Say It Now. Sherry Richert Belul. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Sherry Richert Belul
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Сделай Сам
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781642500363
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      Praise for Sherry Richert Belul’s

      Say It Now

      “Sherry is the central switchboard of kindness, a pure light source. She seems to be everywhere at once with more attention beamed on everything than most people can even imagine. How does she do it? My introduction to Sherry was via a letter of appreciation she sent me for my poetry, but she’s a living example of all that she teaches about expressing love and appreciation to everyone in every way we can. In a world that often feels too full of violence, fear, and anger, we need all the kindness we can get. Sherry’s work sparks courage in ways that create contagious light. And those tiny lights beam out into the world, changing hearts and moods and minds.”

      —Naomi Shihab Nye, Poet and author of The Red Suitcase

      “Brendon and I have both received books from Sherry filled with loving and positive quotes from people in our community. These books literally make you cry happy tears; they are filled with so much joy. Sherry is a blessing to everyone around her, and she reminds us all to do something for people in our lives to say I see you, I appreciate you, keep going. You never know when someone around you needs a boost. Sherry’s work will inspire you to share gratitude, love, and appreciation in new creative ways.”

      —Denise & Brendon Burchard, The Burchard Group/HPX Life

      “The Celebration Book created by Simply Celebrate was by far the most beautiful gift I’ve ever received. A magnificent surprise! I literally sobbed when I read it. Wow, what a keepsake! Sherry’s work is an example of the power of appreciation and celebration. I’m glad she’s out there encouraging this kind of expression of joy!”

      —Marcia Wieder, CEO and founder of Dream University

      “Sherry Richert Belul’s work helps jumpstart joy for anyone who feels stuck or not enough. Sherry shares pinpoints of light to move people away from inner shadows toward happiness and celebration. She offers an exciting voice of hope, love, and compassion.”

      —Randy Taran, founder of Project Happiness

      “Sherry Richert Belul showed up to Life is a Verb Camp with a bag full of magic, creating joy, connection, and happiness in amazing and beautifully simple ways. The Mailbags o’ Love she created facilitated so much appreciation and celebration that we awarded Sherry the event ‘VIP: Golden Heart’ Award and have made those mailbags a new tradition. I can’t imagine ever having camp without her Joy Ninja self again!”

      —Patti Digh, Founder, Life is a Verb Camp and author, Life is a Verb

      “I head up a company dedicated to building relationships between coaches, authors, and entrepreneurs, so I know the power of bringing appreciation, joy, and celebration into our relationships in new and daring ways. Sherry Richert Belul brings her own brand of joy and celebration to our members in the form of warmth, high energy, unfailing encouragements, and simple joy. Her appreciation and celebration practices have landed on my own doorsteps numerous times and always astound me with impeccable timing and personalized care.”

      —Rich German, author of Monetize Your Passion and founder of Joint Venture Insider Circle

      “Sherry Richert Belul is part street urchin, part Mary Poppins. Like magic, she shows up in unexpected places—sometimes in the mess of despair or depression, miraculously in the moment we need it—to remind us all of the power of appreciation and love.”

      —Susan Harrow, author of Sell Yourself Without Selling Your Soul and CEO of

      “Working with Sherry to create a Celebration Book was an absolute joy, and the final product is nothing short of spectacular. My wife loves her gift, and this incredible keepsake will be a treasure for us to enjoy for a lifetime!”

      —Steve Olsher, New York Times bestselling author of What Is Your WHAT? and host of Reinvention Radio

      “As a recipient of one of Sherry’s celebration books, I can attest to the deep, soulful impact of these books. Sherry is a happiness Ninja, someone who has an infectious energy and amazing skill at making people feel elevated, inspired, and that they are part of a community of other inspirationalists. Her life’s work has been built on the premise of ‘turning ordinary moments into an extraordinary life,’ and she offers countless ways for others to find all of the ‘pinpricks of light’ in their own lives.”

      —Maya Stein, founder of The Creativity Caravan, author of Writing Prompts for Ordinary People, Brave Girls University teacher

      “Sherry Belul’s caring and fun attitude is contagious, her message clear and inspiring. Her exercises for deep learning took us deep quickly. No wonder when I asked new members what they wanted in speakers, the first two answers were ‘More like her!’ ”

      —Pat McHenry Sullivan, program director, East Bay Women’s Network

      “On a recent long plane ride, I pressed ‘random play’ on my audios, and what really stood out to me was so many amazing recordings in which Sherry’s voice was shining through with positivity, enthusiasm, bouncy joyful high spirits…and oodles of perfectly-crafted encouragements. It was so moving and encouraging! I’m just one of the many people Sherry’s infectious high spirits have bolstered. The truth is that you never know when something you said to someone is being remembered and replayed and is making a huge difference in their lives, like Sherry’s amazing recordings did for me. Sherry teaches us all the ripple effects of love.”

      —Rob Witig, founder of Netprov Studio and Sherry’s coaching client

      “I love the idea of these creative one-of-a-kind gifts. Last year I downloaded Sherry’s printable Love List, wrote on it by hand, and mailed it to my mother-in-law. She cried! A good cry! She told everyone that it was the best gift she could have received. I did the same for friends’ birthdays this year, and one friend said that no one had EVER told her things that they loved about her. A friend is having surgery today for cancer, and it dawned on me this morning to create a Joy Jar for her after I watched Sherry’s video from the email she sent out!! I’m sure this loving gift will help my friend recover. All of the creativity brought by Sherry is so refreshing and so needed. Sherry’s work is powerful beyond measure.”

      —Melissa Brown, Simply Celebrate reader

      Copyright © 2019 Sherry Richert Belul

      Published by The Tiny Press, an imprint of Mango Publishing Group, a division of Mango Media Inc.

      Cover: © Joanna Price, Layout & Design: Morgane Leoni

      Mango is an active supporter of authors’ rights to free speech and artistic expression in their books. The purpose of copyright is to encourage authors to produce exceptional works that enrich our culture and our open society.

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      Say It Now: 33 Ways to Say “I Love You” to the Most Important People in Your Life

      Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication number: 2019935682

      ISBN: (print) 978-1-64250-035-6, (ebook) 978-1-64250-036-3

      BISAC category code REF019000 REFERENCE / Quotations
