Strategic processes
The chemistry of strategy also relies on a few simple processes that you will use repeatedly over time.
Where are we now?
Where do we want to be in the future?
How do we change the status quo to get there?
In the next chapter, we will discuss what it takes to build a healthy leadership team. If you add up the total compensation of your executive leadership team, you may discover that, as at many other small companies, this is by far your most expensive asset. Improving the effectiveness of this team has an immediate impact on the effectiveness of the organization. Developing and implementing strategy, no matter how brilliant, is impossible without the right leadership.
The Chemistry of Strategy
What are the major concepts in this chapter?
Why are these major concepts important?
How can you apply these major concepts?
Chapter 2
The Chemistry of an Executive Leadership Team
“Good leadership consists of showing average people how to do the work of superior people.”
John D. Rockefeller
“Why do you try to form a team? Because teamwork builds trust and trust builds speed.”
Russel Honoré
“I’m frustrated with the tension and disconnect I see between my executives, John. I’m hoping that getting them together to build a strategic plan can solve my problem.” Bill was the CEO, owner, and founder of Friction PR, a very successful public relations firm. He had just signed a major new client and was worried that their own internal executive friction could prove disastrous.
We scheduled the two-day strategic planning meeting for a Friday and Saturday at a local hotel, a neutral off-site location. However, the negative chemistry of the executive team would prove to pose multiple challenges, as you’ll see shortly.
Chapter focus
Successful strategy requires healthy executive team chemistry. This chapter discusses the importance of developing an effective five- to twelve-member leadership team with a balance of competing passions and sufficient strategic and tactical business understanding to shape strategy. It explores ways to develop mutual trust, strategic leadership, and teamwork.
Team chemistry
A healthy executive team is one in which each member:
An effective strategic planning process will build and strengthen healthy executive team development and chemistry.
An effective strategic planning process will build and strengthen healthy executive team development and chemistry. A poor one will damage or destroy team chemistry.
Bill’s company had one of the unhealthiest executive teams I’d encountered. At the first strategic planning meeting I facilitated for Friction PR, the worst eight of negative strategy meeting behavioral archetypes showed up.1