The High School Survival Guide. Jessica Holsman. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Jessica Holsman
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Сделай Сам
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781633533950
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school experience. Your friends are probably going to be the ones who can relate most to what you are going through and will be there to support and encourage you along the way. Not only are you each other’s emotional support systems; bringing light to challenging or stressful situations, you are also there to help each other reach your academic goals. I most certainly would not have done as well as I did in school and university if it wasn’t for the help of my friends and the hours we spent in the library reviewing and teaching each other the material for our final exams! One thing when making friends at school that I would advise is not to get caught up in numbers. Remember, quality over quantity! It’s always better to have a handful of close friends who you feel comfortable around and can trust in, as opposed to surrounding yourself with people who leave you feeling uncomfortable, fail to include you or make you feel bad about yourself. True friends should build you up. They should not tear you down!

      Whether you’ve moved to a new school or want to get to know the rest of the students in your grade, making new friends can sometimes be daunting. Even though getting outside of your comfort zone can make you feel uneasy – that is why it’s called your comfort zone after all – it’s important that you put yourself out there and make an effort. What’s the worst thing that can happen? You approach someone and they don’t reciprocate? If someone isn’t going to be nice back to you, then chances are you don’t want to be friends with him or her anyway!

      If you’re trying to expand your social horizons then make sure you are putting yourself out there and creating new opportunities for you to meet others. As I already mentioned earlier, getting involved in a range of activities, events or clubs that your school offers is an excellent way to make new friends as you explore your common interests together. If you’re also looking to get to know your classmates better, then try sitting next to different students each day. You’re not going to make new friends by sitting next to your ‘bestie’ time and time again! Changing up your seating arrangements in class will also give you the chance to partner with new students in group assignments and projects. Teachers often allocate students to groups based on who they are seated next to, so use this as an opportunity to get to know your peers.

      Now, when it comes to breaking the ice and striking up a conversation, a good way to start is by giving someone a compliment. I don’t mean that you should throw around empty compliments, such as telling everyone that you like their hair, clothes or jewelry. Instead, try and think of something personal that you truly value about them. If you are genuinely impressed by a piece of art they made in class, an interesting point they raised in a group discussion or the way you saw them treat someone, make sure to let them know. I honestly believe that we don’t compliment or give each other recognition enough, so I always try to see the good in others and let them know!

      Once you’ve started talking to them, take it as an opportunity to get to know more about them. Ask them questions about themselves and show that you are genuinely interested in what they have to say. Try finding out what they thought of the topic you are learning in class, what they did on the weekend or what they are doing after school. What person doesn’t like being given the chance to talk about themselves?

      As useful as these tips may be, when it comes to making real and lasting friendships, the best piece of advice I can give you is to be yourself. There’s no point trying to impress people by pretending you share the exact same interests if you don’t. Besides, pretending to be someone you’re not will get tiring after a while and you’ll soon realize that your friendship is only skin deep. Real friends will accept you for who you are, quirky traits and all!

      I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but things may not always go smoothly. It’s all part of life and sometimes you and your friends won’t see eye to eye. Other times, you might experience challenges with other students in your school that can leave you feeling uncomfortable, upset or even doubting in yourself. It’s important to remember your support systems and surround yourself with people who have your best interests at heart. Never feel embarrassed or be too proud to reach out for help and speak up. Most importantly, always know that you are never alone.

       Dealing With Peer Pressure

      Everyone wants to feel as though they belong and are accepted. No one likes to be kept out of the loop or made to feel like an outcast. Unfortunately, trying to fit in can sometimes mean feeling as though you need to act a certain way or do something you wouldn’t normally do. Whether it’s feeling like you need to be in a relationship, drink alcohol at parties, dress differently, or be mean to someone else, just because your friends are doing it, doesn’t mean you should, too. Of course, it’s okay to want to fit in, however when it means compromising your morals and values, I strongly advise that you think twice! Remember, it’s okay to be that black sheep and not follow the rest of the herd.

      Dealing with peer pressure can be tricky. On one hand, you want to fit in and feel accepted by your peers, whilst on the other hand, you don’t want to be someone you’re not in order for them to like you. In any case, you should think about what is most important to you and how you want and deserve to be treated. If you feel as though someone is pressuring you to do something, consider confronting this person and letting him or her know how you feel. If you feel comfortable and think they will receive what you have to say without judgment, then it might be a helpful strategy to tackle the situation head on. Whatever the issue, it’s always best to also talk to someone who you feel you can trust. Letting a parent, close friend, family member or even teacher know what is going on can help you feel supported and remind you that you are not alone. Often, they will also be able to help with some useful strategies to manage the situation. No matter what, it’s important that you stay true to yourself and don’t let what others do influence your judgment about what is right for you.

       Standing Up To Bullies

      Another common issue you might encounter during school is bullying. Bullying takes a range of forms and can be online or offline, include name-calling, spreading false gossip and physical arguments. No matter what form it takes, it’s never okay and you should never feel as though you deserve it or should have to tolerate it. There’s really no one reason why some students become the target of bullying over others. I was certainly no exception and neither were several of my friends during school. Luckily for me, it wasn’t something that escalated out of control or went on for very long.

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