Green pastures, quiet waters
In these Thou feedest me:
My soul Thou soon restorest
From straying and distress,
And for Thy Name’s sake leadest
In paths of righteousness.
2 Yea, though in death’s dark shadow,
I walk, I will not fear
For evil, since my comfort
Thy rod and staff still are:
A Table Thou preparest
Before my very foes,
My head with oil anointest,
And my cup overflows.
3 Thy goodness and Thy mercy
Shall follow all my ways
To keep me close beside Thee
Through all my earthly days;
Till in God’s House forever
In safety I will dwell:
Naught from Thy love can sever—
Thou doest all things well!
Preparatory Reading: Old Testament: Genesis 16; New Testament: Matthew 5 Psalm: 5
1 Timothy 1:3–4
3As I besought thee to abide still at Ephesus, when I went into Macedonia, that thou mightest charge some that they teach no other doctrine, 4Neither give heed to fables and endless genealogies, which minister questions, rather than godly edifying which is in faith: so do.
Neither give heed to fables and endless genealogies: Paul is insisting that I shun all of which fables and endless genealogies are but a sample. All that is alien to the Bible; all that distorts or embellishes the Bible; all that merely fascinates; all that teases mysteries out of minutiae—in a word all that glisters and is not gold. Soon the Apostle will unveil the real nature of such stuff: “doctrines of devils” (4:1), “lies in hypocrisy” (4:2), “profane and old wives’ fables” (4:7), “strifes of words” (6:4), “perverse disputings” (6:5), “profane and vain babblings,” “science falsely so called” (6:20).
I so need the sanctified sense to sift the precious from the vile. (Jer 15:16, 19), the wheat from the chaff (Jer 23:28). Let me prove all things, and hold fast that which is good (1Th. 5:21) with such tests as these, “What saith the Scripture?” (Rom 4:3). “Of what manner of spirit is this?” (Luke 9:55). “Where are the old paths, where is the good way, where is rest for the soul?” (Jer 6:16). “Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God” (2 John 9).
Rather than godly edifying which is in faith: Lord Christ, who wast anointed of Thy Father with the Spirit without measure to speak the words of God (John 3:34), to speak a word in season to the weary (Isa 50:4) to preach the Gospel to the poor, to heal the broken hearted, to preach deliverance to captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set the bruised at liberty (Luke 4:18), empower my poor preaching by the Spirit of grace so to bless my hearers.
Make my ministry edifying: instructing, encouraging, directing, correcting, exhorting in the truth of Thy Word; godly edifying: Spirit-filled, and not with fleshly wisdom; glorifying God, and not exalting self; preaching Christ Jesus the Lord and myself a servant for Jesu’s sake; not tickling the itching ear, but engaging heart, mind and will to hear and obey the voice of the living, Triune God; godly edifying in faith: holding fast the form of sound doctrine in the faith once delivered to the saints; holding forth the Word of life with prayerful confidence of faith in the Gospel’s power to save.
So do: Father of mercies, work in me by Thy Holy Spirit to will and do Thy good pleasure that I may do and teach no other doctrine . . . than godly edifying which is in faith. So do! Amen.
6. Hear God’s good, just , holy Law
1 Hear God’s good, just, holy Law
Reverently, with fear and awe:
God’s own finger traced in stone
All these Ten Commands alone!
2 “I am God the Lord alone: [Preface]
So, beside Me, worship none! [First]
Keep My Word to seek My face [Second]
Put no image in My place!”
3 “Never take My Name in vain, [Third]
Nor My holy Day profane: [Fourth]
Six days work, and one day rest ----
So thy family will be blest!”
4 “ Honour parents, rulers, all; [Fifth]
Do no violence—great, or small: [Sixth]
Keep from all adultery, [Seventh]
And from all uncleanness flee!”
5 “Do not steal, but earn thy due: [Eighth]
Do not speak but what is true: [Ninth]
Do not covet; be content— [Tenth]
Let thy life for Me be spent!”
[Sum of Law & Golden Rule]
6 Love the Lord thy God with all
Heart and mind and strength and soul!
Love thy neighbor as thou would
Have him love and do thee good.
[Christ the end of the Law]
7 Jesus Christ, who bled and died,
Has Himself now satisfied
All the Law and so imparts
All its precepts to our hearts.
8 Weary sinner, flee to Christ!
His own Blood has paid the price
For all sins against the Law:
Turn and trust Him, joy with awe!
9 To our God, the Three in One,
Father, Holy Spirit, Son
Bring we praise eternally,
God Most Holy Trinity!
Preparatory Reading: Old Testament: Genesis 17; New Testament: Matthew 6 Psalm: 6
1 Timothy 1:5
5Now the end of the commandment is charity out of a pure heart, and of a good conscience, and of faith unfeigned
To what end, to what goal is the Apostle’s charge to teach no other doctrine? Indeed what is the goal of the very Word of life in Law and Gospel? What then is the goal and proof of my ministry?
Now the end of the commandment is charity: What love does not move, is worthless; what love does not govern is wicked; what love does not grow and thrive from, is barren, cursed ground (1 Cor 13). So do I rightly divide the Word of truth as a pastor after God’s own heart? Where is the constraining love of Christ among my motives for service? Where is the servant love of Christ for the people I minister to? Where is the fragrant love of Christ in the approach, attitude, affections and address of my preaching?
The end of the commandment is charity. Do I leave people with warmer, more enlarged hearts, open to the Gospel, if they are lost; open to the great things of God’s Law if they are saved? What does all my sermon-making and pulpiteering achieve to this supreme end?
Charity out of a pure heart, and of a good conscience, and of faith unfeigned: All is not love which takes the name or makes a show of love. The divine charity which the Word works