“When you visualize, then you materialize. If you’ve been there in the mind, you’ll go there in the body.”
—Dr. Denis Waitley
How Can We Live in Optimal Health, and How Does That Set the Stage for More Manifestation?
One of the most important parts of our lives that we want to flow smoothly is our state of health. No one wants to be sick. Being ill is the biggest blockage that stops us from living the life we want. Does that mean that we manifested our diseases? That is a very scary question to ask ourselves. No one plans on being sick; no one wants to think they’ve brought disease on themselves. So, I want to say this first, and it is really important to state. Never, ever blame yourself and think you caused your illness. That isn’t how it works. How it does work is, if we are feeling a dis-ease somewhere in our lives, our bodies can take on that energy and disease can manifest, but of course that isn’t always the case. Our bodies are part of our great energetic system and are a wonderful beacon that sends signals if something is off emotionally in our lives.
In Louise Hay’s book, You Can Heal Your Life, she describes different diseases and where they manifest in the body to show how emotional energy correlates with disease. I highly recommend reading that book. It is fascinating to see how emotional trauma is stored in our bodies—and even more interesting—where the emotions show up as pathology. For example, many women who have developed breast cancer have trauma surrounding motherhood, whether it with their own mothers or with themselves as mothers. Louise has been a tremendous influence in my life and spiritual journey, and I have followed many of her healing exercises to help me heal my own trauma. One of her most powerful exercises is mirror work. Mirror work involves sitting in front of a mirror. She recommends doing this first thing in the morning, before we get ourselves all dolled up, so we can see how we naturally look, without any masks. You then lovingly look into your own eyes, and tell yourself how much you love yourself. Let me tell you, this is very hard at first, but the more you do it, the easier it gets, and something wonderful begins to happen. You begin to believe it, and your body responds in kind. I did this every day for thirty days straight, and I started to notice that I became much kinder to myself whenever I walked past a mirror.
I wrote down about ten affirmations, and each morning, I sat with my coffee in front of my mirror. I had no makeup on, and was still dressed in my pajamas and robe. At first, the only thing I could do was notice all my flaws: I noticed if my eyes were puffy; I criticized my hair and my skin; I scowled if my face looked bloated. I couldn’t help but see every new line that showed up on my face. It was terrible, and I thought, I don’t want to do this, it’s awful. However, I made a commitment to myself, following Louise Hay’s advice, to stick with it, and I did. Something started to shift after about a week. I wasn’t noticing my flaws as much. I started to feel more compassion for my body, and I started to feel more grateful for how amazing my body is. If you think about the perfection of what your body is, and how it functions, it is truly mind-blowing. The fact that our bodies do what they do, to get us through our days, shows how incredible they are. When we criticize ourselves incessantly, our bodies respond to that. Imagine…you have thousands of thoughts going through your brain every day…and if many of them are caustic and self-critical?
Take a minute right now, and think about what you say to yourself when you look in the mirror or see a picture of yourself. I can hear you right now as I am writing this down. You may be saying: I look terrible; I am too fat; I am too skinny; my skin looks horrible; I hate my legs; I look old or tired or like crap. The list of self-insults is endless, and we say these abusive things to our bodies constantly. I still catch myself doing it, but now I consciously remind myself to stop as soon as I have negative thoughts, and I replace them with kind or loving words. I’m not always successful, but I am getting much better. Imagine for a moment what kind of impact constant hyper-critical self-loathing has on our physical well-being. Do you think this makes our bodies want to perform at optimal capacity? Do you think our bodies respond with health when we trash them every day? I can guarantee you the answer is no. That is not what our bodies do. Our bodies believe us, and they start to break down.
Imagine that you spoke to your child or someone you really love the way you talk to yourself and to your body every day—a hundred times a day. What do you think would happen to that person? They would react as though they had been traumatized. But we have no filter about saying these horrible things to ourselves on a daily basis, and then we get angry when our bodies respond to the abuse we heap on ourselves.
According to the science project, “Talking to Plants” at, a study was conducted with school-aged children, showing the difference in plant growth relating to how we speak to them. Many schools have also adopted this experiment to show the effects of bullying. Even the corporation Ikea contributed its own informal study using plants. What happens is two exact plants are placed next to each other in the same environment, given the same amount of light, food, and water. One plant is praised and sent loving messages, and the other plant is insulted, called names and spoken to in anger. In the period of a month, the plant that is sent love is thriving, while the plant that is sent hate is wilting. Isn’t that amazing? This just confirms to me how we all respond to energy. So, imagine how your own body responds. Our bodies wilt away. Our bodies suffer. We need to shift this immediately.
These studies have been confirmed in similar experiments on water. Dr. Masaru Emoto, a Japanese doctor of alternative medicine, conducted a study on human consciousness using the molecular structure of water. His studies concluded that water would react to positive thoughts and words, and that polluted water could be cleaned through sending positive energy and prayer. In Dr. Emoto’s landmark book, The Hidden Message in Water, both the positive impact of kind words, and the damage caused by negative words are evident in photographic images of frozen water crystals viewed through a microscope. Certain samples were spoken to lovingly, and had positive words written on them, while others had the opposite. They were written on with hateful words, and spoken to negatively. His photographs document that the samples of water which were spoken to positively formed beautiful, brilliant snowflake patterns that were colorful and complex. Yet, the water samples exposed to negative thoughts and words were asymmetrical and incomplete in pattern and lacking the vibrant color seen in the other sample treated with loving kindness.
I found that so profound and fascinating that I made a conscious choice to infuse my water with loving thoughts. Drinking water daily is one of the most important healthy things we can do for ourselves. If you don’t do anything else to shift your health, please do these two things: drink more water, and speak to yourself lovingly. I drink filtered water in glass. I don’t like to drink water from plastic, if I can avoid it, to prevent any chemicals in the plastic from seeping into my drinking water.
A great way to infuse your water or, really, anything that you drink, is to use coasters that have positive messages on them. I bought coasters that say, Live, Laugh, Love. I place everything I drink on them. You can also make your own. I have done this: Print out the affirmations that you want onto paper; cut them to the coaster size that suits your needs, and tape each on with a waterproof adhesive. Everything you drink will be steeped in positive and loving words. Our bodies are mostly made of water, and you will resonate with positive energy you drink in. You could have a pitcher, on which you write positive words or affirmations, and use that to house your drinking water. This is a simple way to help add love into your body on a regular basis.
Blessing the food you eat is another amazing way to honor your body. Each time you have a plate of food in front of you, take a moment to silently bless that food you will be eating. Thank the fruits, plants, and animals that you are about to consume for offering you their gifts of nourishment. Thank the grains and nuts and seeds. I even thank the junk food I sometimes consume. I try not to make it a habit to consume junk food, but I am human, so it happens. I don’t have to tell you that if you want a healthy body, consuming food that isn’t good for you will not support that. But when you thank your food, you are energetically extending a feeling of gratitude that will help support your health. Your body will respond to this.
The more you focus your energy on having a healthy body, and the more you take action to