<--- Score
106. What happens if Artificial Intelligence for IT Operations’s scope changes?
<--- Score
107. How often are the team meetings?
<--- Score
108. Has everyone on the team, including the team leaders, been properly trained?
<--- Score
109. What are the compelling stakeholder reasons for embarking on Artificial Intelligence for IT Operations?
<--- Score
110. Are required metrics defined, what are they?
<--- Score
111. Are audit criteria, scope, frequency and methods defined?
<--- Score
112. Do you have organizational privacy requirements?
<--- Score
113. What specifically is the problem? Where does it occur? When does it occur? What is its extent?
<--- Score
114. What are the Artificial Intelligence for IT Operations tasks and definitions?
<--- Score
115. How do you manage unclear Artificial Intelligence for IT Operations requirements?
<--- Score
116. Is the team equipped with available and reliable resources?
<--- Score
117. How would you define Artificial Intelligence for IT Operations leadership?
<--- Score
118. Is Artificial Intelligence for IT Operations required?
<--- Score
119. Is there any additional Artificial Intelligence for IT Operations definition of success?
<--- Score
120. Are accountability and ownership for Artificial Intelligence for IT Operations clearly defined?
<--- Score
121. Has a high-level ‘as is’ process map been completed, verified and validated?
<--- Score
122. Is scope creep really all bad news?
<--- Score
123. What critical content must be communicated – who, what, when, where, and how?
<--- Score
124. Are approval levels defined for contracts and supplements to contracts?
<--- Score
125. Scope of sensitive information?
<--- Score
126. What gets examined?
<--- Score
127. What are the Roles and Responsibilities for each team member and its leadership? Where is this documented?
<--- Score
128. Who defines (or who defined) the rules and roles?
<--- Score
129. Is there a Artificial Intelligence for IT Operations management charter, including stakeholder case, problem and goal statements, scope, milestones, roles and responsibilities, communication plan?
<--- Score
130. Has the improvement team collected the ‘voice of the customer’ (obtained feedback – qualitative and quantitative)?
<--- Score
131. Is Artificial Intelligence for IT Operations currently on schedule according to the plan?
<--- Score
132. What are the requirements for audit information?
<--- Score
133. How do you manage scope?
<--- Score
134. Is it clearly defined in and to your organization what you do?
<--- Score
135. Has the Artificial Intelligence for IT Operations work been fairly and/or equitably divided and delegated among team members who are qualified and capable to perform the work? Has everyone contributed?
<--- Score
136. How do you catch Artificial Intelligence for IT Operations definition inconsistencies?
<--- Score
137. Has a team charter been developed and communicated?
<--- Score
Add up total points for this section: _____ = Total points for this section
Divided by: ______ (number of statements answered) = ______ Average score for this section
Transfer your score to the Artificial Intelligence for IT Operations Index at the beginning of the Self-Assessment.
INTENT: Gather the correct data. Measure the current performance and evolution of the situation.
In my belief, the answer to this question is clearly defined:
5 Strongly Agree
4 Agree
3 Neutral
2 Disagree
1 Strongly Disagree
1. How do you verify performance?
<--- Score
2. Is there an opportunity to verify requirements?
<--- Score
3. What is the cause of any Artificial Intelligence for IT Operations gaps?
<--- Score
4. Are the units of measure consistent?
<--- Score
5. How do you control the overall costs of your work processes?
<--- Score
6. Do you have a flow diagram of what happens?
<--- Score
7. How do you measure lifecycle phases?
<--- Score
8. What is your decision requirements diagram?
<--- Score
9. What are the estimated costs of proposed changes?
<--- Score
10. Are actual costs in line with budgeted costs?
<--- Score
11. How will costs be allocated?
<--- Score
12. What are your key Artificial Intelligence for IT Operations organizational performance measures, including key short and longer-term financial measures?
<--- Score
13. Are the Artificial Intelligence for IT Operations benefits worth its costs?
<--- Score
14. Where is it measured?
<--- Score
15. Will Artificial Intelligence for IT Operations have an impact on current business continuity, disaster recovery processes and/or infrastructure?
<--- Score
16. How do you aggregate measures across priorities?
<--- Score