Star Death. Leo Emmanuel Lochard. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Leo Emmanuel Lochard
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Религия: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781498272209
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on the scene reported that they thought they saw the trailer ‘sticking up’ in the air for a few seconds to then slowly lay on the ground, as if falling ‘in slow motion’.”

      The television network broadcaster then announced that funeral services have been arranged for Kirk Nopherdon by his surviving family, and affirming the knowledge that Americans are a generous people, that donations would be welcome to help his wife and children until they regained their financial stability.

      The next news was that at a general hospital in Minneapolis, Minnesota, a doctor is said to have reported that one of his patients, a 51 year-old woman, Brenda Torlask, had no blood circulation for about 3 minutes during which the doctor quickly decided to put her on blood-dialysis machine and ventilator that would thus circulate her blood and provide her with Oxygen to breathe.

      Blood circulation stopped while the heart was still pumping, which elevated her blood pressure but did not kill her, as the opposite effect took place right soon thereafter—the heart temporarily stopped pumping blood while circulation continued during these same minutes, thus, the whole organism alternating between pumping and circulating. Consequently, there were interruptions in both heart pumping and blood circulation, but within a 3-minute time span that allowed metabolic synergism to ensure continuum, while her body processed these alternations. Somehow, she lived through it all. An electro-physiologist suggested that she might have experienced a gravity-effect greater than Earth G-1 in order that slowed-down blood circulation might have simulated an interruption in circulation as the heart was pumping, which was then matched by restored circulation as the heart itself stopped its pumping muscular contractions. And because blood pressure was slightly elevated, and blood-Oxygen content seemingly not exhausted, body parts and organs continued to receive Oxygen for functional survival.

      Apparently, the blood within her arteries, veins, vessels and capillaries was still rich in Oxygen content though the blood had stopped circulating—thus having the analogous effect of “breath-withholding,” as if she had held her breath for a while after which she would resume breathing again. It did not affect her brain functions—neurotransmitters, electrolytes, and synaptic cleft activity appeared unaffected. The woman was kept overnight for further observation and treatment.

      John Trinklung then turned to his farming newsletter in which the apparent drought or lack of precipitation was treated as a solar dynamics phenomenon that was unusual for seasonal patterns to which they were already accustomed. John and Claire noticed that though there was unbroken cloud cover and the sky was in continuous overcast, with gray-dark clouds, no rain fell. And this has been occurring for a couple of weeks now, with only “dry lightning” occasionally illuminating the skies.

      In the newsletter, scientists surmised that, “For reasons still unknown, the Earth ionosphere has not retained electromagnetic radiation for processing towards lower atmospheric layers, bands or strata which are involved in electro-static ‘energization’ of cloud condensates for lightning, thunder and thus precipitation; that perhaps the ‘wrong kinds’ of clouds were being formed rather than ‘rain clouds’ or ‘nimbus clouds’ due to the extreme relative dryness of the atmosphere, and to extremely low hydrosphere evaporative cooperation.”

      “Variations in gravity away from G-1 will have had dysfunctional effects upon the Earth as a whole-energy system, dislocating and displacing the normal occurrence of all its processes—if cloud condensates or water vapors are relatively heavier when compressed against the ocean surface, they would not rise into the atmosphere to form clouds. That might have to do with the Earth magnetic field, core electro-conductivity and solar gravitational spectral emissions that are no longer in synchronized relationship for sustained regular gravity effects on the Earth, hence, affecting all major processes in the ecology, the hydrosphere, the geo-sphere, the atmosphere and the biosphere.”

      “All variations from Gravity-1 parameters will cause aberrations or deviations away from normal modus operandi; that, in turn, will have a deleterious impact upon all hydrosphere mechanisms that are evaporation-sensitive. Synergism for ‘system energetics’ between the sun and the Earth works best, with synchronization of all gravi-metric forces and electro-motive variables that factor into Earth life-support systems operating under optimum conditions for meteorological performance.”

      “When the sun’s dynamic equilibrium is disrupted, it also has harmful repercussions for the Earth whose only star is the sun from which it obtains all necessary inputs for functional operational equilibrium at normal gravity, such as centri-vectored, curvilinear motions like revolution and rotation, magnetic field, hot iron molten magma core, core electro-conductivity for magnetic field sustenance, ‘Gravity-1’ pressure and temperature ranges, mass-specific motion-sensitive processes like the jet streams and El Nino etc . . .”

      “Functional operational equilibrium at ‘Gravity-1,’ or normal gravity, is maintained by these two centri-vectored, curvilinear motions—revolution and rotation. Revolution around the sun is centripetal, meaning ‘pulling’ all things towards the center of the Earth; and rotation, is centrifugal, meaning ‘pushing’ all things away from the center of the Earth. These two major counter-positional motion-forces of ‘push and pull,’ with momentum, magnitude, direction and velocity differentials, animate and permeate all Earth ‘Gravity-1’ processes, from atmospheric jet streams to oceanic hydrosphere currents, from rain falling directly or straight down towards the surface of the Earth, to an airplane being able to travel horizontally within the atmosphere with engine power that counters drag and opposes resistance to motion.”

      “Even the growth of a plant straight up into the air necessitates these two opposite forces so that the seed remains in the ground and the sprout will seek to ‘move upwards’ as it grows in search of light for photosynthetic processes via which chlorophyll, glucose molecules, and cellulose fiber, are manufactured.”

      (“An example of curvilinear centrifugal force or rotational force is a phonograph or record player on which one can lay a ‘plastic pebble’ at or near a record’s central hole or center of mass, to notice it ‘fly off’ the record as the velocity of the rotational vector will move it from the record’s center or hole, towards the record’s outer periphery; another force, the centripetal force, or revolution velocity vector, would be necessary to counter that centrifugal force in order that the ‘plastic pebble’ would remain on the record player as it would be redirected towards the record’s center of rotating mass. Another example is the centrifuge with which astronauts are trained, which could be modified to have seated astronauts also rotate on their own seating axes in order to mimic two counter-vectored forces at the same time, to test how many g-forces away from ‘Gravity-1’ they could sustain without losing consciousness, and what kinds of movements and motions they could engage in at the same time. At present, they are just ‘strapped into’ the seat without being able to initiate any movement or motion. Adding the ‘seated rotational movement’ would have come closer to duplicating Earth-like G-force motions for training purposes and body-effects investigations.”)

      “On Earth, all things, objects, processes and events operate by the ‘sensitive metrics’ of gravity towards the center of the planet. If such ‘centri-vectored,’ gravity-sensitive metrics are disrupted, then human beings are liable to witness such uncommon or unusual phenomena as has been happening for a few weeks now.”

      “Therefore, functional operational equilibrium is sustained by Earth gravity and its dipolar magnetic field, the vectoring pressure-velocities and momentum motion-forces of which are maintained by continuum solar gravitational radio-magnetic binding energies for the different atmospheric layers, bands or strata to “process” solar radiation in order to statically electrify cloud formations which then will operate to produce lightning, thunder, and consequently rain.”

      John and Claire Trinklung had hoped that the writers would have attached, for future expectations, a sense of certainty to their explanatory declarations. However, the Trinklungs also knew that many internal sun processes were inaccessible even to the best, state of the art technology, the limitations of which might forestall sure knowledge of cause-and-effect relationships that effect disruptive changes in solar activity, and thus, on the Earth.

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