A Prayer for Women Leaders around the World
Praise to you, women leaders of the seven continents,
for your many works of justice.
Praise to you, women leaders of Asia,
for confronting trafficking of women.
Praise to you, women leaders of Africa,
for raising your voices to stop AIDS.
Praise to you, women leaders of Europe, for your peacekeeping.
Praise to you, women leaders of North America,
for confronting economic inequities and racism.
Praise to you, women leaders of South America,
for struggling against US domination of your land.
Praise to you, women leaders in Antarctica,
for your scientific research.
Praise to you, women leaders of Australia,
for supporting indigenous cultures.
—Diann Neu
If Not Now: A Prayer for Women
Who would have strength to stand, truth to power,
a tightrope walk against the wind, with no net below
except for the hand of God? Who would walk the road
less traveled, the one of
rocky crags and razor wire?
That curves into a perilous wood, and
still look up with hope? Who would sing the song
of dissonance when it is easier—far easier!—
to slip into the stream and be carried by its current?
Who would dare to demand justice,
show mercy, offer comfort, shout defiantly—
who would love in the face of hate?
Puah stood, and Shifra by her side, choosing life
and the cry of babes over one man’s harsh decree.
And Miriam, the one of timbrel and drum,
she danced across a river and sang a song
of freedom’s call. Who will stand now, if not for me?
Who will rise now and march now and sing a song
of freedom’s call now? Who, if not for me?
Once more, and yet again, if not now, when?
—Stacey Zisook Robinson
So free am I, so gloriously free
Free from three petty things—
From mortar, from pestle, and from my twisted lord,
Freed from rebirth and death I am,
And all that has held me down is hurled away.
—Mutta, Sixth Century Buddhist Poet
Women of Colour
our backs
tell stories
no books have
the spine to
—rupi kaur
Not Only Our Daughters
God of Our Mothers and Fathers: We pray for a world where not only our daughters can go to school but where all daughters can get an education. And we pray for a world where not only our daughters have the right to determine what happens to their bodies but where all daughters have self-determination. We pray for a world where not only our daughters are protected from harassment and violence but where no one’s daughter is subjected to these things. And we pray for a world where not only our daughters are brought up to believe that they can pursue any career they wish but where all daughters are taught to believe this. We pray for a world where not only our daughters can dress according to their standard of what is appropriate but where everyone’s daughter can do so. And we pray for a world where not only our daughters can have the basic freedom to drive a car and travel independently but where these things are recognized as fundamental rights for all human beings. We pray for a world where not only our daughters will be valued for logic more than looks, but where everyone’s daughter will be valued this way. And we pray for a world where not only our daughters but everyone’s daughter will have the right to vote and the chance to serve in public office. We pray for a world where not only our daughters but all daughters will have an equal voice, earn equal pay, and experience equal rights. And we pray that not only our daughters but everyone’s daughter will be treated with dignity, civility, and respect. May this be our blessing, their blessing, and everyone’s blessing. As men and women together let us say: Amen.
—Rabbi Wirschafter
The Wisdom of Deep Listening
Our Aboriginal culture has taught us to be still and to wait.
We do not try to hurry things up.
We let them follow their natural course—like the seasons.
We watch the moon in each of its phases.
We wait for the rain to fill our rivers and water the thirsty earth…
We wait on God, too.
His time is the right time.
We wait for him to make his Word clear to us.
We don’t worry.
We know that in time and in the spirit of dadirri
(that deep listening and quiet stillness)
his way will be clear.
—Miriam-Rose Ungunmerr-Baumann,
Aboriginal Artist & Teacher
Plea for Intercession
O St. Joseph, whose protection is so great, so strong,
so prompt before the Throne of God,
I place in you all my interests and desires.
O St. Joseph, do assist me by your powerful intercession
and obtain for me from your Divine Son
all spiritual blessings through Jesus Christ, Our Lord;
so that having engaged here below your Heavenly power
I may offer my Thanksgiving and Homage
to the most Loving of Fathers.
O St. Joseph, I never weary [of] contemplating you
and Jesus asleep in your arms.
I dare not approach while He reposes near your heart.
Press him in my name and kiss His fine Head for me,
and ask Him to return the Kiss when I draw my dying breath.
St. Joseph, Patron of departing souls,
pray for us.
—Prayer to St. Joseph, 100 AD
Love and Friendship toward All Beings
O Lord! Make myself such that I may have love for all beings,
Joy in the meritorious, unstinted sympathy for the distressed,
And tolerance towards the perversely inclined.
O Lord! May