Muhammad: Man and Prophet. Adil Salahi. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Adil Salahi
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Биографии и Мемуары
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780860374299
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to question them on that.”4

      When the Muslims realized the reason for their second summons to attend the king’s court, they were very alarmed. They resolved, however, to stick to the truth and put their case frankly and clearly. They would simply state what God’s Messenger had taught them, whatever the consequences.

      Some people may argue that in their delicate situation the Muslims’ stand might have been foolhardy. The situation called for a somewhat ‘diplomatic’ stance. People of faith, however, consider such an argument to be short-sighted. Truth, they argue, speaks louder and more frankly. Given a chance, it will always prevail. To the Muslim refugees in Abyssinia, the case was simply stating a fact revealed by God and conveyed by His Messenger. Evasion was unthinkable. Moreover, evasion is alien to the nature of those who follow the truth.

      Jaʿfar, the Muslims’ spokesman, therefore answered Negus’s question about their view of Jesus without hesitation: “Our view is that taught to us by our Prophet: Jesus is God’s servant and messenger. He is His spirit and His word delivered unto virgin Mary.” Negus picked a little stick from the floor and said: “What you have just said about Jesus does not go beyond the truth by the width of this stick.” To the jeers and sneers of the patriarchs he replied: “It is true, no matter what you say.” He then said to the Muslims: “You are safe in my land. Whoever harms you will be brought to justice. I would not harm any one of you for a mountain of gold.” He then ordered his patriarchs to return the gifts of the Quraysh delegation.5

      A Shrewd Plan

      The emigration of the Prophet’s companions to Abyssinia was a highly significant event, which can be accurately described as the first major political move taken by the Prophet. Although people often give more prominence to the Prophet’s desire to spare his companions the persecution inflicted by the Quraysh, it had some definite objectives. If one analyses the emigration and the whole situation that prevailed in Makkah at that time, one is bound to realize that there were other, far more important reasons, which made this emigration a shrewd strategic move on the part of the Prophet. A close examination of the list of people who travelled to Abyssinia shows that hardly any of the weak and vulnerable elements who were subjected to unbearable torture joined the travellers. Historians of that period are uncertain about ʿAmmār ibn Yāsir who was, together with his parents, a target for some of the most brutal types of torture. Indeed, both his parents died under torture. Historians are certain, however, that people like Khabbāb ibn al-Aratt and Bilāl ibn Rabāḥ, who were the most famous of ʿAmmār’s fellow sufferers, did not travel. On the other hand, one finds that the list of travellers includes names of many prominent people who belonged to famous clans which were able to afford them protection.

      In this list are the names of ʿUthmān ibn ʿAffān of the Umayyah clan, Abū Ḥudhayfah ibn ʿUtbah of ʿAbd Shams, whose father was one of the chiefs in Makkah, and his wife Sahlah bint Suhayl of the ʿĀmir clan, whose father was later to become the governor of Makkah, al-Zubayr ibn al-ʿAwwām of Asad, ʿAbd al-Raḥmān ibn ʿAwf of Zuhrah, Abū Salamah ʿAbdullāh ibn ʿAbd al-Asad of Makhzūm, Suhayl ibn Wahb of Fihr, Muṣʿab ibn ʿUmayr of ʿAbd al-Dār and Jaʿfar ibn Abī Ṭālib of the Hāshimite clan, who was the Prophet’s cousin.

      One need only look at these names to realize that the emigrants belonged to most, if not all, the clans of the Quraysh, and many of them belonged to highly placed families in Makkah. In the tribal set-up of Arabia, such people could not be subjected to physical torture and persecution in the same way as the slaves, the allies and other vulnerable people. Perhaps the most that such people had to endure was verbal abuse, or on occasion they might be drawn into a slanging match or met with derision and ridicule. This may hurt people immensely but its total effect is different from that of physical torture, which the tyrannical chiefs of the Quraysh inflicted on the weaker Muslims. Such verbal abuse may be painful, but it does not call for a break of ties with one’s own clan and crossing the sea by desert people in order to live in a distant land among total strangers.

