Disciplined Hope. Shannon Craigo-Snell. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Shannon Craigo-Snell
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Религия: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781532645549
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      And while you’re at it, grant some determination to the geometry teachers who drag reluctant adolescents through the basics of logic. If this is true, and this is true, then you can logically conclude this other truth. Not because we need basic proofs recreated, but because the exercises teach students how to think clearly. The science teachers—please grant them the gift of inspiring curiosity, the tenacity to nourish it, and ample safety glasses. What is your hypothesis? How could we test that theory? Watch what happens. Take notes. Draw conclusions from the evidence. Most of the students will never repeat any specific experiment, but they still learn to think clearly. God, we need clear thinking. And it appears to be thin on the ground, so please grant strength and power, creativity and humor, and a sense of just how vital their work is, to the teachers. Protect those lessons on clear thinking. We need them. Quick. Amen.

      February 17, 2017

      During the day, I pray a lot of “are you kidding me?!” type prayers, and a lot of “Please God protect” kind of prayers, and a fair number of “may the odor of skunk fill his nostrils day and night” sort of prayers. At night, I ask God to bless particular people or groups who are resisting the forces of hate and fear around us. It is a discipline that makes me notice those who are working for good, and to hold that which is positive in the light of God’s mercy. I post them here because I want to be connected to all of you in this moment. Some of you have found these prayers helpful, and I am glad for that. I try to remember to make them public so they can be easily shared.

      This morning, I received a prayer request. A loved one who served in the military was joining other veterans in South Carolina to protest the current administration’s policies. One veteran said, “this is horrifying to what WE stand for. It is a disgrace.” Another veteran lamented, “It’s breaking my heart.” It has been a privilege to pray for them all day.

      Dear God, please bless the veterans who are protesting. These brave souls have shaped their lives in an effort to serve the common good. When it comes to the aspirational values of the United States—justice and freedom for all—they have skin in the game. And arms. And legs. And lives. The sacrifices they have made on our behalf command respect.

      Now, they are fighting for our country in a different way, by demanding that we move towards the values we proclaim and not away from them. From South Carolina to Standing Rock, veterans around the country are calling the government and the people of the United States to become who we say we are.

      God, please surround these veterans with your grace and peace. Give them a steady sense of your presence as they, again, work for the common good. Energize them with a sense of community, purpose, and calling. Grant them levity; bless them with joy. May their demonstration of true patriotism instruct and inspire us all. Amen.

      February 18, 2017

      God of knowledge and wisdom, I pray this night for reporters and journalists. Bless their efforts to know and understand our shared world, to communicate with accuracy and clarity, to provide the transparency upon which the premise of government by, for, and of the people rests. Protect them from harm, as many willingly go into dangerous situations so that the truth might be known. Guard their families, who must worry. And tonight, God, after they have been maligned, give them comfort and sleep.

      In the morning, please set them on fire with determination to do their work. Give them a collaborative spirit, that their efforts might be multiplied. Guide them to investigate the most fruitful leads, and scatter their paths with useful information. Fill their days with happenstance that points them in the right directions for vital stories. Sharpen their minds to attend to details, and give them focused energy for long hours of research.

      The motivation of a little righteous anger would seem appropriate, too, God. But you know best. Amen.

      February 19, 2017

      God of all creation, please bless the scientists who rallied today in Boston. Give them stamina not only to do the work of science, but to resist this administration’s attacks on data, funding, and the very concept of facts. These people didn’t sign up to be political activists. But they recognize how high the stakes are at this moment, and that telling the truth is a necessary political act. Grant them encouragement and creativity in the new roles they now occupy.

      Scientists exemplify an important virtue. They regularly take in new information and revise their conclusions in accordance with the data. This means they are always open to the possibility that they have been wrong and they are willing to change their views. It is a discipline of humility. God, while you bless these scientists-turned-activists, please grant the rest of us a measure of this virtue. Help us to face the facts around us and to respond accordingly, even when this means changing our understanding. May we be more concerned with truth than status, and may we always seek to know you more. Amen.41

      February 20, 2017

      Holy God, I give thanks for the 16 members of the President’s Advisory Commission on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders who resigned over the injustices of the administration’s current policies and rhetoric. I give thanks for Edward Price, who resigned from the CIA after years of service, and for Retired Vice Adm. Robert Harward, who turned down the job of National Security Advisor. I give thanks for all those who are willing to relinquish power and prestige in order to stand for justice.

      It is tempting to believe that moral compromise is an acceptable—even necessary—part of attaining influence with which to serve the common good. Honestly, we are all already compromised. We can’t pretend our hands are clean. It would be selfish to value preserving some sense of our individual moral goodness over doing everything we can to make systemic changes that would help those most vulnerable.

      And yet. This kind of thinking makes it all too easy to ally ourselves with evil, in small, incremental steps.

      God, please bless each person who resists the pull of accolades and influence and, instead, is drawn towards equality and compassion. Grant them new opportunities to use their talents, unexpected collaborators, and a sense of peace. Open doors to joyful and surprising places to fulfill their vocations. Amen.42

      February 21, 2017

      Holy God, I ask you to pour blessings upon Linda Sarsour and Tarek El-Messidi, and all the people who responded to their call to action. These two people acted quickly after a Jewish cemetery in St. Louis was desecrated, creating an online fundraiser to repair the damage and communicate support to the Jewish community.

      In a time when hate crimes and religious discrimination are on the rise, and when Muslim communities and the religion of Islam have been targets of hateful rhetoric, it would be understandable if American Muslims were focused on their own difficulties. It would be understandable if the climate of fear made it harder to reach out to neighbors. And yet, these two particular American Muslims, and many others, are rallying around Jewish communities that have been threatened, harassed, and harmed. Perhaps they know that Islamophobia and anti-Semitism are cut from the same vile cloth. Perhaps they know that dividing the population into separate groups taught to fear one another is a well-worn strategy for social control. But it appears—from the statements to the press and from the warm response of other Muslims—to be simply an outward expression of their faith. Raising money to repair a desecrated Jewish cemetery? That’s what being Muslim looks like. These people make me hopeful, God, and increase my own faith. Please protect them and their loved ones; grant them peace and wisdom; let their lights burn bright so that the rest of us might see more clearly. Amen.43

      February 22, 2017

      Steadfast God, I pray for my friends and neighbors in Kentucky who keep showing up outside events where Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is present. Although Senator McConnell was elected to represent the people of Kentucky, he refuses to have town hall meetings. Instead, he only meets with constituents who pay money to attend RSVP events.

      God bless the people who show up for democracy even when they have been disinvited.

      Grant them relentless and persistent hope. Give them comfortable shoes, friends willing to watch the kids, and coworkers who help arrange schedules. Bless them with energy and laughter, with solidarity and Spirit. Amen.44