Jacob’s Star in all its splendor,
Beams with comfort sweet and tender,
Forcing Satan to surrender,
Breaking all the powers of hell.13
1. Despite many of its secular presuppositions, the medical community is increasingly recognizing the necessity of spiritual care alongside psychiatric treatment of those exhibiting alleged signs of demon possession. Koenig, Faith and Mental Health, 153.
2. Although it is hard to tell, since cadavers were often buried in unmarked shallow desert graves, the mountain was likely a mass grave for which enemy forces were responsible.
3. Although there is an overlap between temporal and eternal realities in what many call “spirituality” (for Christians, prayer, liturgy and sacraments act as links between the two spheres), the rules that function within one sphere do not necessarily apply to the other.
4. For more information on the role of exorcism in the Lutheran tradition, see Robert H. Bennett who concisely explores the contributions of Martin Luther, C.F.W. Walther and Francis Pieper, to name a few, in I Am not Afraid, 129–167.
5. Amorth, An Exorcist tells his Story, 79.
6. From Dr. Martin Luther’s 1526 rite in Rites and Resources for Pastoral Care, 143.
7. AE 51: 325
8. Accordingly C.F.W. Walther mentions how the “devout” can also be possessed by demons. Walther’s Pastorale, 214.
9. Amorth, An Exorcist: More Stories, 138; Vogl, Begone Satan!, 19.
10. Amorth, An Exorcist, 25–52.
11. See John W. Kleinig, Grace upon Grace: Spirituality for Today, 256–260.
12. Chrysostom, Old Testament Homilies, 8.
13. TLH 90.
A Midsummer’s Nightmare
That evening they brought to him many who were oppressed by demons, and he cast out the spirits with a word and healed all who were sick. (Matt 8:16)
If there were a list of the top 10 things not to do while exorcizing a demon, one of the first would read: “Have a conversation with it.” Though I made many others, that mistake was not one of them. I was, however, tempted. I will explain later.
I was nineteen years of age when I first heard a devil speak. I befriended a classmate, who had survived a life of various kinds of abuse, coupled with a wide range of experimentation with illegal drugs and accented by regular forays into the satanic arts. I have given her the pseudonym “Lisa.” I suspected that she was not altogether normal by her occasional zone-outs in which she would fall into a seeming trance. Her eyes would tenuously fog over as she deafened herself to my voice. An aura of concentration would overtake her facial expression as if she were listening to another speaker, even though we were alone. It was my first exposure to this kind of parapsychological phenomena. An acquaintance of mine displayed almost identical behaviour. He too was involved in the occult. In both cases, the episodes did not last more than a minute and the victim had no recollection of what had just transpired.
There was no question in my mind that these individuals were oppressed by something demonic. The peculiar displays were distressing, but I had no doubts that Jesus Christ was victorious over the devil and his evil hosts. One collect for Easter boldly states how by His death on the cross and His glorious resurrection we have been delivered from the enemy camp rendering all of Satan’s power ineffectual. Confirmed in the Lutheran Church, I full-heartedly believed that every Christian had the authority and power to rebuke the evil tyrant, and this included counteracting his physical manifestations. Even at a young age we learned about the implications of the “communication of attributes” from the divine nature to the human nature of Christ. The word “Christology” may not have been uttered in our Sunday school class, but the notion was presupposed even in pre-adolescence. Derived from the logic of an early church council at Chalcedon in AD 451, the genus maiestaticum summarizes how the divine attributes are delivered to the human nature of the person of Christ due to its personal union with His divinity. This theological language may seem esoteric to the laity, but when one patiently unpacks the concepts and reverently reflects upon their elating claims, even the simplest child is filled with both mesmerizing awe and heart-warming comfort. Jesus’ divine Word, deployed from human lips, stills storms. Wow! Due to the incarnation, the powers of God are not locked away in heaven. They have vanished from human sight but are still actively expressed through physical means. For instance, after His resurrection, the man Jesus passes through locked doors. He is witnessed appearing and disappearing. These are properties reserved for spirits. Yet Jesus is not a ghost. He is a man, and remains a man. In order to defuse their doubts, the Lord chooses to eat with His disciples. He does the same today as His omnipresence continues to be employed by means of His human nature. He remains present in the flesh of His body and blood through Eucharistic celebrations at all times and at all places. He is always fully, and not partially, with us. The grip of evil may oscillate, but the presence of God never fluctuates. His nearness is not a yo-yo contingent upon our shifting prayers or lack of holy inner qualities. He is a God who has become man, entirely. He remains fully human—yet mostly hidden. The birth of Christ, which assumed all flesh in Himself, and His subsequent redemptive works culminating on Good Friday has re-dignified our human nature in general and our Christian bodies in particular. We are, after all, His body. Hence, those divine attributes and powers are, in a mystical and mysterious sense, our possession. My words can now frighten the demons by both form and content: they protrude from fleshly lips redeemed by Christ, the God-man, and they carry a divine message originating in the heavenly city. When God made humankind in His image, He knew that one day He would assume that very image in its