Paul’s confidence, though, does not rest in Timothy himself, rather according to the prophecies which went before him. God’s Word marked out Timothy’s gifts, and God’s Church confirmed them (4:14). And that Word commissions Timothy to war a good warfare. It is a battle at sea amid storms, for failure means shipwreck; it is defensive, protective action to endure the onslaught and emerge in position holding faith and a good conscience—“ to stand fast in the faith,” “to withstand in the evil day, and, having done all things, to stand” (1 Cor 16:13; Eph 6:13). Sometimes we advance; sometimes, we retrench. (2 John 8).
Jesus my Lord, Captain of my salvation, Prince and Savior, Thou hast overcome the world: grant me good cheer that I too may overcome, endure temptation, fight the good fight, finish my course and keep the faith! (John 16:33; Jas.1:12; 2 Tim. 4:7–8). Let me overcome by the Blood of the Lamb and the word of testimony! (Rev. 12:11).
16. Lord, is it I?
1 Lord Jesus, didst Thou truly say,
“One of the Twelve shall Me betray,
That share the dish with Me” ?
Each sorrowed heart the same reply
Returned to Thee, “Lord, is it I?”
As Thou their hearts did see! (Mark 14).
2 Their strife amid the Paschal Feast,
To rank the greatest and the least,
Sank into silent shame;
For who could tell among them all
Would faithful stand or faithless fall
When powers of darkness came? (Luke 22)
3 Such treachery fell th’appointed lot
Of Judas, named Iscariot:
His heart had Satan filled (John 13, Acts 1)
To sell his Master as a slave
To cruel foes, who gladly gave
A pittance which he willed. (Matt 26)
4 For half the price of ointment rare
Which Mary in her loving care
Bestowed on Christ so well, (Mark 14, John 12)
This devil, called perdition’s son, (John 6)
At thirty silver pieces, won (Matt 26)
His place in lowest hell! (Mark 14, John 17, Acts 1)
5 And yet, in vain would Peter cry,
“Though all forsake Thee, yet not I!”
In vain so all would say:
According to the Master’s Word,
Thrice Simon would deny his Lord
And all would flee away. (Matt 26)
6 Once more the Savior calls us here:
The bread and cup He bids us share,
Which speak of pardoned sin: (1 Cor 11)
Yet has each guest in Christ a part
To come with clean hands and pure heart
Thus to remember Him? (Ps 15)
7 Dare we presume we cannot stray,
Should we neglect to watch and pray,
When comes the tempter dread? (Mark 14)
Dare we provoke our jealous Lord
In gorging from this vile world’s board,
And touching then His bread? (1 Cor 10)
8 So now, at this our feast of love,
Let every saint his own soul prove,
Examination make!
Let us at Table find a place
Of true repentance, faith, and grace
Before we here partake! (1 Cor 1)
Preparatory Reading: Old Testament: Genesis 27 New Testament: Matthew 16 Psalm: 16
1 Timothy 1:18–20
18This charge I commit unto thee, son Timothy, according to the prophecies which went before on thee, that thou by them mightest war a good warfare; 19Holding faith, and a good conscience; which some having put away concerning faith have made shipwreck: 20Of whom is Hymenaeus and Alexander; whom I have delivered unto Satan, that they may learn not to blaspheme.
Paul has already given Timothy ample warning against the dereliction of his duty toward this charge. Some have already made shipwreck. The entire freight of their ministry is lost on the seas of time, and their lives are shattered. “Having preached to others” they themselves are now “castaways” (1 Cor 9:27). What has run them aground is that they have put away . . . faith and a good conscience. By the arrogance of unbelief, by pernicious heresy, or perverse opposition to “godly edifying in faith” they have learned to blaspheme.
Paul will not pass over these disgraced souls in shameful anonymity; no, he names names. The Holy Ghost who moves him to write names names. Of whom is Hymenaeus and Alexander. These two have ploughed their furrow, made their mark, and left their record. Their sin is engraven with an iron pen upon the sacred page. In the landscape of Scripture, they gleam as pillars of salt. Through history they stand as condemned as they shall to eternity. The Savior told His disciples to rejoice because their names were written in heaven. What is written on high, of me?
Paul has cut short any evil influence they might have in the Churches: whom I have delivered unto Satan, that they learn not to blaspheme. Excommunication has sentenced them to live as “heathen or publican” (Matt 18: 17), profaned as once they professed Christ’s Name in vain that they may learn not to blaspheme. To put away . . . faith and “teach any other doctrine” or “give heed to fables” to “turn aside” to “vain jangling”—this is to blaspheme. For to cast aside “the glorious Gospel of the blessed God” is no other than “to give heed to . . . doctrines of devils” and be fit to be delivered unto Satan. The prompt discipline of the congregation has placed them henceforth outside, among the incestuous, the fornicator, the covetous, the idolater, the drunkard, the railer, the extortionist and the wicked. Such hypocrites and reprobates are consigned to Satan (1 Cor 5:1–5,11,13). The devil still goes about as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour (1 Pet.5:8–9). He preys upon the proud , and ensnares the erring (3:6–7; 2 Tim. 2:24–26) as easy pickings. “Resist the devil and he will flee” (Jas. 4:7).
17. The Gospel of Salvation
1 The Gospel of salvation
In Christ the world shall bless:
Proclaim to every nation
The faith we now confess.
O let God’s Word unhindered
Its full, free course now gain,
Till every tribe and kindred
Shall praise the Lamb once slain!
2 Declare to all the story
The Holy Scriptures tell:
God sent His Son from glory
To save our souls from hell—
One only Mediator,
The Father sanctified:
The Virgin-born Redeemer,
Christ Jesus, crucified.
3 The fullness of the Godhead
Dwells in Him