Like Cats and Dogs. Alexis Stanton. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Alexis Stanton
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Короткие любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781947892163
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got his attention. She seemed uncertain of herself, even though it was clear she enjoyed photography. “Why not?”

      The doorbell rang, and she jumped up, almost eager to escape answering his question. “Oh, that’s for me,” she said as she hurried inside. “I ordered pizza.”

      “Of course you did,” he said to the space she’d occupied. Pizza had been off-limits at his grandparents’. They’d insisted it was junk food fit only to feed desperate animals.

      He brought Mozart back inside, just in time to see Laura carrying a pizza box to the kitchen counter. She opened the lid and he had to stop himself from deeply inhaling the delicious aroma of cheese and bread. Junk food is a no, remember?

      “Mm,” Laura said appreciatively. “Want some?”

      He set Mozart down beside her bowl. “No. Thank you,” he remembered to add. From the fridge he pulled out some celery stalks. “I’m eating raw this month.”

      “Hm,” she said with a skeptical look. “I don’t suppose your cat wants any either?”

      “Definitely not,” he answered. “Mozart is on a very special diet.” He glanced at his cat as she nibbled on the expensive hypoallergenic food he’d purchased from the vet. She had allergies, and the wrong kind of food made her itchy and uncomfortable.

      “Frank pretty much eats whatever falls on the floor,” Laura announced, like it was some kind of badge of honor that her dog was basically a garbage can.

      “There you go, then,” he said with a shake of his head.

      She picked up a slice of pizza. “What do you mean?”

      “The difference,” he replied. “Between cats and dogs.” Cats demanded things to be exactly the way they liked things, and dogs were…undisciplined. Chaotic.

      They also lavished unconditional affection on their owners. Which sounded kind of nice. What would it be like to be the recipient of something’s—or someone’s—complete, unreserved love?

      He realized with an unpleasant sensation in his chest that he didn’t know.

      Unaware of his thoughts, Laura took a defiantly big bite of pizza. She made a noise of appreciation aimed right at him. “Delicious.”

      Two could play at that game. He chomped down on a celery stalk. It didn’t taste very good, but it was good for him. Still, she didn’t need to know that it had the flavor of soap. “Mm, delicious,” he said around a mouthful of celery. He made himself smile.

      They continued to eat in silence, and despite the fact that the smell of the pizza tempted him, he dutifully chewed his way through celery and carrots. He would do the right thing, even if he didn’t like it.


      Wanting some space from Spencer and his vegetables of doom, Laura called for an Uber and made the journey across town to Rose and Kenny’s house. Her college roommate now lived with her husband in an adorable cottage on a tree-lined street. As Laura stood on the curb, holding Frank’s leash, she was struck again with a feeling like being a leaf on a breeze, just wafting around with no direction and no purpose.

      It was like her photographs. She loved taking them, loved capturing the mood of a place, but there was nothing special about her pictures. They didn’t say anything about her. Anyone could have taken them. She definitely wasn’t going to show them to Spencer, who’d probably try to use them to analyze her like a psychology subject.

      “Clearly, the person behind the lens needs to get a life,” she imagined him saying.

      Not everyone can be Professor Perfect, she said to herself. All work and no play.

      But Rose is happy, Laura’s thoughts reminded her. She’s going somewhere. She’s building a life.

      Laura pushed those thoughts down as she approached the front door. It wouldn’t be very much fun for Rose if she showed up at her home full of complaints and confusion.

      She rang the bell and waited, eager to catch up with Rose and also vent about Spencer. It was more satisfying to complain to a human than to her dog.

      The door opened and Laura said, “Hi!” But everything else she’d planned on saying fled when she saw her friend’s big, round belly. Rose was pregnant. Very pregnant.

      “Surprise!” Rose cried, flinging open her arms.

      “Oh my God,” Laura couldn’t help but stammer. “Yeah—surprise. My gosh. Hi.” Words of any meaning or significance flew away as she eyed her friend’s dramatic change. The paths of their lives veered apart, and Laura felt both happiness and sadness.

      “I know,” Rose said wryly. But then she hugged Laura, and Laura eagerly returned the hug. Despite Rose’s belly poking into her, it felt good to be back in her friend’s arms.

      They moved into the house. “Your place is so great,” Laura exclaimed. She took in the beautiful woodwork and built-ins that made the snug house appear even more adorable. Perfect for a family.

      “Is that Loony Laura?” Kenny came out of a room and pulled her in for a hug.

      “Is that Crazy Kenny?” she asked with a laugh. He was like the brother she’d never had. They had all been friends in college, but Kenny and Rose had progressed from teasing friendship to marriage. Some people thought that Rose and Kenny had married very young, but it was hard to argue with the love in their eyes whenever they looked at each other.

      Rose led her to a couch as Kenny headed into the kitchen. “How do you like your rental? The pictures made it look gorgeous.”

      “It is,” Laura answered. “Except someone else thinks it’s gorgeous, too.”

      “What do you mean?” Rose asked.

      She made a face. “There’s another tenant. A grad student who brought his cat with him while he works on his dissertation.”

      “Seriously?” Rose looked appalled. “How does Frank feel about that?”

      “You know Frank,” Laura said fondly, gazing down at the dog sitting at her feet. “He just wants to play.”

      Kenny came back into the living room carrying a tray with a teapot and mugs. “Wait, so there’s a guy in your place?”

      “Yeah,” Laura answered. “It’s just a mix-up with the rental company. It’s fine.” She didn’t know why she was downplaying the situation. It wasn’t like she and Spencer were on friendly terms.

      “Why don’t you come stay with us?” Rose suggested.

      “That’s very, very sweet,” Laura said at once. “But I’ve already paid for the house. They’re not going to push me out.” She’d like to see Spencer try. Hah! She’d just laugh in his handsome face. “Don’t worry. It’s only for one night, and plus I’ve got Frank to protect me. Right, Frank?”

      He wagged his tail in response and looked at her with adoration. Who didn’t like dogs? They were so full of energy and love.

      “All right, well,” Kenny said, “if you ladies will excuse me, I’ve got a nursery that’s not going to paint itself.”

      He bent and kissed Rose. Laura pretended to be interested in her tea rather than remind herself of the fact that she was on her own—again.

      Once she and Rose were alone, her friend said brightly as she poured some tea, “I thought you were going to bring David. You guys make such a cute couple.”

      “Yeah, well,” Laura muttered. “Now he’s making a cute couple with someone else.”

      It had been difficult to break up with him, but despite his protests that he wanted to be with her, it hadn’t taken him long to find somebody new. Laura had actually