      A point to be mentioned here is that Abū Bakr, the closest to the Prophet of all his companions, also embarked on this journey and travelled from Makkah. However, he was met some distance away from the city by Mālik ibn al-Dughunnah, who found it unacceptable that a man of the calibre of Abū Bakr should leave Makkah. Mālik persuaded him to return and extended his protection to him so that Abū Bakr would not be abused. It is impossible to imagine that Abū Bakr was subjected to any physical torture when he was the one who bought seven Muslim slaves to save them from physical persecution. Why would he travel when Bilāl, a former slave whom he had set free, did not find it necessary to do so? There cannot be a satisfactory answer to such a question unless we say that there is a much wider perspective to this emigration by the Prophet’s companions than the mere escape of persecuted people.

      Realignment of Loyalties

      In order to do that, one must take a fresh look at the situation in Makkah just before the Prophet’s decision to encourage his companions to go to Abyssinia. In the intervening period between the Prophet’s proclamation of his message and this emigration, almost two years, there was much turmoil in Makkah, with the Quraysh putting up strong opposition to the new message. The Quraysh were fundamentally shaken by the call to accept Islam. All attempts to contain it were futile. But if hard-liners were to escalate the pressure, where would it lead them?

      Perhaps it was necessary to answer this question before it was put, so that the Quraysh could contemplate the consequences of any decision. The emigration to Abyssinia made that clear. The emigrants included one man, Jaʿfar ibn Abī Ṭālib and one woman, Ruqayyah, daughter of the Prophet from the Hāshimite clan, one man from the clan of ʿAbd ibn Quṣayy, one man from Nawfal and two from ʿAbd Shams, two from Taym, four from Asad, five from ʿAdiy, seven each from Umayyah, Zuhrah, ʿAbd al-Dār and ʿĀmir, eight from Makhzūm and a similar number from al-Ḥārith ibn Hishām, twelve from Jumaḥ and four from Sahm.6 This meant that an all-out confrontation would involve every clan of the Quraysh turning against some of its own people. That was totally unacceptable in that particular place at that particular time.

      As the Quraysh watched all those Muslims suddenly move out, across tribal lines, and join an exodus to seek a safer place where they could worship God, the Quraysh realized that their rejection of tribal values was irrevocable and allegiance to the new faith was total. Moreover, the Quraysh realized that Islam was able to gain ground in all sectors of society. Hence, any move to mount a full strike against the Muslims must win support throughout all the clans, because there were a number of Muslims in each and every clan. To unite them all in a determined confrontation with Muslims was impracticable because several clans had not given up hope of the possibility of working out a certain kind of understanding which would be satisfactory to both sides. It was not possible at that time to persuade the chiefs of some of these clans that they must fight some of their dearest sons, particularly when a good number of them belonged to the most prominent families. However, to those hardliners who were in the forefront of the confrontation with Islam, the collapse of tribal affiliation and blind loyalty to clan and tribe in the minds of Muslims was very clear. Hence they sought to forestall a move which was bound to emphasize their new allegiance to their faith.

      The Prophet was keen to emphasize the very concept which the Quraysh wanted to block. He wanted his followers to realize that belonging to Islam meant that they no longer belonged to Hāshim, Umayyah, Sahm, ʿAdiy or any other clan. Their only tie of allegiance was to their faith. They were simply Muslims. As long as they were in Makkah, where hostile forces tried hard to play on feelings of tribal loyalty, this particular task was going to be difficult. Those companions of the Prophet also valued their tribal ties very highly until the moment they became Muslims. Living among their own people, where they needed tribal protection, would make it inevitable that they would have to seek some sort of modus vivendi with their own tribes who were still predominantly pagan. All that was needed was a tacit understanding of the relationship between a Muslim individual and his idolatrous tribe.

      Leaving Makkah for a far away place like Abyssinia achieved the dual benefit of removing all social pressures which could be brought to bear on the Muslims and strengthening their own mutual ties, so that they could be moulded into a single, well-knit community. Those hundred