Water and coffee (one reading, 1597-2, mentioned the choice of “ . . . a cereal drink . . . ”) were the only food items that might be consumed with the raw apple diet; not to be consumed: milk, bread, and yeast were specifically noted.
. . . Raw apples are not well {for the three-day apple diet} unless they are of the jenneting variety . . .
. . . The jenneting or Jonathan variety is better than those of the woody stock; as the Winesap.
“Jenneting,” according to one dictionary of obsolete words, is an early pear resembling the jenneting apple, so named because it ripens on St. John’s day, June 24. Webster’s New Twentieth Century Dictionary defines it as “a species of early apples.”
Other varieties of apples suggested in the readings include Arkansas Black, Sheep Nose, Delicious, Oregon Red, and Jonathan. The Delicious (the yellow and red) might be the easiest to locate in grocery stores. Some people prefer the yellow variety, which contains the most pectin (noted by Dr. Reilly), a substance which helps reduce cholesterol.
Though the three-day apple diet is intended in the readings as a purifying and cleansing diet rather than a means of losing weight, weight loss may be a natural result of decreasing food intake while on the diet.
Although mentioned in the Cayce readings over 2,500 times as Atomidine (pronounced ah-TOM-uh-deen), this highly useful product, discovered in 1914, was originally sold under the name Beslin (as well as other designations) and distributed by Schieffelin and Company in New York City until the early 1940s. At that time the two-ounce bottle of liquid sold for $1.00. Now it is available under the label Atomic Iodine™, a description, according to the readings, of just what Atomidine is.
From the multiple uses to which the readings refer, it can appear to be a “wonder drug.” Diluted internal uses include it as a mouth and gum wash, as a nasal and throat spray or gargle, as a solution in enemas, as a douche, and most often taken in small doses in a glass of water for glandular and iodine deficiencies. Used externally, it can be applied as a local antiseptic, a steam bath additive, a pack, a massage lubricant, a stupe, and as a solution for the Radio-Active Appliance.
Almost always, Atomidine is used in conjunction with other treatments. Its value lies in that it is iodine in a form that is apparently less toxic to the body than what is available from other commercial sources. Though probably safe for external use by most anyone, it should be used with great care when ingested internally. Its high iodine content can be harmful to some who might take too large a dosage, while others could be sensitive to even minute amounts. Each drop of the solution contains approximately 1/100 grain of iodine, supplying about six times the minimum daily requirement of iodine; “legally (it) is a prescription item when used internally,” and should be taken only under a physician’s care (An Edgar Cayce Home Medicine Guide, p. 5).
(Internal) Arthritis, asthma, baldness, cysts (on womb), dizziness, excessive hair, glandular disorders, goiter, hypertension, infantile paralysis, leukemia, neuritis, nodules, poison ivy, scaly or tough skin, skin eruptions, sluggish thyroid, split fingernails, swollen joints, tooth decay, vertigo
(Douche) Feminine hygiene, infection, inflammation
(Oral—mouth and gum wash) Acidity; (nasal, throat spray, gargle) Cold prevention, sinus irritations, sore throat
(External) Bites, boils, cuts, dental problems, hangnails, hard nails, infantile paralysis, ingrown toenails, mouth sores, poison ivy, rashes, venereal disease
(Fume bath) Insomnia, tumors
(Massage lubricant, diluted) Neck carbuncles, stiff muscles, swollen glands
(Pack) Menstruation problems, swollen joints
(Radio-Active Appliance) Solution—for purifying, inflammation (Stupe) Liver and stomach pain, soreness, stiff limbs, swelling
Take internally only under a doctor’s supervision; may overstimulate thyroid gland, causing nervousness, irritability, skin rashes, insomnia, increased heart rate; do not take with other iodine-containing drugs such as thyroid pills, heart stimulants (2366-7), multiple vitamin or mineral tablets containing iodine, or if you are already obtaining iodine in your diet (by frequently eating seafood) from Calcios, Calcidin, or Codiron (1206-9), from certain formulas (such as Herbal Tonic 636) or sea air; do not use when beginning the use of the Radio-Active Appliance (2514-1); not at same time period as diathermy (905-1); not with Valentine’s Extract of Liver or Ventriculin with Iron (1173-1); not on the same days as alcohol, yeast (908-5), cod-liver oil, KalDak (nutritional supplement, no longer available, 3445-1), kelp salt, Epsom salt baths, or electrotherapy [infrared (275-29, 808-5), Violet Ray]; some individuals were told not to have spinal manipulations on the days of taking Atomidine, while others were told it was acceptable
Bottle of Atomidine
Cloth or towel—if using Atomidine with pack or stupe
(Internal) Once or twice a day, usually a rest period, then repeat cycle (cf. individual readings for wide variety of frequencies and amounts)
(Douche) Occasionally, once a day, every other day, once a week, once a month
(Enema) Twice a week
(Gargle) Twice a day, once to twice a week (Massage) Every week
(Pack) 20 to 30 minutes, 1 hour, all day
(Spray) Once a day or every 2 days, occasionally, in evening before retiring, 2 to 3 times a week
(Internal—in a survey of over 300 readings there were 75 different ways to take Atomidine; use only under a doctor’s supervision)—Ratio of Atomidine to amount of water (small sample): 1 drop in ½ glass water for 5 days, leave off 5 days, repeat; 1 drop twice a day; 1 drop first day, 2 drops second day, 3 drops third day; 6 to 8 drops: whole glass of water
(Douche) 1 teaspoon: 1 or 1½ quarts water; 1 tablespoon: 2 quarts water
(Enema) 1 teaspoon: 1 pint water, then place in quart of water containing baking soda and salt (935-2) (External) 1 teaspoon: ½ glass water
(Gargle) Weakened solution; 5 or 30 to 40 drops: ½ glass water; 1 teaspoon: ⅓ glass water; 1 teaspoon: 2 ounces distilled water; 2 teaspoons: ½ glass water
(Massage) 10 drops: 2 ounces distilled water; a few drops: 1 tablespoon water; ½ Atomidine: ½ distilled water
(Radio-Active Appliance) One-half commercial strength: ½ distilled water
(Spray) Weakened solution; 30% solution Atomidine; 1 teaspoon: 1 ounce distilled water; 1 teaspoon: 2 ounces distilled water; 1 part Atomidine: 10 parts distilled (not tap) water; 1 drop: 10 drops water; 2 teaspoons: ½ glass water
(Stupe) 1 tablespoon: 1 quart water
(Internal) Mornings; before morning meal and before retiring; ½ to ¾ hour before morning meal and three or four or five o’clock in afternoon; before, after, or during the period of taking Epsom