Beached Whale. Daren Martin. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Daren Martin
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Управление, подбор персонала
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781945507304
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      Whether you’re an entrepreneur who owns a company or an

      executive or leader who works in one, you can hear the culture

      in the words people use. Listen to how many times the following

      phrases are used around your company…

      When I frequently hear these phrases around a company, I can

      be certain the company is beached. They describe a company

      where playing politics is the key to success. They describe a

      company where ideas are weighed based on who has the

      power and authority to squish them, instead of on the merits

      of the idea. They reflect a company where different parts

      of the company are “at war” for resources and attention.

      Stepping on toes

      Choose your battles

      Don’t buck the system

      Do you want to die

      on that hill?


      The powers that be

      Dead in the water

      Don’t rock the boat



      Examine what is at the heart of this “we are at war with each

      other” or “what’s the point?” mentality within your company

      and address it.

      Look at the management structure and philosophy and consider

      how it exacerbates this “house divided against itself” philosophy.

      Find the origination and heart of this thinking and put a stake

      through it—with malice.

      Wage War on division and commit to creating a company of

      progressive thinkers who love what they do and do what

      they love—be the change.









      In Beached Whale companies, other departments and parts of

      the company are referred to as “The,” and management is

      referred to as “They.”

      Customers, vendors, and consultants are viewed as outside

      entities instead of as partners and important parts of

      the team. This indicates a total disconnect.

      “ THE IT department… ”

      “ THEY don’t want us to do it that way… ”

      “ THE audit group told us we couldn’t… ”

      “ THE customers don’t… ”


      “ Words are currency! ” —Tammy Kling


      There is power in words.

      Words become the culture individuals and teams revolve around.

      What words are you using?

      Insist on using the words “Our” instead of “The” when referring to

      other parts of the company including customers and vendors.

      “ OUR IT department… ”

      “ OUR management team doesn’t want

      us to do it that way… ”

      “ OUR audit partners told us we couldn’t…”

      “ OUR customers don’t… ”





      In BW (Beached Whale) Companies, silos are everywhere, and

      they are well protected. Teams talk about other departments and

      functions with disdain, and they bemoan how ineffective they are

      or how difficult they are to work with. The left hand clearly has no

      idea what the right hand is doing. In fact, the two hands are often

      working at cross-purposes with each other.

      The business is not viewed as an interconnected enterprise but as a

      bunch of bits and pieces cobbled together. Success is measured locally

      by what our group did, not by the success of the overall outcome.

      This is relational death within an organization, a family, or an

      individual life. Any individual has many moving cells, parts, and

      organs that make up the whole, yet one is just as important and

      necessary as the other to function. Healthy companies, individuals,

      and relationships are in synch holistically. They function as one.



      Enterprise, Enterprise, Enterprise!

      Communicate and collaborate so team members view the company

      authentically as one entity and not a series of castles. Recognize

      that every part is interdependent on the other parts. Create

      opportunities for parts and pieces of the company to interact

      and collaborate with other parts.

      Eliminate all “us/them” talk and attitudes and insist on a strong

      collective “we.” View the company as one team that wins or loses

      together rather than multiple teams working at odds with each other.

      Our wins are your wins. Your losses are ours too.

      Healthy companies have a culture of synchronicity.