It’s also been said that no one writes a book alone. This book is proof of that as well.
First of all, I want to thank Jasmine Mariz for inspiring me to write this book from the Other Side. I know that time doesn’t exist in Heaven, but did you really have to wake me up at 3:30 in the morning?
To my father Antonio: I’m happy that, from the Other Side, you finally “get” me.
To my mother Rosalia: Thank you for teaching your children how to live, how to laugh, and finally, how to die. I’m so happy you and Dad are back together again in Heaven.
To my aunt Sue Salas: Thank you for scaring me half to death with your ghost stories. Of course, neither of us knew that you were laying the foundation for my life’s work every time you made me wet my pants!
To my sisters and brothers—Meridith, Nadine, Eddie, and Steve Quinata; to Camille and Steve Massing, and to Cheryl Vidakovich: Thank you for your love, for believing in me and in the work I’ve been doing, and for supporting me on my journey, both as a medium and now as an author.
To Mike and Jennifer Gilbert: Your prayers for me have been invaluable.
To Cheryl Korkos: When you told me that my “thing” was talking to dead people, you set my world on its ear. I couldn’t be more grateful.
To Lauren Wilson: Your belief in me touched my life in ways you’ll never know.
To April Palmer: You kept insisting I was more “psychic” than I cared to admit and that I needed to be more patient. You were right on both counts! Thank you.
To all of you who were a part of the fun while investigating hauntings with me: I miss you! We share a lot of great memories, good times, and laughter.
To Laura Rodefer: Thank you for all of your support, your acceptance, and your love of who I am.
To Deb Guinther: Thank you for providing me a “home base” out of Cornerstone Books.
To Stacy Tonelli: Your story is as beautiful as you are. Thank you for allowing me to share it.
To Joey and Sue Moffat: Thanks for all of the Guamanian barbecues at your home and for your friendship.
To Pam Keyser: Thank you for all of your love, help, support, encouragement, and grammar tips. You’ve been an invaluable friend to me.
To the souls who trusted me enough to bring their loved ones to me: I hope I’ve served you well.
To Donna Lacey, Patty, Diane Padilla, Sheryl Wagoner-Dunn, Matt Uney, Tamela Burkhe, Laura Rodefer, Tom Bendure, Jim, Deb Guinther, Gina Alianello, Cheryl Vidakovich, Greg A. Raymer, and Linda Clinger: Thank you for sharing your stories with me and for allowing me to share them with others. The healing your stories bring and the effect it has on others will be made known to you, I’m sure, when you reach the Other Side.
To Josie Varga: Without you, this book wouldn’t have seen the light of day. Thank you for opening the door for me, my friend.
To Cassie McQuagge and Jennie Taylor Martin of 4th Dimension Press and my editor Stephanie Pope: Thank you for believing that I had a story worth telling and for having the patience to let me tell it.
To everyone at the A.R.E. and 4th Dimension Press: Thank you for doing the important work you’re doing and for allowing me to be a small part of it.
To all of you: It doesn’t seem to be enough just to say “I love you,” but I do love you. And I celebrate all of you every day in my prayers.
Perhaps they are not stars, but rather openings in Heaven where the love of our lost ones pours through and shines down upon us to let us know they are happy.
Eskimo Proverb
I feel there are two people inside me—me and my intuition. If I go along against her, she’ll screw me every time, and if I follow her, we get along quite nicely.
Kim Basinger
When I came across the above quote, I couldn’t help but smile and think of Anthony Quinata. While it is true that Anthony is a very remarkable and talented psychic medium, he didn’t accept his gift without a fight. In fact, as he candidly and honestly admits in this book, he did so kicking and screaming. Luckily for all of us, however, he eventually caved in and answered his calling.
The truth is, though, that we all have psychic abilities. We all have the ability to tap into the vast knowledge available to us via our intuition. Being psychic is not some voodoo science. It is a part of all of us. But if you’re wondering what sets someone like Anthony apart, it is the complete level of trust that he places in that little intuitive voice inside of his head. Over the years as his abilities have gotten stronger, he has learned to place complete trust in the information that he receives from spirit. Hence the stronger that trust is, the stronger the bond between the here and the hereafter.
Although Anthony recognized his gift as a young boy, he wasn’t forced to acknowledge it publicly until years later when his friend Sarah was killed in a tragic car accident. On his way to the memorial service, he spoke out loud to his deceased friend saying, “Sarah, I just want to tell you how sorry I am about what happened to you. I’m still having a hard time accepting it. I love you; I loved our friendship, and I’m going to miss you terribly.”
Suddenly, Anthony was aware of his friend’s spirit and clearly heard her say telepathically, “I loved our friendship, too. Thank you for being who you are. I’ll miss you, too. By the way, tell my family I’m okay!” He admits that he didn’t know what to make of it. His initial reaction was to question and doubt what he had experienced, but in his heart of hearts he knew it really was his friend. Since he was new to this work then, he wasn’t sure how her family would respond and so he never relayed the message. Nonetheless, his life was forever changed.
I met Anthony when I was working on my book Visits from Heaven, which contains evidential afterlife communication accounts from around the globe. I wanted to write a book that would help people understand that they will see their loved ones again, and a mutual friend, the late Natalie Smith-Blakeslee, suggested that I contact Anthony. We became fast friends.
Sometimes people are put in our path for a reason, and I know Anthony is one such person. As I said earlier, he is an incredibly gifted psychic medium. He has brought through many of my deceased relatives and friends with undeniable validations. Time and time again, I continue to be awestruck by the ease with which he connects to the Other Side. He has brought through messages while sipping his coffee at Starbucks and even doing his laundry at home.
But besides the incredible readings, Anthony has helped me to understand that we do not choose to be contacted by our loved ones; we are “chosen.” As you read the amazing accounts in this heartwarming book and get acquainted with the Anthony that I’ve been so blessed to know, I hope you, too, will come to the realization that life never ends and love never dies.
I think Anthony says it perfectly when he writes, “I’m sometimes asked why people who have passed away, would want to communicate with those they have left behind in the first place. It’s been my experience that there are a couple of reasons.
“The first one is love. Their physical bodies have died, but their love for us hasn’t. They see our pain and want us to understand that while we’re no longer connected physically, they are still connected to us emotionally. The second reason is that they can now see the bigger picture in a way we cannot, and they want to help us understand that there’s a reason for everything that happens here on this physical plane.”
Thank you, Anthony, for all you do to help us see the bigger picture.
Josie Varga
Author of Visits from Heaven and Visits to Heaven