Voices from the Heart of God’s Inspired Word. Allan Martling. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Allan Martling
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Религия: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781498274005
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abundant love and mercy. I pray that I may not be disgraced. I have even been known to pray that others who dishonor me be punished as I would have them suffer. At all times I give You thanks, Sovereign God, for the wonder and goodness that You show to the faithful. I rejoice in how securely You protect those who trust You. You hide them in the safety of Your presence, safe from plots, rumors, insults, and violence. I praise You, O God, for Your abundant love. I give thanks that even when I almost give up hope, You hear my cries and surround me with Your strength.

      Mediator: Love God, you faithful people. The Sovereign God protects the faithful but punishes the arrogant as they deserve. Be strong, be courageous, all you who hope in God.


      32. Mediator: Happy are those whose sins are forgiven, whose wrongs are pardoned. Happy are they whom God does not accuse of doing wrong and who are free from all deceit.

      Mortal: When I did not confess my sins, O God, I was worn out from crying all day long. Day and night, You punished me. My strength was completely drained, as moisture is dried up by the summer heat. Then I confessed my sins to You, O God. I did not conceal my wrongdoings. I decided to confess them to You, and You forgave all my sins. So all Your loyal people should pray to You in times of need. When a great flood of trouble comes rushing in, it will not reach them. You are my hiding place. You will save me from trouble. I sing aloud of Your salvation, because You protect me.

      Mother: I will teach you the way you should go. I will instruct you and advise you. Don’t be stupid like a horse or a mule, which must be controlled with a bit and bridle to make it submit.

      Mediator: The wicked will have to suffer, but those who trust in God are protected with constant love. You who are good and faithful, be glad and rejoice because of what God is doing. You who live in obedience to God, shout for joy.


      33. Mediator: Good and faithful folk, shout for joy for what El Shaddai has accomplished. Praise Her, all you that obey Her. Give thanks to Her with harps and stringed instruments. Sing a new song to Her. Play the harp with skill and shout for joy. The words of El Shaddai are true and can be trusted. She loves what is good and just. Her constant love fills the earth. By God’s command, the heavens were created as were the sun, moon, and stars. And all the seas were gathered into one place. Have reverence for El Shaddai, all the earth. Honor Her, all people of the world. When She speaks, Creation happens and newness appears. She frustrates the schemes of nations and keeps them from carrying out their plans. But Her will and way shall endure forever. Happy is the nation who follows God. Happy are God’s own people. She considers it all from on high and sees mere mortals. She knows their thoughts and all that they do. Leaders do not win because of powerful armies, nor do soldiers prevail because of their strength. War machines are useless for true victory; their great strength cannot save. El Shaddai watches over those who have reverence for Her, those who trust in Her constant love. She saves them from death. She keeps them alive in times of famine.

      Mortal: We put our hope in El Shaddai. She is our protector and our help. We are glad because of Her. We trust in Her holy name. May Your constant love be with us, El Shaddai, as we put our hope in You.


      34. Mortal: I will always thank El Shaddai. I will never stop praising Her. I will praise Her for all that She has done. May all who are oppressed listen and be glad! Proclaim, with me, Her greatness. Let us praise Her name together! I prayed to El Shaddai, and She answered me. She freed me from all my fears.

      Mediator: The oppressed look to El Shaddai and are glad. They will never be disappointed. The helpless call to Her, and She answers. She saves them from all their troubles. Her angel guards those who have reverence for Her, and She rescues them from danger. Find out for yourself how good El Shaddai is. Happy are those who find safety with Her. Have reverence for El Shaddai, all people. Those who obey Her have all they need. Everyone goes hungry for lack of food, but those who obey Her lack nothing good. Come, my young friends, and listen to me. I will teach you to have reverence for God. Would you like to enjoy life? Do you want long life and happiness? Then keep from speaking in an evil way and from telling lies. Turn away from dishonesty and do good. Strive for peace with all your heart. El Shaddai watches over the faithful and good and listens to their cries. She opposes those who are wicked and disgusting; so when they die, they are soon forgotten. The faithful and good call to Her, and She listens. She rescues them from all their troubles. She is near to those who are discouraged. She saves those who have lost all hope. Good people suffer many troubles, but El Shaddai saves them from disaster. She preserves them completely. Evil ways will ultimately destroy those who hate what is faithful and good. El Shaddai will save Her people. Those who go to Her for protection will be spared.


      35. Mortal: At a time when I am surrounded by many troubles, I pray that God may come to my rescue with all power, glory, and majesty. I pray that God may save me from defeat and disgrace. May God’s presence make my troubles like straw blown in the wind. May God’s angels make those who pursue me slip and fall. Without any reason, I have been placed in great danger. I pray for God’s justice to roll, bringing peace and hope. Then I will be glad because God has saved me. With all my heart, I will pray, “O God, there is no one like You. You protected my weakness in the presence of overwhelming odds as You protect the poor from the oppressor.” Evil folk testified against me and accused me of crimes I know nothing about. They paid me back evil for good, and I sank in despair. But when they were sick, I dressed in mourning. I deprived myself of food. I prayed with my head bowed low, as I would pray for a friend. I went around bent over in mourning as one who mourns for a mother. But when I was in trouble, they were all glad, and gathered around to make fun of me. Strangers would strike me. Like those who would mock a crippled soul, they would glare at me with hate. I pray, “How much longer, O God, will You just look on? Rescue me from these attacks. Save my life from these predators. Then I will thank You in the assembly of Your people. I will praise You before them all. Don’t let these liars gloat over my defeat. Don’t let those who hate me for no reason smirk with delight over my sorrow. They do not speak in a friendly way. Instead they invent all kinds of lies about peace-loving people. They shout accusations at me. But You, O God, have seen this. So don’t be silent, O God. Don’t keep Yourself far away. Rouse Yourself and defend me. Rise up and plead my cause. You are righteous, O God. Declare me innocent. Don’t let my enemies gloat over me. Don’t let them think they have prevailed as they wanted. May those who gloat over my suffering be completely confused and defeated; may those who claim to be better than I am be covered with shame and disgrace.” I pray, “May those who come to my assistance, shout for joy and say over and over that You, O God, are great and good. May they shout that You rejoice in my vindication. Then I will proclaim Your righteousness and will praise You all day long! Amen.”


      36. Mediator: Deep within the hearts of the wicked, sinfulness whispers constantly, with no fear of God. The uncaring and self-centered folk flatter themselves with their own opinions. When their ways are held accountable, they do not change. They would rather lie and testify falsely against the lowly. They never consider the strength of wisdom. In their beds, they plot how best to continue their corruption and violence to the poor. They welcome all that is harmful; so wrong is their pathway. But El Shaddai’s unfailing love reaches far and wide. Her righteousness is high like lofty mountains. Her judgments are deep like the great canyons. El Shaddai saves all Creation with unfailing love. Wise mortals seek refuge in the shadow of Her wings. How precious is Her generous affection. The faithful are filled with the rich and plenty of Her abundance. To quench their thirst, She grants them water as from a flowing stream, for She is the fountain of life. All their days are filled with Her radiant light. El Shaddai’s love will never fail, and Her justice will continue toward all who honestly follow Her. No treachery will come near them, nor shall they know wickedness. But the arrogant will be defeated, never to rise.


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