Rituals for Magic and Meaning. Cerridwen Greenleaf. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Cerridwen Greenleaf
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Старинная литература: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781633535367
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is associated with the blue of the sky god. You can increase your prosperity by remembering one of the most basic principles of prosperity: By giving, so shall you receive.

      To create a prosperity altar, consecrate the area with sea salt. Cover a low table with green and gold altar cloths or scarves and place matching candles on it. Each day, “recharge” your altar with an altar gift such as flowers, jade or other green crystals, golden flowers, scented amber resin, and coin-shaped pebbles. On any Thursday or new moon, light your candle at midnight and burn frankincense and myrrh incense. Make an offering of a golden fruit such as apples or peaches to Jupiter, and anoint your third eye with a corresponding essential oil such as myrrh, frankincense, apple, or peach. Pray aloud:

      This offering I make as my blessing to all.

      Greatest of gods, Lord Jove of the sky.

      From you, all heavenly gifts do fall.

      Most generous of all, you never deny.

      To you, I am grateful, and so mote it be!

      Put the candle in a safe, fireproof place and let it burn all night. You will dream of your loved ones, including yourself, receiving a bounty of material and spiritual wealth.

      Pot of Gold: An Abundance Altar Blessing

      Cauldron magic is more about the act of brewing something new than it is about purification by water. To attract money, fill a big pot with fresh water and place it on your altar during the waxing moon. Pour into it an offering of a cup of milk mixed with honey. Toss handfuls of chamomile, woodruff, moss, and vervain into the cauldron. With your hands raised, say aloud:

      I call upon you, gods and goddesses of old, to fill my purse with gold. In return, I offer your honey’s gold and mother’s milk. With harm to none and blessings to thee, I honor you for bringing me health and prosperity.

      Place the offering bowl on your altar and leave the aromatic mixture there to imbue your space with the energy of abundance. When the magic has been fulfilled (or before the milk and herbs begin to spoil). pour it outside your home into the ground and bow in appreciation of the kindness of the gods and goddesses.

      The Bounty of Nature

      The following list of herbs can be used in ritual work whose intention is prosperity. Try these alone of in mixtures, tinctures, or incense. You can also plant a prosperity garden and refresh your abundance altar with herbs and flowers grown by your own hand.

      Prosperity herbs include: allspice, almond, basil, bergamot mint, cedar, cinnamon, cinquefoil, clove, clover, dill, ginger, heliotrope, honeysuckle, hyssop, jasmine, myrtle, nutmeg, oak moss, orange, peppermint, pine sage, sassafras, vervain, and woodruff.

      Peace of Mind: A Happy Home Altar

      On a low table or chest of your choosing, place a forest green scarf and a brown candle to represent your family. Add lovely objects that you have found around your home and garden: a special fallen leaf, ocean-carved driftwood, lacey dried lichen, smooth stones, or whatever your heart desires. It is of utmost importance to add a bouquet of wildflowers native to your area that you have gathered close to your home or purchased locally. This bouquet will help integrate your home into your neighborhood and the geographic area in which you live. If possible, add a sweetly scented sachet of potpourri made from your home kitchen garden. Add personal mementos like photos or a locket with a photo of your spouse and children. Burn your favorite essential oils, the ones that create an aura of instant comfort for you, such as vanilla, cinnamon, or sweet orange neroli in an oil lamp. Finally, anoint the brown candle while concentrating on peace and bliss surrounding your home. Chant:

      Here burns happiness about me.

      Peace and harmony are in abundance,

      And here true bliss surrounds.

      From now on, disharmony is gone.

      This is a home of peace and blessings.

      Here sheer joy lives.

      This consecrated space will ease your spirits at any time. Your altar connects you to the earth of which you are a part.

      Home Protection Potpourri

      Simmer this mixture whenever you feel the need to infuse your home and heart with the energies of protection. This will safeguard you and your loved ones from outside influences that could be negative or disruptive. Set your intention and gather together the following herbs:

      1/4 cup rosemary

      4 bay laurel leaves

      1 tablespoon basil

      1/8 cup sage

      1 teaspoon dill weed

      1/8 cup cedar

      1 teaspoon juniper berries

      Mix the herbs together by hand. While you are doing this, close your eyes and visualize your home as a sacred place protected by a boundary of glowing white light. Imagine that the light runs through you to the herbs in your hand and charges them with the energy of safety, sanctity, and protection. Add the herbs to a pan filled with simmering water. When the aromatic steam rises, intone:

      By my own hand, I have made this balm;

      This divine essence contains my calm.

      By my own will, I make this charm;

      This precious potpourri protects all from harm.

      With harm to none and health to all,

      Blessed be!

      Astrological Herbology

      You can also choose the herbs for your altar based on your sun or moon sign. Explore making tinctures, incense, oils, potpourri, and other magical potions for your rituals using celestial correspondences. For example, if the new moon is in Aries when you are performing an attraction ritual, try using peppermint or fennel, two herbs sacred to the sign of the Ram. If you are creating a special altar for the time during which the sun is in the sign of Cancer, use incense oils, teas, and herbs corresponding to that astrological energy, including jasmine and lemon. These correspondences create a synthesis of energies that adds to the effectiveness of your magical work.

      Sanctuary and Serenity Magical Potpourri

      Potpourri was a medieval product revived by the Victorians, who used the symbolic meanings and powers of flowers. Grow these flowers in your kitchen garden or buy cut flowers. Dry them; then pace them in a pretty container. Choose flowers that connect with your astrological sign and personal energy from the following list:

      Aries, ruled by Mars: carnation, cedar, clove, cumin, fennel, juniper, peppermint, and pine

      Taurus, ruled by Venus: apple, daisy, lilac, magnolia, oak moss, orchid, plumeria, rose, thyme, tonka bean, vanilla, violet

      Gemini, ruled by Mercury: almond, bergamot, mint, clover, dill, lavender, lemongrass, lily, parsley

      Cancer, ruled by the Moon: eucalyptus, gardenia, jasmine, lemon, lotus, rose, myrrh, sandalwood

      Leo, ruled by the Sun: acacia, cinnamon, heliotrope, nutmeg, orange, rosemary

      Virgo, ruled by Mercury: almond, cypress, bergamot, mint, mace, moss, patchouli

      Libra, ruled by Venus: catnip, marjoram, mugwort, spearmint, sweet pea, thyme, vanilla

      Scorpio, ruled by Pluto: allspice, basil, cumin, galangal, ginger

      Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter: anise, cedar wood, sassafras, star anise, honeysuckle

      Capricorn, ruled by Saturn: mimosa, vervain, vetiver

      Aquarius, ruled by Uranus: gum, almond, acacia, citron, cypress, lavender, mimosa, peppermint, pine

      Pisces, ruled by Neptune: anise, catnip, clove, gardenia, lemon, orris, sarsaparilla, sweet pea