<--- Score
61. What is the cause of any New Train gaps?
<--- Score
62. Are there measurements based on task performance?
<--- Score
63. What are the New Train investment costs?
<--- Score
64. Have design-to-cost goals been established?
<--- Score
65. What methods are feasible and acceptable to estimate the impact of reforms?
<--- Score
66. What are the costs and benefits?
<--- Score
67. What evidence is there and what is measured?
<--- Score
68. How do you verify if New Train is built right?
<--- Score
69. Do the benefits outweigh the costs?
<--- Score
70. How do you verify performance?
<--- Score
71. How do you measure variability?
<--- Score
72. Do you have any cost New Train limitation requirements?
<--- Score
73. What would it cost to replace your technology?
<--- Score
74. What measurements are being captured?
<--- Score
75. What are the types and number of measures to use?
<--- Score
76. How can you manage cost down?
<--- Score
77. Does management have the right priorities among projects?
<--- Score
78. What are the operational costs after New Train deployment?
<--- Score
79. Do you have an issue in getting priority?
<--- Score
80. Are actual costs in line with budgeted costs?
<--- Score
81. How will you measure your New Train effectiveness?
<--- Score
82. Did you tackle the cause or the symptom?
<--- Score
83. Will New Train have an impact on current business continuity, disaster recovery processes and/or infrastructure?
<--- Score
84. What is your decision requirements diagram?
<--- Score
85. What details are required of the New Train cost structure?
<--- Score
86. What do you measure and why?
<--- Score
87. How is the value delivered by New Train being measured?
<--- Score
88. Are the measurements objective?
<--- Score
89. What is an unallowable cost?
<--- Score
90. How do your measurements capture actionable New Train information for use in exceeding your customers expectations and securing your customers engagement?
<--- Score
91. How do you measure lifecycle phases?
<--- Score
92. How long will the new training take to complete, and what will it cost?
<--- Score
93. How will you measure success?
<--- Score
94. Who pays the cost?
<--- Score
95. What causes innovation to fail or succeed in your organization?
<--- Score
96. What are your customers expectations and measures?
<--- Score
97. What does losing customers cost your organization?
<--- Score
98. How do you verify your resources?
<--- Score
99. How do you measure efficient delivery of New Train services?
<--- Score
100. Do you have a flow diagram of what happens?
<--- Score
101. How can you measure the performance?
<--- Score
102. What are the current costs of the New Train process?
<--- Score
103. What does a Test Case verify?
<--- Score
104. How will your organization measure success?
<--- Score
105. Why do the measurements/indicators matter?
<--- Score
106. What are your operating costs?
<--- Score
107. How do you quantify and qualify impacts?
<--- Score
108. How can you reduce the costs of obtaining inputs?
<--- Score
109. How will success or failure be measured?
<--- Score
110. How do you verify the New Train requirements quality?
<--- Score
111. Which New Train impacts are significant?
<--- Score
112. Which measures and indicators matter?
<--- Score
113. Are the units of measure consistent?
<--- Score
114. How do you verify and develop ideas and innovations?
<--- Score
115. When a disaster occurs, who gets priority?
<--- Score
116. What drives O&M cost?
<--- Score
117. What could cause delays in the schedule?
<--- Score
118. What are the costs of reform?
<--- Score
119. Are supply costs steady or fluctuating?
<--- Score
120. How are measurements made?
<--- Score
121. Do you verify that corrective actions were taken?
<--- Score
122. How is progress measured?
<--- Score