Get It Done. Hayley Hobson. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Hayley Hobson
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Здоровье
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781633537910
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by Priority

      Identify the most important or urgent tasks on your list by using a number or letter system:

      1.Most Important


      3.Least Important

      Put the corresponding number next to each item on the list: (1) most important, (2) important, and (3) least important. Then rewrite the list in order of priority. Again, depending on your top priorities, family activities might be at the top of the list. Projects and errands might be next. It’s your list. If many things are equally important, choose randomly. What matters is that you get things done.

      Keep your list accessible and visible. Use it as a reminder of what needs your attention.


       Goal Setting

      Map It Out, Write It Down, and Dive In!

      Goal setting. Hmph. Okay, I saw you roll your eyes.

      LOL—I actually agree with what you might be thinking.

      Goal setting is probably the most oversaturated topic of discussion ever. Does that mean it’s not important? Of course not! In fact, it’s probably the most important skill you can master, and that’s why I’ve included it as one of the thirty-one ways to release your inner boss.

      Before we go any further, I have to say that if you’re not already setting goals—or not willing to set them, go right ahead and close this book. And don’t put it on your bookshelf either—get it out of the house altogether. Put it with that box of stuff going to Goodwill (remember, the one from your closet) or give it to a friend, and go back to your life as it is.

      I’m being very serious when I say that goal setting is a skill you must master, because if you’re going to rely on blind luck to create your future, you’re committing to a life of confusion and chaos. You might as well pack it in right now. Without goals, your life will be no more than a crapshoot. YOU are too important and too valuable to settle for that.

      And when you’re finished reading this chapter, can I ask you to do one more thing? Set at least ONE goal. Jump on my Facebook page and tell me what it is, or join my group, Consciously Creating Your Whole You with Hayley Hobson.


      Cool! I can’t wait to hear from you so I can support you.

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