Navigating College With the 7 Habits. Sean Covey. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Sean Covey
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Учебная литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781642501780
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for heavy reading and saved her train time for light reviews of what she had read. “When the kids are at daycare and I have the place to myself, I can study until my brain falls out.”

      As with Jeri, your study skills can make all the difference, and it’s your responsibility to develop them. No one can do it for you.

      Finally, you need effective life skills—for managing time, setting goals, building friendships, caring for your health, working in teams, and so on. These are just as important as academic skills. You probably know students who are bright intellectually but struggle to get along with other people or manage their time and money. They might be smart, but they have a tough time making friends or holding on to a job. In fact, a critical reason for gaining life skills is that employers will always look for new hires who have soft skills like these. They obviously like to know you did well in your classes, but they also want to know if you’re disciplined and good with people. While most employers are willing to train you for your job, they don’t want to have to train you in life skills.


      Life Skills Make You Employable

      Edexcel, a United Kingdom-based education firm, recently asked more than two thousand employers from twenty-two countries what they look for when recruiting. They responded with pleas for more life skills, such as:

      •Problem solving

      •Positive thinking



      •Leadership and management





      •Communication skills

      •Professional manners

      •Cultural sensitivity

      •Considering these life skills, how employable are you right now? What can you do to make yourself more employable?

      So how do you improve your life skills? It’s all about your habits. You might have habits that work against you, like procrastination or impulsiveness. (Why did you eat all that pizza, anyway?)

      You gain good life skills by changing your habits, especially if you have darker ones like addictions.

      The purpose of this e-book is to help you form new habits—the habits of effective, successful students—that will help you lead a successful, effective life.

      This e-book is based on The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, a set of life skills originally identified by my father, Dr. Stephen R. Covey. As a university professor, he spent decades studying the habits of the most successful people and organizations. He reviewed literally hundreds of books and mounds of research, drawing on sources from all over the world and from both classic and modern literature. After this academic odyssey, he started sharing the 7 Habits with his students at the university. His classes grew so popular that they started being held in the basketball arena. In 1989, the much-awaited book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People first came out. Over twenty-five million copies in forty different languages later, we’re bringing the 7 Habits to you.

      So, what are the 7 Habits of Highly Effective College Students?

      The habits build on each other. When you were born, you were dependent on your parents or others for your survival. Gradually, you started moving toward independence. So, Habit 1 is Be Proactive. That means taking responsibility for your own life. Habit 2 is Begin with the End in Mind, a. k. a deciding what your life is all about, what your mission in life is, and what your most cherished goals are. Habit 3, Put First Things First, is about making sure that the most important things in your life get priority. The more you live by these first 3 habits, the more independent you become. We call it “winning the Private Victory” over the self.

      While it’s good to be independent, there is a higher state to strive for. This is called interdependence. At home, at school, at work, we must work well with others to be successful. Life is a team sport. Habit 4 is Think Win-Win, which means that you always act with consideration for the needs of others as well as your own needs. Habit 5 is Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood. It’s about the ability to see the world from the point of view of others before trying to make others see your point of view. Habit 6, Synergize, means that you actually appreciate different points of view because they broaden your own understanding and lead to better solutions. These three habits (4, 5, and 6) make you more interdependent. We call it “winning the Public Victory.”

      So you move from dependence to independence to interdependence. The more interdependent you are, the more you become a leader—a leader of your own life and a leader among your peers.

      Habit 7, Sharpen the Saw, nourishes all the other habits. It’s the practice of renewal. If you exercise Habit 7, you do something every day to recharge your body, mind, spirit, and emotional life. You can’t practice the other habits unless you practice Habit 7.

      The 7 Habits are the key, not only to success in college, but also to success in life. (In this e-book, we’re going to mainly focus on using the 7 Habits for university life.)

      College is meant to stretch your mind, abilities, and grow your expertise. The first year is often the hardest. So don’t be alarmed if you have an occasional overwhelming day or bomb a test here or there. If for whatever reason, you find yourself facing more than you can handle academically, financially, or emotionally, then seek help. But whatever you do, don’t quit!

      My hope is that you’ll have the time of your life while in college. Trust me, in spite of the occasional marathon-like moment, college can truly be a lot of fun and incredibly worth your investments of money, time, and effort. There are good reasons why so many people, including myself, think back on their college years as some of the best. And they are not just thinking of the parties. They made lifetime friends, learned from great minds, overcame insecurities, had a lot of fun, and prepared themselves for meaningful careers. They’re even grateful for the challenges they faced that made them stronger.

      So, yes, welcome to college!

      In the next chapter, you’ll discover the secret to not just surviving but thriving in college. It’s all about the principles that successful college students—and successful people—live by.

      More than a half century ago, a music executive in London was invited to listen to a new group of four guys who sang and played the guitar. He listened for a while and then shrugged them off. He decided not to offer them a recording contract. “Groups of guitars are on their way out,” he said, and turned down what would become the most popular band in history, a band that would go on to sell more than a billion recordings—the Beatles.

      Today, it seems incredible that anyone in their right mind would turn down the Beatles. So why did this executive do it? The results you get in life flow from the things you do, which in turn flow from the way you see things. We call this the See-Do-Get Cycle. The music executive saw a world in which groups of guitars were losing popularity, so what did he do? Naturally, he turned down the Beatles. And what did he get as a result? Well, he didn’t get to sell a billion recordings.

      Again, the results you get in life flow from the things you do, which in turn flow from the way you see things. For example, if you see hard work as the key to success in life, what will you do? You’ll probably work harder than most people. And what will be your reward? Most likely