African Genius. Basil Davidson. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Basil Davidson
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Документальная литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780821445655
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21. Conquest and Clientage

       22. Trade and Islam

       23. Power, Rank and Privilege

       24. The Crisis Opens


       25. From a Guerrilla Diary

       26. The Great Transition

       27. The Kings Resist

       28. Twilight of the Old Gods

       29. New Redeemers

       30. The Modern Context

       31. The Masses React

       Epilogue. AFRICAN DESTINIES


       Notes and References

       Select Bibliography


       Author’s Note

      That the Africans have a long and vivid history of their own is now widely understood. But what manner of history has this been? Here I have attempted three things. First, to offer a summary of what is now known, or what it now seems reasonable to think, about the ideas and social systems, religions, moral values, magical beliefs, arts and metaphysics of a range of African peoples, chiefly in tropical Africa. Then to consider the ways in which these cultures have grown and changed from distant times until now. Lastly, to fit these aspects of African civilisation into their modern perspective as the connected parts of a living whole.



       Approximate location of sixty-four peoples mentioned in this book (drawn by John Flower)

       Drawings in the text

       East Coast sea-fishing trap

       Forced-draught furnace for smelting iron ore

       Ancestral figures from the country of the Ekoi, south-eastern Nigeria

       The distribution of parts of a sacrificial beast among the Dinka

       Karimojong cattle classification by hide markings

       Wooden mask of the Ekpo Society, region of Benin

       Soapstone carving from Great Zimbabwe

       ‘Nomoli’ soapstone figurine from the Mende country of Sierra Leone

       Kalabari water-spirit mask in the form of a crocodile

       Zither from the Kweri of Tanzania

       Diagram of Dogon village

       Imaginative reconstruction of an ancient burial chamber at Ukwu in eastern Nigeria

       Wrought-iron figure of a long-horned cow from the old kingdom of Karagwe in north-western Tanzania

       East African mtepe, coastal trading vessel with ‘sewn’ lashings

       Interior of mosque at Zaria, northern Nigeria

       Pattern of distribution of temples and domestic shrines in Oyo

       Nineteenth-century tomb at Ununio, coast of Tanzania

       Siwa or ceremonial horn from Lamu, north-eastern Kenya

       African Christian Church symbol on hillside near Johannesburg

       Anyanwu, The Awakening: by Ben Enwonwu, Lagos

       Photographs (before text)

       1. Akan shrine priest, central Ghana

       2. Tallensi hut interior, northern Ghana 1965

       3. Akan ceremonial stool, central Ghana

       4. Ancient bronze ceremonial vessel, Ita Yemoo, Yorubaland

       5. Ancient terracotta head, Ife, Yorubaland

       6. Benin royal shrine, 1965

       7. Balante village shrine, Guinea-Bissau 1967

       8. Assembly for public ritual of Karimojong adult juniors, 1957

       9. Assembly for public ritual of Karimojong elders, 1957

       10. Small bronze figure representing an Akan ancestor

       11. Spanish witches in flight, with attendant owl: aquatint from Goya’s Caprichos

       12. A medieval ‘Witches’ Sabbath’: woodcut from Hans-Baldung Grien, 1510

       13. A missionary opinion from Seven Sevens of Years and a Jubilee: a history of the S.I.M. by its founder

       14. The bodies ‘spiritual’ and ‘natural’ of Bishop Thomas