<--- Score
108. How do you verify performance?
<--- Score
109. Are there any easy-to-implement alternatives to Information media? Sometimes other solutions are available that do not require the cost implications of a full-blown project?
<--- Score
110. What are your primary costs, revenues, assets?
<--- Score
111. How will success or failure be measured?
<--- Score
112. How can you reduce the costs of obtaining inputs?
<--- Score
113. What are the uncertainties surrounding estimates of impact?
<--- Score
114. What is an unallowable cost?
<--- Score
115. How is the value delivered by Information media being measured?
<--- Score
116. How do you verify if Information media is built right?
<--- Score
117. What drives O&M cost?
<--- Score
118. How do you verify the Information media requirements quality?
<--- Score
119. What tests verify requirements?
<--- Score
120. Are you taking your company in the direction of better and revenue or cheaper and cost?
<--- Score
121. Have you included everything in your Information media cost models?
<--- Score
122. Are supply costs steady or fluctuating?
<--- Score
123. Does a Information media quantification method exist?
<--- Score
124. What are the types and number of measures to use?
<--- Score
125. What does your operating model cost?
<--- Score
126. Are indirect costs charged to the Information media program?
<--- Score
127. How do you measure success?
<--- Score
128. How do you aggregate measures across priorities?
<--- Score
129. What are the costs and benefits?
<--- Score
130. How can you measure Information media in a systematic way?
<--- Score
Add up total points for this section: _____ = Total points for this section
Divided by: ______ (number of statements answered) = ______ Average score for this section
Transfer your score to the Information media Index at the beginning of the Self-Assessment.
INTENT: Analyze causes, assumptions and hypotheses.
In my belief, the answer to this question is clearly defined:
5 Strongly Agree
4 Agree
3 Neutral
2 Disagree
1 Strongly Disagree
1. What types of data do your Information media indicators require?
<--- Score
2. What qualifications and skills do you need?
<--- Score
3. How does the organization define, manage, and improve its Information media processes?
<--- Score
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