Visions of the Lamb of God. Andrew Scott Brake. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Andrew Scott Brake
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Религия: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781532689420
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intensely, unless they repent,” “strike her children dead,” “I will repay each of you.” The Greek word, κλίνην (klinen), translated “bed of suffering” in the ESV and NIV, is a Hebraism that means “to become ill,”115 meaning that she would suffer a physical sickness, or plague of some kind, because of her wickedness. And if those who participated in her activities did not repent, they would suffer the “great tribulation” of suffering as well.

      Jesus is Lord and King of his church. He will not have these kinds of behaviors muddying up the clothing of his bride and splashing dirt on her wedding gown. Can you imagine, as the groom, standing up at the altar waiting for your bride to come down the aisle? And while she approached the front, people in the pews stood up and threw waste on her, mud from the sewers, spit, and caked cow manure on her freshly made-up hair? Would you allow that? Of course not! You would go to the middle of the aisle and cast those offenders onto the streets. They had no place at the wedding. Jesus is protective of his bride. And anyone who chooses to muddy the bride will be cast out, because Jesus has the authority to do so.


      Our world needs this kind of authority. The church needs that kind of authority. We need a ruler who grants true freedom to those who serve him, a ruler who gives his life when we give it to him, and a ruler who promises us a share in his rule rather than a despotic, cruel king who serves only himself. This is the King to whom we must submit, going to war against all the powers of this spiritual world that rail against his kingdom.

      Like the church in Thyatira, the church today must boldly stand against compromise and any form of idolatry, the Jezebels of the world who try to seduce us by secret knowledge and offers of security. Rather, in a crooked and depraved world, we must shine like stars (like the Morning Star) in the universe.

      Revelation 3:1–6

      Jesus’ Message to the Church in Sardis


      The American people and many in the western world were shocked on September 11, 2001, as they watched and listened with the nation when two planes flew into the World Trade towers and then watched these buildings collapse onto the people of New York City. I remember my first thought: What kind of horrible problem went wrong with the plane that would make it fall in New York and why on earth didn’t the pilot do anything to miss the city? I could not believe it, and many others could not believe either, when we learned that the one piloting the plane was a terrorist. What was even more alarming was that those terrorists lived in the U.S., worked there, learned there, ate there, and were trained to fly there. They had infiltrated the nation and then struck a death blow upon the nation from the inside.

      That is the worst kind of enemy, an enemy that you cannot see, that you are not expecting, an enemy that joins the ranks of your army and then turns the guns on your own, except in that case, the guns were petrol laden airplanes and the targets were not soldiers, but civilians. In the mind of the terrorists there were no civilians. To the radical terrorists of the world, all Americans are