If Women Ran the World, Sh*t Would Get Done. Shelly Rachanow. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Shelly Rachanow
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Управление, подбор персонала
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781609251192
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The Butt-Kicking Ways I Want to Make a Difference

       If Women Ran the World, Here's What Might Get Done . . .

       Doing . . . for Ourselves

       10 Things Women Intend to Do for Themselves . . . (and the 10 Things That Happen Instead)

       A Wonderful, Amazing, Stupendous, Inspiring, Butt-Kicking Real-Life Story

       A Butt-Kicking Inspiration

       The Wonderful Amazing, Stupendous, Inspiring, Butt-Kicking Things I Demand From Now On

       A Wonderful, Amazing, Stupendous, Inspiring, Butt-Kicking Real-Life Story

       A Butt-Kicking Inspiration

       The Butt-Kicking Things I Plan to Do for Myself

       A Butt-Kicking Inspiration

       If Women Ran the World, Here's What Might Get Done . . .

       Share Your Butt-Kicking Ideas



      When I first saw this book, I pointed it out to my girlfriend and said, “Ain't that the truth!”

      She agreed. If women ran the world, sh*t would get done . . . and without all the macho posturing, pissing contests, and testosterone-driven competitiveness.

      This wonderful book by Shelly Rachanow is pro-female without being anti-male. She's not interested in malebashing— she's committed to female-applauding. Her reallife stories, her personal anecdotes, her opportunities for readers' reflections all make this a little book of butt-kicking, spirit-lifting, laugh-inducing, hug-inspiring wisdom and wit for women everywhere.

      Here are some of my favorite parts:

       If women ran the world, “happily ever after” wouldn't require a Y chromosome.

       If women ran the world, there would be a Nobel Prize for Friendship.

       A lifetime membership in the Get Sh*t Done Hall of Fame.

       “I have a brain and a uterus, and I use both.”

       Isn't it time you said yes! to all the things you have ever planned for yourself?

      If you're a butt-kicking, amazing, creative, talented, multitasking woman—this book is for you. Read it and celebrate! You rock!

      —BJ GALLAGHER, author of Women's Work is Never Done

      The Inspiration for This Book

      I'm not an egotistical person, but recently I had an aha! moment.

      If women ran the world, sh*t would get done.

      It was early morning, and despite a badly sprained lower back, I was scrubbing gobs of gunk off some dishes that had sat in the sink overnight. My ordinarily supportive boyfriend was heading out the door, and I asked him to take out the trash. Standing at the sink cleaning disgusting dinnerware was painful enough; lifting heavy bags of garbage wasn't going to happen that morning. I heard him sigh, looked over, and saw that he was pouting.

      “Come on, darling, I've taken the trash out three days in a row.”

      I stared at him in stunned amazement. After all, he knew how much pain I was in. Did he think I was going to cozy up on the couch, snap my fingers, and make the trash disappear? Was he expecting the trash fairy to come pay us a visit?

      As he sulked out the door (with trash bag in hand, I might add), it hit me. Women are amazing. When we see something that needs to be changed, improved, or just plain taken care of, we do just that: we take care of it. Women do for our families, our friends, our jobs, the world, and (with the little time that's left) for ourselves. And we do everything that we do (usually) without complaining, even when doing a pitch-perfect imitation of our two-yearold mid-tantrum would be completely justified.

      Margaret Thatcher once said, “If you want anything said, ask a man. If you want something done, ask a woman.” I think every woman who's ever lived would agree. I also think it's time we stand up, pat ourselves on the back, crack open a pint of chocolate peanut butter ice cream (or just a pint), and celebrate us!

      Margaret Thatcher once said, “If you want anything said, ask a man. If you want something done, ask a woman.”

      Doing . . . for Our Families

      Women do so much to nurture, protect, and heal our families. From the days when we emptied chamber pots, trudged through the snow to the apothecary, and scoped out the local butcher's son as a potential sonin- law, to today, when we clean out an Ernie-and-Bert potty, drive to the pharmacy at 4:00 a.m., and remind our my-life-is-over teenager that she's wonderful even though Joe (or was it Tom?) hasn't called, women are always doing for the people we love, and we're not afraid to use strong language or just-manicured fingernails if required.

      Like Shirley MacLaine in the movie Terms of Endearment, we'll run around a nurse's station like a banshee screaming, “My daughter is in pain. Give her the shot. Do you understand me? Give my daughter the shot!” without a second thought as to what someone might say or think.

      Women do whatever we must to keep our families safe, protected, and loved. We always have. It's what we do.

      Things Women Do for Their Families . . . (Between 7:55 and 8:00 A.M.)

7:55:00 Looks through the laundry hamper for husband's missing blue sock.
7:55:28 Assures teenage daughter that her red top looks fabulous with her black miniskirt.
7:55:32 Avoids cringing at shortness of miniskirt. Keeps the peace.
7:55:58 Finds husband's sock stuck inside middle schooler's T-shirt.
7:55:59 Also spots toddler's stuffed tiger, missing for the past week, at the bottom of the laundry hamper.
7:56:22 Answers phone. Follows daughterapproved script for talking to daughter's boyfriend. Keeps the peace.
7:56:43 Helps husband locate paper.
7:56:54 Decides not to remind husband that the paper was exactly where he left it last night.
7:57:02 Tosses middle schooler box of cereal as a not-so-subtle reminder to eat breakfast.
7:57:10 Remembers middle schooler has been feeling ignored. Sits next

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