Voices from the Heart
of God’s Inspired Word
Allan Martling
voices from the heart of god’s inspired word
Copyright © 2011 Allan Martling. All rights reserved. Except for brief quotations in critical publications or reviews, no part of this book may be reproduced in any manner without prior written permission from the publisher. Write: Permissions, Wipf and Stock Publishers, 199 W. 8th Ave., Suite 3, Eugene, OR 97401.
Resource Publications
An Imprint of Wipf and Stock Publishers
199 W. 8th Ave., Suite 3
Eugene, OR 97401
isbn 13: 978-1-61097-027-3
eisbn 13: 978-1-4982-7400-5
Manufactured in the U.S.A.
Fair Use of Today’s English Version
American Bible Society, 1976
New York
To my wife, Nancy
Our daughters, Christy and Rebecca
Our Pastors, Rev. Karen Gale and Rev. Kari Nicewander
And other women and men who have helped me hear the feminine voice of God
In Memory of my mother, Margaret
1. Mediator: Happy are they who do not take the arrogant for their guide, nor walk the road the greedy tread, nor take a seat among the scornful; the law of God is their delight, the law their meditation night and day. They prosper in all they do. They are like a tree planted beside a river, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaves never wither. The bigoted are not like this; they are like chaff driven by the wind. When judgment comes, the self-centered shall not stand firm, nor shall the violent stand in the assembly of the good. God watches over the way of the good, but the way of the liar is doomed.
2. Mortal: Why are the nations in turmoil? Why do the people hatch their futile plots? The rulers of the earth stand ready, and they conspire together against God. And God, who sits high and holy, finds them humorous. Then God rebukes them in anger and warns them with holy rage, threatening them with a power that can destroy. But God has lifted me. I remember God calling me, saying, “I am your loving parent and you are my secure child.”
Mother: Ask of Me what you will. I will give you all the richness of this world as your inheritance, the ends of the earth as your possession. You shall break the unjust powers of others, like shattering a clay pot.
Mediator: Be aware then, you rulers of people; learn your lesson. Worship God with reverence; be in awe and love the Mighty One, lest God become angry and you are struck down at a young age; for God’s anger can flare up in a moment. Happy are all who find refuge in God.
3. Mortal: El Shaddai, those who wish to harm me have multiplied! Many rise up against me. Many say of me, “God will not prevail.” But You are like a shield to cover me. I cry aloud to You, El Shaddai, and You answer me from on high. I lie down to sleep, and I wake again, for You uphold me. I will not fear all the many who seem to surround me with worry and fear. Rise up, El Shaddai, and save me, O my God. You can strike all my foes and break their hold over me. Yours is the victory, O God, and Your blessings rest upon Your people.
4. Mortal: Answer me when I pray, O God, maintainer of my soul. When I was in trouble, You helped me. Be kind to me now and hear my prayer.
Mother: How long will you people insult Me? How long will you love what is worthless and go after what is false?
Mortal: I remember that You, El Shaddai, have chosen the good for Your own and You hear me when I call to You.
Mediator: Tremble with fear and stop sinning; think deeply about this, when you lie in silence on your beds. Offer faithful sacrifices to El Shaddai and put your trust in Her.
Mortal: There are many who pray, “Give us more blessings, O God. Look on us with kindness!” But the joy that You have given me is more than they will ever have with all their possessions. When I lie down, I go to sleep in peace. You alone, O God, keep me perfectly safe.
5. Mortal: Listen to my words, O God, and hear my sighs. Listen to my cry for help, O my God! I pray to You, O God. You hear my voice in the morning. At sunrise, I offer my prayer and wait for Your answer. You are not a God who is pleased with wrongdoing. You allow no evil in Your presence. You cannot stand the sight of arrogant folk. You hate all wicked people. You destroy all liars and despise the violent and deceitful. But because of Your great love, I can enter Your holy space; I can worship in Your presence and bow down to You in reverence. Sovereign God, I have so many who wish to harm me! Lead me to do Your will. Make Your way plain for me to follow. What violent people say can never be trusted. They only want to destroy. Their words are flattering and smooth, but full of deadly deceit. Condemn and punish them, O God. May their own plots cause their ruin. Drive them out of Your presence because of their many crimes, and their rebellion against You. But all who find safety in You will rejoice. They can always sing for joy. Protect those who love You. Because of You they are truly happy. You bless those who obey You, O God. Your love protects them like safe home.
6. Mortal: Have mercy on me, O God, and do not punish me in Your anger. I am worn out, El Shaddai, have pity on me. Give me strength, for I am completely exhausted, and my whole being is filled with trouble. How long before You help me? Come and save me, O God. In Your mercy rescue me from death. In the world of the dead, I wonder if You are remembered or that anyone would dare praise You. I am worn out with sadness and loss. Every night my bed is damp from my weeping, and my pillow is soaked with tears. I can hardly see, for my eyes are so swollen from the weeping caused by those I feel are attacking me. So I pray for all that I fear to be kept far from me. And I find comfort that You have heard my weeping and have listened to my cries for help. Peace descends upon me when I remember that You, El Shaddai, can hear even my pitiful prayers. So also is that sense that my fears are thrown into confusion and defeat in Your comforting presence!
7. Mortal: In You, El Shaddai, I seek refuge. Save me from all who pursue me, the ones who seem like predators, who will carry me away and hurt me. O God, here and now, I confess any wrong that I have done, any way I have betrayed a friend, any time I have failed to show mercy. For I am afraid that if I do not, those whom I fear, may be justified in their chasing me down to revenge the harm I have caused. Stir up Your powerful anger, El Shaddai. Stand against those who want to hurt me for no reason. Let Your justice prevail so that I may once more dwell in the beauty of Your community. For You are the arbiter of all mortals and Your justice defends the innocent. Because You are God, you know our thoughts and desires. You can cease violence and greed in Your time and Your way.
Mediator: El Shaddai is the Protector. She saves those who obey Her. She is fair in Her judgments and does not tolerate wickedness. The corrupt, who do not change their ways, will know the brunt of Her holy fury and will feel the pain of Her discipline. The arrogant do not know this about Her. They think up and plan evil, trouble and deception. They set traps. And in Her wisdom, they are caught in their own cunning. They are punished by their own evil. They are wounded by their own violence. Sing praises for El Shaddai’s justice that resolves the brokenness of our lives and shows Her glory.
8. Mortal: Sovereign God, Your greatness is seen in all the world. Your praise reaches up to the heavens and is sung by children and babies. You are safe and secure in the presence of those who despise You. When I look at the sky, which You have made; at the moon and the stars, which You set