Cheap Movie Tricks. Rickey Bird. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Rickey Bird
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Сделай Сам
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781633535442
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you think we’re going to hold your hand through every filmmaking glossary term imaginable, think again. How does it go? Let us Google that for you? Seriously, look up and familiarize yourself with script terminology. Screenwriting programs even help with scene headers these days and have lots of tutorials and help functions. You’ll be toggling between DAY/NIGHT/CONT (the time of day your story is taking place) and INT/EXT (interior or exterior scenes) and CHARACTERS with ease. Before you know it, you’ll be zooming through your script, fleshing out scenes, writing engaging dialogue, descriptions, and within a few days (if not sooner), you’ll have a rough draft.

      But don’t think you’re done writing.


      Now comes the part most beginning writers hate: critiques.

      Sometimes called workshopping your script, critiques are when you take your rough draft to some serious writers who know story, plot, visuals, characters, etc. Warning: do not share your script with your mom who works for county wastewater. Nor share with your wife who sells cars. Forget family. Well, not totally. Wait, yes, forget them. They’ll ruin you. Hold on now. Don’t get mad. Think about it. You need some artists in your life, some fellow filmmakers, some writers who understand the creative process. Don’t take your script to people who aren’t artists. They won’t know what they’re talking about. Ask them to support your filmmaking career in other ways, like helping out at screenings, or donating money for equipment and acting talent. Don’t have them read your script. Never the script. Not even if they beg. Yes, yes, there are exceptions (once every 10,000 generations), but do keep this in mind—non-creative types will say the most vile things imaginable. We can just hear some teen-horror filmmaker’s mother throwing a script, screaming, “Why do you want to make a movie about chopping someone’s head off? Your father and I thought we raised you better than that!”

      “It’s about orcs, Mom. Killer orcs. In a mythical land.”

      “No, it’s about you wanting to kill everyone.”

      Blah blah blah.

      Back to your script.

      Set your ego aside. Really. Dislodge from your five-star ego brain for five seconds. Every story and script needs revision. No first draft is amazing (though the ideas behind them may be). It’s your second, third, or sometimes your fiftieth draft that shines. Is the script in your friends’ hands? Good. Your filmmaker and writer buddies will understand how your story needs to match your locations. They’ll see whether or not your dialogue is too longwinded, or too boring, or too choppy. They’ll catch those underdeveloped scenes and flat characters, and help you identify those areas that could grow your story.

      These are called developmental suggestions. And do us a favor. Don’t just ask your buddies if they like your script. Does your ego really need a pat on the back? You can say that crap to yourself in a mirror. And don’t ask your friends yes or no questions. Allow them to write detailed suggestions.

      Does this mean your pals are right about everything?

      No. This is your story. Your script. And most of all, your film. Their suggestions are just that. Suggestions.

      Конец ознакомительного фрагмента.

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