Journal of Biblical and Pneumatological Research. Paul Elbert. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Paul Elbert
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Религия: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781498275316
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judgments of God.

      Passage 7. Revelation 19:1–21:8: God’s Judgment of the Wicked

      This set of analogues is unique in that the hearing (the worshippers before the throne at the marriage supper of the Lamb) is followed by an extremely long adjunctive visual analogue — the impact of the reign of God: the white-horse rider wreaks defeat on the beast and his cohorts, Satan is consigned to the Lake of Fire, the wicked are condemned at the final white-throne judgment, and ultimately the New Heaven and New Earth are established. Quite clearly, this extensive analogue expands and describes not only the worship of God by those around the throne, but the main emphasis is on the effect of the prophetic establishment of the reign of God.

      Passage 8. Revelation 21:9–22:5: God’s Reign

      This is the final seeing/hearing analogue. In it, John implicitly hears the angel say, “come, I will show you . . .” (primary analogue). The vision of the Holy City follows (adjunctive analogue). Certainly, this description (what is seen) rather powerfully elaborates on the words of the angel (what is heard). In this ultimate analogue rests the cumulative rationale for the final prophetic revelation of the establishment of God’s reign.


      We have identified two distinct patterns of the seeing/hearing motif in the Apocalypse of John. Quite clearly, John intends to convey something significant by these variations. Rhetorical analysis, particularly Humphrey’s study of argumentation within vision-reports, sheds light on John’s purpose in using these patterns — the visions provide the rationale for what is heard, by setting the “word” into the prophetic scenario. The eight special passages begin with the vision of the glorified Christ (ch. 1), the authoritative source of the entire message of Revelation. They proceed through the text, which elaborates the message of God’s judgment and reign, and culminates in the two final analogues which dramatically describe the impact and effect of God’s reign on the wicked and the ultimate establishment of the Kingdom with the righteous.


TABLE I – Total Uses of Hearing and Seeing
ReferenceGreekEnglish Rendition (NIV)
12ei}donHe testifies to everything he saw
3o9i a0kou/ontejBlessed are the ones who hear it
7o1yetaiEvery eye will see him
10h!kousaI heard a voice like a trumpet saying
11o9 ble/peijWhat you see, write
12ble/peinI turned to see the voice
ei}donI saw seven golden candlesticks
17ei}donI saw him
19a4 ei}dejWrite what you see
20ou3j ei}dejThe mystery of the seven stars which you saw
2–37a0kousa/twHe who has ears let him hear[Repeated in vv. 11, 17, 29; 3:6, 13, 22]
41ei}donI saw a throne
h!kousaThe first voice I heard was as a trumpet
51ei}donI saw in the right hand
2ei}donI saw a strong angel
3ble/pein[No one] could see inside it
4ble/pein[No one] was found to look inside it
6ei}donI saw in the midst of the throne
11ei}don kai\\ h!kousaI saw and heard the voice
61ei}donI saw the Lamb
h!kousaI heard one of the four living creatures say
2ei}donI saw a white horse
3h!kousaI heard the 2nd living creature say
5h!kousaI heard the 3rd living creature say
ei}donI saw a black horse
6h!kousaI heard a voice
7h!kousaI heard the voice
8ei}donI saw a pale horse
9ei}donI saw under the altar
12ei}donI saw when he opened the 6th seal
71ei}donI saw four angels
2ei}donI saw another angel
4h!kousaI heard the number
9ei}donI saw a great crowd
82ei}donI saw the seven angels
13ei}don kai\ h!kousaI saw and heard an eagle
91ei}donI saw a star
13h!kousaI heard a great voice
17ei}donThe horses I saw in my vision
20ble/pein / a0kou/einThe idols which cannot see nor hear nor walk
101ei}donI saw another strong angel
2h!kousaI heard a voice out of heaven
5o4n ei}donThe angel which I saw
8h!kousaThe voice I heard
119ble/pousinthe people…will gaze
11tou\j qewrou=ntajTerror struck those who saw them
12h!kousaThey heard a great voice
e0qew&rhsanTheir enemies looked on
19w1fqhThe ark of the covenant was seen
121w1fqhA great sign was seen in heaven
2w1fqhAnother sign was seen
10h!kousaI heard a great voice
131ei}donI saw a beast
2o4 ei}donThe beast which I saw
11ei}don I saw another beast
141ei}donI looked and there before me was the Lamb
2h!kousaI heard a voice
h4n h!kousaThe voice which I heard
6ei}donI saw another angel
13h!kousaI heard a voice
14ei}donI saw a white cloud
151ei}donI saw another sign
2ei}donI saw…a sea of glass
5ei}donI saw the temple
161h!kousaI heard a great voice
5h!kousaI heard the angel
7h!kousaI heard the altar
13ei}donI saw three evil spirits
173ei}donI saw a woman
6ei}donI saw [that] the woman was drunk
i0dw__nWhen I saw her
8o4 ei}dejThe beast whom you saw
12a4 ei}dejThe ones you saw
15a4 ei}dejthe water which you saw
16a4 ei}dejthe 10 horns which you saw
18h34 ei}dejthe woman you saw
181ei}donI saw another angel
4h!kousaI heard another voice
18ble/pontejWhen they see the smoke
22ou0 mh\ a0kousqh=|The voice of the millstone will never be heard
23ou0 mh\ a0kousqh=|The voice of the bridegroom will never be heard
191h!kousaI heard… a great multitude
6h!kousaI heard… a great multitude
11ei}donI saw [the] heaven standing open
17ei}donI saw an angel
19ei}donI saw the beast
201ei}donI saw an angel
4ei}donI saw thrones
11ei}donI saw a great white throne
12ei}donI saw the dead
211ei}donI saw a new heaven and a new earth
3h!kousaI heard a great voice
22ou0k ei}donI did not see a temple
224o1yetaiThey shall see his face
8o9 a0kou/on kai\ ble/ponThe one who hears and sees these things
h!kousa kai\ e1bleya[When] I [had] heard and seen them
17o9 a0kou/onThe one who hears
18tw|~ a0kou/ontiThe one who hears

TABLE II: Audio/Visual Analogue Patterns
ReferencePattern or Variation (*implicit)(See page 22)Linguistics
GreekEnglish Translation
1:10–122hear/seeh!kousa ble/peinhears

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