Archbishop Oscar Romero. Emily Wade Will. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Emily Wade Will
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Документальная литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781498283564
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and neither Zaída nor his brothers resented him for this extra opportunity.

      Oscar owed a debt of gratitude to the mayor, who went out of his way to speak on his behalf, as did the priests who served his town.

      Many details come from Don Santos’s “little black book,” then in Tiberio Arnoldo Romero’s possession. In the notebook, Santos jotted births and deaths, the towns and years in which he had served as telegrapher, various recipes for herbal medicines, amounts of money owed and paid, dates of major purchases, and similar details. Information was also gleaned from Jiménez and Navarrete, Reseña; Brockman, A Life; and Delgado, Biografía.

      Father Carlos L. Villacorta, one of the seminarians Romero mentored, explained in an August 5, 1999, phone conversation with the author that churchmen didn’t speak out against natural children because “75 to 80 percent of Salvadoran families have illegitimate children.”

      3. A Time to Blossom


      “Play it for us!” some of the boys insisted one afternoon as they chatted in the dorm room.

      Just then Father Benito Calvo, the priest who had accompanied Oscar on the arduous trek to the city, passed the doorway. He served as one of their teachers.

      “What’s the excitement about?”

      After the boys told him, he also encouraged Oscar to play a tune.

      Feeling shy and awkward, Oscar opened the small leather case and assembled the instrument. He decided on one of his favorite