To produce the recognition described by Best and Marcus generally requires a particular position in the system of US property relations, one that seems relatively common among humanities academics, but characterizes a small minority of the US population. This position is indicated by the conditions necessary to each perception Best and Marcus cite: Relatively high-speed internet access was required to encounter “images of torture at Abu Ghraib” that were “immediately circulated on the internet.” Cable television was required to view “the real-time coverage of Hurricane Katrina.” The instant recognition of “mission accomplished” as a lie is made far easier by a lack of personal connections to those fighting it, given the deeply wish-fulfilling valence of that banner for every parent, sibling, partner or child of a US soldier, who is disproportionately likely to come from a poor or working class background. And the initial desirability of these policies and actions is conditioned, in part, on racist, Orientalist, imperialist, militarist, patriarchal, compulsorily heterosexist, capitalist, theistic and otherwise metaphysical ideological assumptions that are usually unlearned only through some prior training in some mode of demystification, whether in an academic context or otherwise. But all this positional specificity and class or educational background is implicitly presumed as a premise for what should define the necessary features of higher education research and pedagogy in interpretation and writing. It is as though Best and Marcus believe their experience to be representative, instead of conditioned upon an exceptionally privileged position in a society where, for example, tenured professors’ income places them in the top quintile. Here the entire orientation of literary study as an educational enterprise and a social good is predicated on the class experience of that elite group.
This suggests an explanation for their indifference to the interpretive problem posed by widespread support for Bush during much of his presidency, including after most of the actions they cite. Instead of approaching this support as an occasion for pedagogical and interpretive interventions, as an opportunity to demonstrate the utility of literary studies in explaining our world, the Bush administration is described solely from the perspective of his opponents, as if they constituted a majority all along. This invented majority of interpreters who agree with Best and Marcus are then cited as evidence of the superfluity of politicized criticism—as if the ineffectuality of this fictional majority is proof that interpretive clarity is insufficient to affect politics. It is as though, having been trained in a culture and era that universalized and glorified the solitary heroism of the thinker and interpreter “supposed to know,” a mythic figure of Western thought whose agency is sufficient unto itself, Best and Marcus reject this agency’s omnipotence by concluding that it is utterly impotent. As if the diametrical opposite of a debunked fiction would be the only possible truth.
Far from obviating the need for sophisticated interpretive methods, the demystification of theoretical omnipotence would seem to call for unprecedented efforts. What appears transparent to one of us often appears as a mirror to those on the other side. The “MeToo” movement has lately dramatized how patriarchy and compulsory heterosexuality has encased even liberal, educated professionals in an interpersonal version of this two-way mirror, in which powerful men preen, reflecting on their own demands without reciprocal attention to others. This masculinist narcissism has long been transparent to many women who struggled to make careers in a sexist society. But so many men now seem to be shocked that their mirrors were windows to those on the other side, that their abusive behavior had been plainly visible to those who were not empowered to hold them accountable. White privilege and class privilege operate in homologous ways to that masculinist culture of assault and objectification. And on a national scale, we are increasingly divided into ideologically homogenized factions viewing entirely different realities. Just now, the increasingly desperate rhetoric used by journalists and pundits to describe these problems would seem to indicate that explanations are difficult to come by, and expertise in interpretation might be useful. Perhaps if more scholars and teachers in literary studies would acknowledge and attend to the relevance of politics to interpretation, then we could contribute to understanding the relevance of interpretation to politics.
In their dismissiveness toward political engagement in literary studies, Best and Marcus not only present inconsistent or impoverished characterizations of their opponents’ views, but also misrepresent or misrecognize their own intellectual lineage. They seem to speak to both sides of the perennial question of autonomy and engagement, claiming the political environment of the aughts showed them “that literary criticism alone is not sufficient to effect change.”29 Similarly, they cite authors who advocate for the disqualified, demeaned, harmed and neglected, but at the same time argue against scholarship as “political activism by another name.” This difficulty is elided in their characterization of themselves as “the heirs of Michel Foucault, skeptical about the very possibility of radical freedom and dubious that literature or its criticism can explain our oppression or provide the keys to our liberation.” But like their rejection of “literary criticism alone” as sufficient for social change, the invocation of “radical freedom,” taken colloquially, implies an extreme or unreasonable opponent, and understood terminologically, it introduces a Sartrian phrase with little purchase among US activists. It is also a concept that can be critiqued as apparently voluntarist or idealist, especially in light of Marxian, Nietzschean and Freudian insights concerning determination and conditioning, choice and will, developed by subsequent theorists of sex, gender, sexuality, race and class. Without acknowledging these contexts and complexities, their characterizations of precursors and opponents as extremes on either side imply that they defend the capaciously common-sense positions of an inclusively moderate majority, as opposed to the views of unidentified critics and theorists engaged with politics, whom their vocabulary implicitly depicts as totalizing or unreasonable.
This kind of rhetorical positioning is often used to defend an exclusionary and exploitative status quo against those it excludes and exploits, and has long been employed against socialists, feminists, abolitionists and other malcontents—as Foucault, among others, has noted in tracing the historical discourses that have defined incarcerated people, the mentally and otherwise physically ill, or those who diverge from gender or sexual norms. In short, appeals to the authority of a presumed moderate majority—like those of the “silent majority” or “moral majority” to which Reagan, Nixon or Bush appealed—often succeed at the expense of the most vulnerable. Like all arguments from authority, they do not require reason or principle, because they rest on the implicit threat of exclusion. The definition of others as negative images of oneself is also consonant with a reluctance to engage with the ways in which a text is at odds with itself, as both rely on objectifications that deny internal contradiction. In this way, both are also consistent with the reluctance we noted in Best and Marcus to engage with the internal political differences of Bush’s America. This avoidance of internal difference and political history would at least partly account for a professed inability to “explain our oppression or provide the keys to our liberation.”
It is certainly strange to encounter an argument that during the Bush administration, the veils were lifted from the authoritarian aspirations of the US right, given that Bush’s candidacy began with his claim to represent a new, “compassionate conservatism,”