When Wright is Wrong. Phillip D. R. Griffiths. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Phillip D. R. Griffiths
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Религия: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781532649219
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the messianic community, his statements are now read as answers to the quest for assurance about man’s salvation out of a common human predicament.30

      E. P. Sanders

      He is of the opinion that Paul criticised the law because salvation is only found in Christ, however, having said this, he embraced a very different understanding of the Jewish relationship to the law from that of the old perspective. Paul does not criticise the Judaism of his day for believing in the possibility of keeping the law. By this, he did not mean a perfect obedience to God’s moral law, but an acknowledgment that whilst the Israelites did break the law, they were, by correctly administering the sacrificial system, granted the forgiveness for their transgressions. So the keeping of the law relates not to perfect obedience, as the Reformers believe, but to the proper administration of the Mosaic administration.

      Sanders saw in Judaism a religion of grace and coined the term “covenantal nomism”. He identifies essentially eight characteristics of first century Judaism.

      If, however, as Reformed Baptists believe, this covenant made with Israel is a different covenant from the covenant of grace, being a type of the latter, then Sanders position is undermined. I hope to show that the grace of God in choosing Israel, its redemption from Egypt and being given Canaan, served to typify the grace unto spiritual redemption in the new covenant. Although, in its application, the new was before the old covenant. Thus, while the covenantal stipulations were a type promising temporal blessings on the condition of obedience, these served to highlight the work of the antitype, namely the obedience of Christ in the new covenant. It is my contention that Sanders, and those who follow him, are wrong because of the way they apply what belongs only to the new covenant in Christ to those who knew only the jurisdiction of the conditional old covenant. It amounts from a failure to appreciate that these are two radically different covenants, and whilst the old pointed to the new covenant, it contained promises of conditional temporal blessings which were always beyond the reach of those under its regime.

      Although Sanders, and other advocates of the NPP, correctly maintain that Second Temple Judaism had nothing in common with Pelagianism, they fail to consider its resemblance with semi-Pelagianism. One cannot argue with the fact that Sanders’