Maurizio Cattelan: All. Maurizio Cattelan. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Maurizio Cattelan
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Изобразительное искусство, фотография
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780892074655
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Edizioni dell’obbligo (Obligatory editions, 1991, cat. no. 11), the artist gathered workbooks from schoolchildren and published them in softcover versions, showing the innate banality of the lessons taught and the utter innocence of the thoughts expressed. In a subsequent untitled work, from 1991 (cat. no. 10), Cattelan imitated the oft-used school punishment that requires a child to write the same sentence over and over, such as “Cheating is bad,” or “I will not forget my homework.” He had the following statement inscribed repeatedly on twenty-nine sheets of lined paper: “Fare la lotte in classe è pericoloso” (Fighting in class is dangerous). When it was then “corrected” in red ink—changing the “in” to a “di”—the meaning of this declaration shifted dramatically, to “Class struggle is dangerous.” The artist’s playful realignment of the message simultaneously constitutes an ironic response to the very real social upheavals in Italy at the time and intimates a more genuine resistance to the toils of endless, unsatisfying labor.

Charlie Don't Surf

      fig. 3 Charlie Don’t Surf, 1997

Warning! Enter at your own risk

      fig. 4 Warning! Enter at your own risk. Do not touch, do not feed, no smoking, no photographs, no dogs, thank you, 1994