cayce to ease stomach discomforts and itching:
(Q) Any local application for the itching?
(A) There may be added for that where the irritation becomes severe, those of Magnesia, Chalk and Tolu. This would be rubbed on. The tolu is, of course, that as is powdered.
(Q) To be put on as