The God Who Heals. Johann Christoph Blumhardt. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Johann Christoph Blumhardt
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Религия: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780874867480
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      Beloved, this “Ephphatha!” must be the conclusion of the history of our world. The Savior is even now busily at work, turning the gospel that we hear into deeds. But the Savior must also approach us personally, in secret, and in secret he must pray for us before his Father’s throne. And finally the great “Ephphatha!” will come; it will shake the whole world.

      For the time being everything is hidden. The greater Jesus’ victories are, the more they take place in secret. The way this man was taken aside by the Savior is an example of how humankind as a whole will be taken aside by the Savior. Quietly, but with deep ardor, Jesus will bring humankind before his Father’s throne.

      So we who are God’s priestly people must cast the sick at his feet. We must cry out to him, “Dear Savior, you are the Lord. We cannot bear it that so many people follow false gods, for we know that you alone are the Lord. So here we are. We will not leave you in peace, for you came to represent us before the heavenly Father in order to help us.” This is how we must implore him. It is our task as the church.

      Oh, you dear ones, I am often very sad when I see so many Christians who no longer bring people to the Savior on account of their sins and their suffering. We must not allow the gates of heaven to close between sinners and the Savior. The gates must remain open for all who suffer, for all sick people. Were it not for this, I do not know whether I could believe the gospel.

      Let this be firmly established within us; then we shall help toward the coming of “Ephphatha!” The greater our regard for the one who was crucified and rose from the dead, the greater will be the “Ephphatha!” in the final days – like when God said in the beginning, “Let there be light!” Yes, one day we shall hear, “Ephphatha! Be opened!”

      Christoph Friedrich Blumhardt

trusting jesus

      When It’s Time to Let Go

      Now Abel kept flocks, and Cain worked the soil. In the course of time Cain brought some of the fruits of the soil as an offering to the Lord. And Abel also brought an offering – fat portions from some of the firstborn of his flock. The Lord looked with favor on Abel and his offering, but on Cain and his offering he did not look with favor. So Cain was very angry, and his face was downcast. –Genesis 4:2–5

      When we pray we must make a sacrifice. We first have to surrender something. That is the difference between Abel and Cain. With his offering Abel gave himself and all he had – fat portions. Cain, however, kept back something for himself and expected something because of his offering. There is a big difference between these two.

      We can make an offering selfishly, or we can make an offering in true surrender. We can also pray selfishly, or we can pray in true surrender. Some people pray thinking only of themselves, quietly wishing to get as much as they can from God. Others, however, do not think of themselves at all and long only that God takes possession of them. Again, there is a big, big difference.

      There are times when life gets beyond our control and fear overtakes us. Like Cain, we shudder and pray and make offerings to God. However, we only do this to obtain speedy help for ourselves and rid ourselves of fear. We humble ourselves a little and cry out, “Dear God, help me!” But afterwards we are the same old person, living life as usual. Once again we have our house, our health, our money and possessions, and we can look after our own welfare pretty much by ourselves. Perhaps we still pray from time to time, giving thanks: “God is kind. Without him things would not be going so well for me.” But all the while, we are filled with selfishness.

      When we pray, what is offered or sacrificed is not so important. People in the Old Testament could offer a little dove or an ox; it was all the same. It did not matter to God whether much or little was brought to him. What mattered was whether it was brought selfishly or willingly. And whether we pray selfishly or in true surrender is still important today.

      Let us beware. God does not want our prayers and offerings if they spring only from self-interest. If we don’t burn for God and for his kingdom on earth, our religion is like inferior plaster – it falls down again. Praying for all our little woes is of no use, it does nothing for God. It kills true prayer, as Abel was killed by Cain. Let us take warning. Everything depends on whether God has us completely. So offer your whole self to God – this is the only sacrifice that matters.

      Christoph Friedrich Blumhardt

      God’s Will Is Best

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