All The Wrong Places. G.I.F.T.D. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: G.I.F.T.D
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Современная зарубежная литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780998106168
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rang. The ringtone was Beyoncé’s “Drunk in Love”.

      “Baby, I’m sorry, but I gotta get that.” Gia crawled to her Chanel purse.

      “The fuck?” Boon sat up, wondering if this bitch was serious. Gia was on her hands and knees, scrolling through her phone, after missing the message. Boon eased up behind her, on his knees, and gripped her hips, as he entered her.

      “Wait… ooh… baby.” Gia put her face on the floor and let Boon work her over with his magic stick.

      Boon, looking down, saw Shyne tatted on her right ass cheek, as he spread them apart and it reignited his fury. He began to pound Gia out with no remorse, causing her to moan louder, until they both climaxed.

      Within minutes of the session, Gia was hibernating. Boon, still peeved, lay on the sofa bed next to her, wide awake. This triflin’ bitch in my life again, Boon thought, as he stared at the ceiling.


      Her phone vibrated against the floor. Under normal circumstances, Boon wouldn’t have touched it, but he wanted to see who it was. When he got to the phone, it no longer buzzed; but much to Boon’s surprise, it wasn’t locked. He looked back to make sure Gia was still asleep. Tore yo’ ass up, Boon smirked, as he saw that she hadn’t even changed positions. He turned back to the phone and went to her text messages.

      U betta not have sucked dat nigga up, read the first message Boon came to.

      Boon frowned and looked at the contact the message was from. Someone named “My Luv” sent the message. Boon shook his head, exhaled slowly, and went to the message before that.

       My Luv: Make sho’ u make that lame put on a rubber!

      Boon got pissed and began reading all 15 messages “My Luv” had sent since Gia called him earlier. One in particular stood out:

       My Luv: Try to hit him up for at least 20 thou. U kno that fuck nigga love u.

      Boon was ready to wake this scandalous bitch up and put her out. However, he had thought about his get-back and didn’t want to alert her. It was hard to sleep before, but it would be impossible now. Revenge is best served cold, and Boon’s heart was turning arctic.


      “Girl, you better get dressed; the game is in an hour and I still gotta drop Pooh off with my mama.” Sherie snaked her neck, as she put on her new earrings. “You all in that yearbook and shit. That nigga ain’t comin’,” she taunted her.

      “Maybe he misses me too though,” said Zora, upset with life after Boon. “I’m just being optimistic. He did love me.” Zora got up and put on her grey, form-fitting, Fendi dress, with Fendi written in navy blue and her indigo Fendi heels. “What nigga ain’t gon’ want summa this?” she asked, rhetorically, looking at her back shot in the full-length mirror.

      “Zo, come on, chick. We runnin’ late already.”


      Boon decided to let Gia leave without incident or alerting her to his knowledge of the text messages. He declined to give her money, simply stating that being brokenhearted so many times over the years had made him guarded. She told him that she was in some legal trouble, and asked for 10 grand instead. Gia begged continuously and he told her he would think about it. She left without a fight, but told him she’d call him after the homecoming game.

      Boon wanted to show DePaul what he had become tonight. He was major, on the legal defense scene, and well sought after. He donned a pair of white Polo slacks, white, long-sleeved, Polo button-down, powder blue sweater vest, white, furry Kangol, and fresh, white Air Force One’s. He carried his AmEx Black Card and $2500 in cash, just in case. Boon sprayed a little Creed cologne on himself and walked out the door, got in his car and started the engine.

      “DePaul, Daddy’s comin’ to homecomin’,” he said, as he turned up the “Fuck You” song by Yo Gotti and Meek Mill.


      “So we meet again, Boon. You gon’ chump me off again?” Taz walked towards Boon, looking like a contestant on America’s Next Top Model.

      “I felt disrespected. I shot back,” Boon said, defensively, as he and Taz handed their tickets to the men at the booth.

      “I don’t want no trouble, Boon. You lookin’ good enough to go through, I must say.” Taz looked him up and down.

      Boon was surprised, but he liked it. Taz was a welcomed sight, with her long, auburn hair and hazel eyes. The white and black Prada gauchos she wore made it look as if she had two asses.

      “Thanks, Taz. You could get it too.” Boon flirted, as they walked towards the entrance.

      “I might just take you up on that.” Taz winked and went toward the concession stand. Before she walked away, she turned and said, “Lemme get that number. I think I do wanna put you on the menu.”

      Boon couldn’t resist. How could he? He would give Taz children, if she let him. They exchanged numbers and parted ways. Boon was having a decent day, so far, and wondered who else he might run into before the night ended. He found his seat three rows from half-court, just as the ticket holders of the three seats to Boon’s left came to claim them.

      “Goose. Goose?” Boon called.

      “Daniel Boon. What’s up, boy?” the man greeted. “Man, ain’t seen you since sophomore year. You been a’ight though, I hear,” Goose said.

      He was black as night and weirdly skinny, with a long neck; hence the name Goose.

      “I try to make shit happen, boss,” Boon said, modestly.

      “Oh, guess who I saw on the way in here though?” Goose asked, widening his eyes, making himself look like Daffy Duck with his beak missing.

      “Who?” Boon asked, curiously.

      “Ol’ dirty-ass Zo. She wit’ her cousin, Sherie. You know, the one from Peoria.”

      Boon’s heart fluttered and he looked as though he was hurt.

      “Excuse me. I gotta whizz before the game jump off,” he said, as he got up and walked away from his seat.

      “Somethin’ ain’t right,” Boon said to himself, as he splashed water on his face in the bathroom. “I know it’s homecomin’ weekend, but the three women I fell for are all here. Right now,” he thought aloud. He instantly thought of the doctor giving him the DNA results, proving he hadn’t fathered Zo’s baby. He quickly became infuriated. His brothers had teased him at several of the family functions that followed. I’m not staying at the game. Boon left the bathroom and headed to a local sports bar to watch the game. He was going to the frat and homecoming after-party when the game was over, so he wasn’t ready to go home yet.

      The game was now over and it was party time. Boon called up Drakus and Damian, who were both supposed to meet him at the party. Drakus was married and had been for four years now. Damian was recently divorced and loving it. They were already at the party, awaiting Boon’s arrival. Before Boon could even get in his parking space good, Meek Mill alerted him of an incoming text message. It was from Taz.

       Taz: Lemme b yo after party.

      Boon grinned and texted back.

       Boon: We’ll see.

      Boon got out of his car and went to meet his brothers inside the frat house.

      Once inside, the first thing Boon noticed was the effect the black light had on the party. Everybody and everything looked almost purple. The women’s shapes were even more profound. The music was blaring and you could see kegs and beer bottles everywhere. Boon walked towards the kitchen to find Drakus.
