26 How Sir Tristram fought with Sir Brewnor and at the last smote off his head
27 How Sir Galahalt fought with Sir Tristram and how Sir Tristram yielded him and promised fellowship with Lancelot
28 How Sir Lancelot met with Sir Carados bearing away Sir Gawain, and of the rescue of Sir Gawain
29 Of the wedding of King Mark to La Beale Isode, and of Brangwine her maid, and of Palomides
30 How Palomides demanded Queen Isode, and how Lambegus rode after to rescue her, and of the escape of Isode
31 How Sir Tristram rode after Sir Palomides, and how he found him and fought with him, and by the mean of Isode the battle ceased
32 How Sir Tristram brought Queen Isode home, and of the debate between King Mark and Sir Tristram
33 How Sir Lamorak jousted with thirty knights and Sir Tristram at the request of King Mark smote his horse down
34 How Sir Lamorak sent a horn to King Mark in despite of Sir Tristram, and how Sir Tristram was driven into a chapel
35 How Sir Tristram was helped by his men, and of Queen Isode who was put in a leper’s hut, and Tristram was hurt
36 How Sir Tristram served King Howell of Brittany in a war, and slew his adversary in the field
37 How Sir Suppinables told Sir Tristram how he was defamed in the court of King Arthur, and of Sir Lamorak
38 How Sir Tristram and his wife arrived in Wales, and how he met there with Sir Lamorak
39 How Sir Tristram fought with Sir Nabon, and overcame him, and made Sir Segwarides lord of the isle
40 How Sir Lamorak departed from Sir Tristram, and how he met with Sir Froll, and after with Sir Lancelot
41 How Sir Lamorak slew Sir Froll, and of the courteous fighting with Sir Belliance, his brother
Book IX
1 How a young man came into the court of King Arthur, and how Sir Kay called him, in scorn, ‘La Cote Mal Taille’
2 How a damsel came into the court and desired a knight to take on a quest, which La Cote Mal Taille accepted
3 How La Cote Mal Taille overthrew Sir Dagonet, the king’s fool, and of the rebuke that he had from the damsel
4 How La Cote Mal Taille fought against an hundred knights, and how he escaped by means of a lady
5 How Sir Lancelot came to the court and heard of La Cote Mal Taille, and how he followed after him, and how La Cote Mal Taille was prisoner
6 How Sir Lancelot fought with six knights and after with Sir Brian, and how he delivered the prisoners
7 How Sir Lancelot met with the damsel named Maledisant, and named her the damsel Bienpensante
8 How La Cote Mal Taille was taken prisoner, and after rescued by Sir Lancelot, and how Sir Lancelot overcame four brothers
9 How Sir Lancelot made La Cote Mal Taille lord of the castle Pendragon, and after was made knight of the Round Table
10 How La Beale Isode sent letters to Sir Tristram by her maid Brangwine, and of diverse adventures of Sir Tristram
11 How Sir Tristram met and fought with Sir Lamorak of Wales, and how they fought, and after accorded never to fight together
12 How Sir Palomides followed the Questing Beast, and smote down Sir Tristram and Sir Lamorak with one spear
13 How Sir Lamorak met with Sir Meleagant and they fought together for the beauty of Dame Guenevere
14 Yet more of the same tale
15 How Sir Kay met Sir Tristram, and after of the shame spoken of the knights of Cornwall, and how they jousted
16 How King Arthur was brought into the Forest Perilous, and how Sir Tristram saved his life
17 How Sir Tristram came to La Beale Isode, and how Kehydyns began to love La Beale Isode, and of a letter that Tristram found
18 How Sir Tristram departed from Tintagel, and how he sorrowed and was so long in a forest until he was out of his mind
19 How Sir Tristram soused Dagonet in a well, and how Palomides sent a damsel to seek Tristram and how Palomides met with King Mark
20 How it was noised that Sir Tristram was dead, and how La Beale Isode would have slain herself
21 How King Mark found Sir Tristram naked and caused him to be brought home to Tintagel, and how he was there recognized by a brachet
22 How King Mark, by the advice of his council, banished Sir Tristram out of Cornwall for the term of ten years
23 How a damsel sought help to help Sir Lancelot against thirty knights, and how Sir Tristram fought with them
24 How Sir Tristram and Sir Dinadan came to a lodging where they had to joust with two knights
25 How Sir Tristram jousted with Sir Kay and Sir Sagramore le Desirous, and how Sir Gawain turned Sir Tristram from Morgan le Fay
26 How Sir Tristram and Sir Gawain rode to have fought against the thirty knights, but they dared not come out
27 How Dame Brangwine found Tristram sleeping by a well, and how she delivered letters to him from La Beale Isode
28 How Sir Tristram had a fall of Sir Palomides, and how Lancelot overthrew two knights
29 How Sir Lancelot jousted with Sir Palomides and overthrew him, and after he was assailed with twelve knights
30 How Sir Tristram behaved the first day of the tournament, and there he had the prize
31 How Sir Tristram returned against King Arthur’s party because he saw Sir Palomides in that party
32 How Sir Tristram found Palomides by a well, and brought him with him to his lodging
33 How Sir Tristram smote down Sir Palomides, and how he jousted with King Arthur, and other feats
34 How Sir Lancelot hurt Sir Tristram, and how after Sir Tristram smote down Sir Palomides
35 How the prize of the third day was given to Sir Lancelot, and how Sir Lancelot gave it to Sir Tristram
36 How Palomides came to the castle where Sir Tristram was, and of the quest that Sir Lancelot and ten knights made for Sir Tristram
37 How Sir Tristram, Sir Palomides, and Sir Dinadan were taken and put in prison
38 How King Mark was sorry for the good renown of Sir Tristram. Some of Arthur’s knights jousted with knights of Cornwall
39 Of the treason of King Mark, and how Sir Gaheris smote him down and Andret his cousin
40 How after that Sir Tristram, Sir Palomides, and Sir Dinadan had been long in prison, they were delivered
41 How Sir Dinadan rescued a lady from Sir Breunis Sans Pité, and how Sir Tristram received a shield from Morgan le Fay
42 How Sir Tristram took with him the shield, and also how he slew the paramour of Morgan le Fay
43 How Morgan le Fay buried her paramour, and how Sir Tristram praised Sir Lancelot and his kin
44 How Sir Tristram at a tournament bore the shield that Morgan le Fay had delivered to him
Book X
1 How Sir Tristram jousted, and smote down King Arthur, because he told him not the cause why he bore that shield
2 How Sir Tristram saved Sir Palomides’ life, and how they promised to fight together within a fortnight
3 How Sir Tristram sought a strong knight who had smitten him down, and many other knights of the Round Table
4 How Sir Tristram smote down Sir Sagramore le Desirous and Sir Dodinas le Savage